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Instructions for Authors

AJIL invites submissions on international law subjects as well as closely related issues of global governance, transnational law, and foreign relations law. It generally does not publish manuscripts focused on purely private or commercial law or on comparative or foreign law. AJIL Unbound publishes symposia of short, original essays on select topics.

To submit your paper to AJIL:

1. Read these Tips for Publishing in AJIL from the Editors-in-Chief.

2. Decide on what type of paper you would like to submit. AJIL publishes the following types of papers:

Lead Article: research article of no more than 30,000 words (including footnotes).

Essay: shorter article of up to 11,000 words, with less extensive footnotes

Editorial Comment: manuscripts of up to 11,000 words written by members of the AJIL Board of Editors

Current Development: comments on recent developments in the field of up to 11,000 words; many will be shorter, e.g., 5000 words

International Decision: up to 3500-word case notes on final decisions (not subject to further appeal) of international courts or national courts on international law issues. Proposals to write case notes can be sent to the section editor, Olabisi D. Akinkugbe ( More information on International Decision proposals and manuscript guidelines can be found here.

Contemporary Practice of the United States related to International Law: content generated by section editor, Jacob Katz Cogan, and not open to outside submissions.

Book Review: solicited by the section editor, Jeffrey Dunoff. Suggestions for books to be reviewed and topics for longer book review essays should be submitted to Justine Stefanelli via her email address:

3. Submit your manuscript via AJIL’s online submission system on ScholarOne or via Scholastica, unless otherwise described above

For contributors to AJIL Unbound:

1. AJIL Unbound supplements AJIL’s print edition by publishing symposia on a wide range of topics in public and private international law and foreign relations law, with particular attention given to topics that are likely to have lasting relevance.

2. Symposium essays are short, original works of scholarship that are timely, readable, and broadly accessible. AJIL Unbound is committed to publishing a diverse range of contributors and encourages proposals that reflect the diversity of the international law community.

3. Symposium proposals should be sent to the AJIL Administrative Editor, at

Article types (AJIL)

AJIL accepts the following types of article:

  • Article*
  • Agora*
  • Book Review
  • Contemporary Practice of the United States Relating to International Law*
  • Current Developments*
  • Editorial Comment*
  • Essay*
  • International Decisions*
  • Letter to the Editor
  • Notes and Comments*
  • Review Essay*

* If publishing Gold Open Access, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Cambridge University Press has made to support open access.

Article types (AJIL Unbound)

Unbound accepts the following types of article:

  • Essay:  3,000 words, inclusive of footnotes.

All article types in AJIL Unbound are published Gold Open Access, with no charge to the author.

Advice from the Editors-In-Chief on submissions to AJIL

Author Testimonials