Journals moving to online only
As we work to reduce print in our journal publishing, more of our journals are moving to online only.
Titles moving to online-only in 2025
Please note the change to online-only and print issues will take place from the 2025 volume.
- Acta Numerica
- Advances in Applied Probability
- Ageing & Society
- Antichthon
- BJPsych International
- British Journal of Political Science
- Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
- Cambridge Archaeological Journal
- Cambridge Opera Journal
- Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies
- Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence
- Canadian Yearbook of International Law / Annuaire canadien de droit international
- Continuity and Change
- Dance Research Journal
- European Constitutional Law Review
- European Journal of Archaeology
- European Journal of International Security
- Government and Opposition
- Hypatia
- Israel Law Review
- Itinerario
- Journal of Applied Probability
- Journal of British Studies
- Journal of East Asian Studies
- Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
- Journal of Global History
- Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy
- Journal of Law and Religion
- Journal of the International Phonetic Association
- Language Variation and Change
- Leiden Journal of International Law
- Libyan Studies
- Nationalities Papers
- New Perspectives on Turkey
- Organised Sound
- Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics
- Social Science History
- State Politics & Policy Quarterly
- The Americas
- The Journal of African History
- Urban History