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Social Work From Theory to Practice

This textbook has now been replaced with a newer edition and is no longer available for personal or institutional sales. This will not affect access for customers who have previously redeemed access codes or purchased the title via ecommerce.


, University of Melbourne, , University of Melbourne
Published 2015


Social Work: From Theory to Practice uses an integrated approach to explore a variety of social theories through social work's unique interpretative lens. Systems, psychodynamic and person-centred theories, and cognitive-behavioural, narrative and strengths-based practices are specifically addressed, and students are shown how to apply these in human service settings. These theories are supported by case studies written by experienced practitioners, providing an in-depth exploration of the use of theory in practice. This second edition includes new material on mindfulness, and…

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Key features

  • New and enhanced material on mindfulness and Indigenous social work, and features a strengthened approach to cultural content
  • Updated to include new research and literature on fresh theories adopted into social work practice
  • Explores the way social theories have translated into social work practice

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