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The Miller Prize for is awarded for the best work appearing in Political Analysis the preceding year.


Luke W. Miratrix (Harvard), Jasjeet S. Sekhon (UC Berkeley), Alexander G. Theodoridis (UC Merced) and Luis F. Campos (Harvard)

"Worth Weighting? How to Think About and Use Weights in Survey Experiments” (Volume 26, Number 3)

Selection Committee: Pablo Babera (LSE), Jennifer Pan (Stanford), and Jeff Gill (American University)

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Yiqing Xu

"Generalized Synthetic Control Method: Causal Inference with Interactive Fixed Effects Models" (Volume 25, Number 1)

Selection committee: Jennifer Pan (Stanford), Pablo Barberá (LSE), and Jonathan Katz (CalTech)

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Joel A. Middleton (UC Berkeley), Mark A. Scott (NYU), Ronli Diakow (New York City Department of Education) and Jennifer L. Hill (NYU)

"Bias Amplification and Bias Unmasking." (Volume 24, Number 3)

Selection committee: Patrick Brandt (UT Dallas, chair), Devin Caughey (MIT), Sunshine Hillygus (Duke) and Michael Alvarez (Cal Tech, ex officio)

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Pablo Barberá
University of Southern California

"Birds ofthe same feather tweet together: Bayesian ideal point estimation using Twitter data." (Volume 23, issue 1)

Selection committee: Neil Malhotra (Stanford, chair), Megan Shannon (Colorado), Arthur Spirling (NYU) and Thad Dunning (UC Berkeley)

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Jens Hainmueller (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Dan Hopkins (Georgetown University), and Teppi Yamamoto (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

"Causal Inference in Conjoint Analysis: Understanding Multidimensional Choices via Stated Preference Experiments" (Volume 22, Number 1)

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Jake Bowers (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Mark Fredrickson (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), and Costas Panagopoulos (Fordham University)

Reasoning about Interference Between Units: A General Framework (Volume 21, number 1)

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Jens Hainmueller

Entropy Balancing for Causal Effects: A Multivariate Reweighting Method to Produce Balanced Samples in Observational Studies, (Volume 20, number 1)

Devin Caughey and Jasjeet S. Sekhon
University of California, Berkeley

Elections and the Regression-Discontinuity Design: Lessons from Close U.S. House Races, 1942-2008. (Volume 18, number 4)

Justin Grimmer
Stanford University

A Bayesian Hierarchical Topic Model for Political Texts: Measuring Expressed Agendas in Senate Press Releases. (Volume 18, number 1)

Daniel Corstange
University of Maryland

Sensitive Questions, Truthful Answers? Modeling the List Experiment with LISTIT. (Volume 17, number 1)

Muhammet Ali Bas (Harvard University), Curtis S. Signorino (University of Rochester) and Robert W Walker (Washington University in St. Louis)

Statistical Backwards Induction: A Simple Method for Estimating Recursive Strategic Models. (Volume 16, number 1)

Daniel E. Ho (Stanford University), Kosuke Imai (Princeton University), Gary King (Harvard University), Elizabeth A. Stuart (Johns Hopkins University)

Matching as Nonparametric Preprocessing for Reduced Model Dependence in Parametric Causal Inference.(Volume 15, number 3)

Frederick J. Boehmke
University of Iowa

The Influence of Unobserved Factors on Position Timing and Content in the NAFTA Vote. (Volume 14, number 4)

Robert J, Franzese, Jr.
University of Michigan

Empirical Strategies for Various Manifestations of Multilevel Data. (Volume 13, number 4)

David W. Nickerson
University of Notre Dame

Scalable Protocols Offer Efficient Design for Field Experiments. (Volume 13, number 3)

David K. Park, Andrew Gelman, Columbia University, and Joseph Bafumi
Columbia University

Bayesian Multilevel Estimation with Poststratification: State-Level Estimates from National Polls. (Volume 12, number 4) 

Jeffrey B. Lewis and Kenneth A. Schultz

Revealing Preferences: Empirical Estimation of a Crisis Bargaining Game with Incomplete Information. (Volume 11, number 4)

Patrick Heagerty (University of Washington), Michael D. Ward (University of Washington) and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch (UCSD)

Windows of Opportunity: Window Subseries Empirical Variance Estimators in International Relations. (Volume 10, number 3)

Keith T. Poole
University of Houston

The Geometry of Multidimensional Quadratic Utility in Models of Parliamentary Roll Call Voting. (Volume 9, number 3)

John Londregan

Estimating Legislator’s Preferred Points. (Volume 8, number 1)