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Introducing “Praxis”, the trainees’ section of the BJPsych Bulletin

Praxis was launched in 2019. For details read Cate Bailey's editorial Praxis makes perfect?

Articles fall under wither Clinical Scenarios or Opinion and Editorial. For examples, see the Praxis online collection.

We can consider proposals for articles prior to submission. Please submit online via the Praxis enquiry form.

Clinical Scenarios

This article type features clinically inspired and problem-based cases and aims to capture the fertile discussion of local case presentations with comprehensive analysis from multiple perspectives. This should include multidisciplinary and service user involvement. Trainees, as the lead authors collaborate with experts from different specialities to examine how existing literature and knowledge can be applied to complex but frequently encountered situations. We recommend that before submitting an article, authors read the template for clinical scenarios (PDF).

Opinion and Editorial

Editorial type articles should focus on subjects falling broadly under the heading of personal and professional development. This is a space for opinion and analysis of relevant contemporary topics. Potential avenues to explore include psychodynamic and systemic approaches to resilience and burnout, consideration of what supervision should entail, trainee experiences of their own personal therapy, discrimination in psychiatric training, and what meaningful service user involvement and co-production looks like in practice and in education.

Praxis Editorial Award

The 2023 competition is open!

Topic: What could UK psychiatry learn from other countries?

Closing date: 31 January 2024

Find out more about the Praxis Editorial Award.

Royal College of Psychiatrists Library Resources

When writing your articles remember that all College members, including trainees, have access to resources and assistance from the College Library. You can set up a College OpenAthens account to access resources, and request literature searches and inter-library loans. Find out more via