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> Sustainable Energy

Sustainable Energy Engineering Fundamentals and Applications


Serdar Celik, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Published 2023


This comprehensive guide to sustainable energy builds robust connections between abstract theory and practical applications, providing students with a global perspective on this most timely subject. Includes a succinct refresher on essential thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer, giving students a solid foundation on which to build. Introduces technologies for hydropower, biomass, geothermal, ocean, solar and wind energy, and fuel cells, with material on nuclear energy, fossil fuel generation and future energy directions, providing a consistent framework for analyzing past,…

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Key features

  • The most comprehensive, up-to-date guide to sustainable energy
  • A balance of theory and real-world applications, including a wide variety of global case studies
  • Sections on the use of fossil fuels, nuclear energy, renewable energy technologies, and the future of sustainable energy

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