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Advanced Empirical Research on Politics for Undergraduates Program (AERoPUP)

The Society for Political Methodology has secured funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support undergraduate empirical research in any and all fields which connects to political questions. Initial winners for the 2019 year will be selected on a rolling basis. First awards could be announced January 15, 2019 so prompt application is advised. The application process is simple. Materials should be sent as soon as possible, so that they may take advantage of resources we offer at their earliest opportunity.

We seek to support students from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds. All interested students are encouraged to apply, but we especially welcome applications from students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields, the social sciences and humanities. We strongly encourage applications from women, minorities and other under-represented groups.

It is not required that the student or faculty mentor be a U.S. citizen, but because the funds are provided by the National Science Foundation, the research must be conducted at a U.S. college/university.

Interested students should contact Professor Brian M Pollins at as soon as possible. Necessary application materials include:

1) A 1-2 page letter of support from your main project advisor giving a short description of the project and stating her/his willingness to guide you to project completion no later than June, 2019.

2) A short description of the project from you (2-5 pages) in which we can see the contribution to empirical political science.

3) Your undergraduate transcript (an unofficial, electronic transcript is sufficient.)

Students selected as 2019 Fellows will receive (approx.) $3,000 in research support which includes travel to the Annual Meetings of the Society for Political Methodology where they will present their findings in a joint Poster Session and receive constructive feedback. Mentorship from Society member(s) to Fellows may also be available if requested.

Do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions.

Prof. Brian M Pollins
Assoc. Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University
Director, Advanced Empirical Research on Politics for Undergraduates Program

Past Winners