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Report shows "resilience, innovation and collaboration"

The success, growth and global reach of Cambridge University Press & Assessment as a single organisation is captured in its first integrated Annual Report.

Annual Report 2021-2022 on purple background

Read Cambridge University Press & Assessment Annual Report 2021 - 2022 

Since Cambridge Assessment and Cambridge University Press – both previously separate departments of the University of Cambridge – merged on 1 August 2021, the combined organisation has focused relentlessly on serving learners, teachers and researchers better. The organisation brings Cambridge’s research, teaching, learning and assessment expertise together for its customers for the first time. 

Peter Phillips, Chief Executive of Cambridge University Press & Assessment, said: “Our first year has been one of resilience, innovation and collaboration. Integration has already started to unlock the huge potential of the combined organisation to deliver our mission more effectively.

"In our first year of trading as the Press & Assessment, total revenues rose 12 percent to £868 million compared with the £772 million in the previous year. That was underpinned by significant rise in assessments delivered and published materials sold as a result of the return of exams and the recovery of markets for learning products.” 

Our Chief Executive’s full overview of the year from 1 August 2021 to 31 July 2022 can be read online and in the Annual Report.

2021/22 in numbers

  • Revenues rose 12 percent to £868 million compared to £772 million in the previous year
  • 6.1 million assessments taken by English language learners 
  • 50 million sessions on our Cambridge One English language digital learning platform
  • 21 new education reform projects by Cambridge Partnerships for Education around the world
  • More than 5,400 schools in 147 countries took Cambridge International qualifications
  • 4.7 million sessions on our online resource platform for teachers and students, Cambridge Go
  • Around 2 million grades issued globally by our exam boards 
  • Almost 70 percent growth in open access research in our Transformative Journals 
  • 46,000 ebooks and 1.6 million journal articles available on the online Cambridge Core platform
  • We’ve committed to a 72 percent reduction in our carbon footprint by 2030.


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The Report highlights the significant steps taken to spread knowledge and help people across the world to realise their potential. This ranged from moving Cambridge English tests online to trials of digital high-stakes qualifications; from the successful campaign in the UK for a new GCSE in Natural History to supporting education in Ukraine during the war; from committing to the majority of our research publishing being fully open access by 2025 to creating our first online short courses for professionals taught by academics from our University.

Strategic changes this year such as the formation of the UK Education group by integrating awarding body OCR and the Cambridge Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring is being followed by integration of international teams, to provide single, seamless points of contact for teachers and learners. South Asia has already led the way as an international model for integration with new products and services which harness the combined capabilities of the new organisation. In addition, publication of sustainability progress under the UN Global Compact and a new Code of Ethics for staff reflects the single organisation’s values.

Find out more about Cambridge University Press & Assessment’s innovations:  

As Chief Executive, Peter Phillips, writes: “We remained outward looking, relentlessly focused on improving our customers’ experiences, delivering for learners, and living up to our core values.”