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James Honaker (Harvard University), Gary King (Harvard University), Matt Blackwell (University of Rochester) for Amelia II.


Amelia II is a multiple imputation package for R that allows users to rectangularize incomplete data sets so that analyses which require complete observations can appropriately use all the information present in a dataset, and avoid the biases and inefficiencies that can result from dropping all partially observed observations from the analysis. The program, which works for cross-sectional data, time series data, and time series cross-sectional data, is a complete rewrite of the earlier Gauss program "Amelia," and uses a new bootstrapped EM algorithm which provides for more stable results than its predecessor, and can be easily implemented in distributed computing environments. A stand-alone GUI, AmeliaView, allows the program to be used by individuals with little R knowledge. The program, which has now received more than 2,300 citations, is widely used in political science, the social sciences and in statistical research more generally. Amelia II is entirely open source, and all the source code is available on GitHub at:

Statistical Software Award