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  • ISSN: 0924-2708 (Print), 1601-5215 (Online)
  • Editors: Professor Gregers Wegener Translational Neuropsychiatry Unit, Department of Clinical Medicine | Aarhus University | Palle Juul Jensens Boulevard 99 (A601 )| DK-8200 Aarhus N | Denmark, and Acta Neuropsychiatrica Editorial Office
  • Editorial board
Acta Neuropsychiatrica is an international journal focussing on translational neuropsychiatry. It publishes high-quality original research papers and reviews. The Journal's scope specifically highlights the pathway from discovery to clinical applications, healthcare and global health that can be viewed broadly as the spectrum of work that marks the pathway from discovery to global health. The steps of translation that are within the scope include: 1) fundamental discovery, 2) bench to bedside, 3) clinical trials, 4) translation to clinical guidelines, 5) health policy and usage, and 6) global health. Research covering molecular biology, genetics, pharmacology, imaging and epidemiology is welcome as it contributes to enhancing the field.


Special Issue on Progress in Psychopharmacology
Click here for more information.

Special Issue on Progress in Immunopsychiatry
Click here for more information.


Cambridge Blog

  • Embrace Yourself: Nurture the Inner Sufferer
  • 17 July 2024, Dr Lakshmi Sravanti
  • This edition of Muses celebrates the artwork of visual artist and psychiatrist Lakshmi Sravanti’s Embrace Yourself: Nurture the Inner Sufferer. It is the second...