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Cambridge University Press
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May 2013
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Anthropology, History, and Education, first published in 2007, contains all of Kant's major writings on human nature. Some of these works, which were published over a thirty-nine year period between 1764 and 1803, had never before been translated into English. Kant's question 'What is the human being?' is approached indirectly in his famous works on metaphysics, epistemology, moral and legal philosophy, aesthetics and the philosophy of religion, but it is approached directly in his extensive but less well-known writings on physical and cultural anthropology, the philosophy of history, and education which are gathered in the present volume. Kant repeatedly claimed that the question 'What is the human being?' should be philosophy's most fundamental concern, and Anthropology, History, and Education can be seen as effectively presenting his philosophy as a whole in a popular guise.


"...The essays assembled in this collection present us with Kant’s most direct and encompassing characterizations of human nature and are therefore essential reading for a deeper and more complete understanding of his moral philosophy.... The anthropological dimension of Kant’s thought is too often neglected. The essays assembled in this collection are essential reading for remedying this deficiency, and they will inevitably challenge us to (re)consider the merit of Kant’s account of the human position below the starry heavens above." --
Chris Henry McTavish, Athabasca University, Philosophy in Review

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Part one: editions and translations
Observations on the feeling of the beautiful and sublime
Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen von M. Immanuel Kant. Königsberg: 1764.
Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen von M. Immanuel Kant. Königsberg: 1766.
Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen von M. Immanuel Kant. Riga: 1771. Three different prints, each with a different title vignette.
Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen von M. Immanuel Kant. Neueste Auflage (latest edition). Grätz: 1797.
I. Kants sämmtliche kleine Schriften nach der Zeitfolge geordnet. Königsberg and Leipzig: 1797/8, vol. ii, pp. 289–378.
Immanuel Kants vermischte Schriften. Halle: 1799, vol. ii, pp. 347–434.
English translations
Essays and Treatises on Moral, Political, and Various Philosophical Subjects. From the German by the translator of The Principles of the Critical Philosophy, edited anonymously by John Richardson, 2 vols. London: 1798/9, vol. ii, pp. 1–78.
Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime, translated by John T. Goldthwait. Berkeley/Los Angeles/London: 1960. Re-editions 1965, 1981, 1991, 2003, and 2004.
French translations
Observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime, translated by Hercule Peyer-Imhoff. Paris: 1796.
Considérations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime, translated by M. Kerarty. Paris: 1823.
Essai sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime, translated from the German by M. Veyland, with notes by the translator. Paris: 1823.
Observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime, translation, introduction and notes by Roger Kempf. Paris: 1969. Re-editions 1980, 1988, and 1992.
Kant, Immanuel, Oeuvres philosophiques I: Des premiers écrits à la Critique de la raison pure, edition under the direction of Ferdinand Alquié. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. Paris 1980, pp. 449–509. Translation by Bernard Lortholary.
Essai sur les maladies de la tête. Observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime, presentation, bibliography and chronology by Monique David-Ménard. Paris: 1990. Re-edition 1995.
Italian translations
Considerazioni sul sentimento del sublime e del bello di Emmanuele Kant, N. M. C. version. Naples: 1826.
Osservazioni sul sentimento del bello e del sublime, edited by G. Vidari. Turin: 1923.
Kant, Immanuel, Scritti minori, edited by P. Carabellese. Bari: 1923.
Kant, ImmanuelScritti precritici, edited by Angelo Pupi, introduction by Rosario Assunto. Roma/Bari: 1982, pp. 215–48.
Osservazioni sul sentimento del bello e del sublime, introduction by Guido Morpurgo-Tagliabue, translation by Laura Novati. Milan: 1989. Re-editions 1996, 2001 and 2004.
Spanish translations
Lo bello y lo sublime, translated by Antonio Sánchez Rivero. Madrid: 1972. Re-editions 1979, 1982 and 2000.
Kant, Immanuel, Textos estéticos. Observaciones sobre el sentimiento de lo bello y lo sublime, seguida de la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar. De sentimiento de placer y displacer, edited by Pablo Oyarzún Robles. Santiago de Chile: 1983.
Observaciones acerca del sentimiento de lo bello y de lo sublime, with introduction and notes by J. Luis Jiménez Moreno. Madrid: 1990.
Essay on the maladies of the head
Versuch über die Krankheiten des Kopfes. In Königsbergische Gelehrte und Politische Zeitungen, issue no. 4 to issue no. 8, 13–27 February 1764.
Sammlung einiger bisher unbekannt gebliebener kleiner Schriften von Immanuel Kant, edited by Friedrich Theodor Rink. Königsberg: 1800, pp. 34–55.
English translations
On the Diseases of the Mind, translated by John Sinclair, in The Code of Health and Longevity. Edinburgh: A. Constible, 1807. Numerous reprints and revisions.
Kant, edited by Gabriele Rabel. Oxford: 1963, p. 60 (short extracts).
Extract from the Essay On the Diseases of the Mind (Die Krankheiten des Kopfes) of 1764, by I. Kant, in Immanuel Kant, Dreams of a Spirit Seer, and other Related Writings, translation and commentary by John Manolesco. New York/Washington, DC/Hollywood: 1969, pp. 162–8.
French translation
Éssai sur les maladies de la tête. Observations sur le sentiment du beau et du sublime, presentation, bibliography and chronology by Monique David-Ménard. Paris: 1990. Re-edition 1995.
Immanuel Kant, Écrits sur le corps et l'esprit, translation, introduction and notes by Grégoire Chamayou. Paris: 2007, pp. 110–29.
Italian translations
Saggio sulle malattie della mente, preface by F. Papi, Italian translation by A. Marini. Como/Pavia: 1992.
Saggio sulle malattie della mente, edited by L. Dottarelli. Massari: 2001.
Saggio sulle malattie della mente, Italian translation by Luisa D'Ortenzi. Bolsena: 2001.
Review of Moscati's work Of the corporeal essential differences between the structure of animals and humans
Recension von Moscatis Schrift: Von dem körperlichen wesentlichen Unterschiede zwischen der Structur der Thiere und Menschen, in Königsbergische Gelehrte und Politische Zeitungen, issue no. 67, 23 August 1771.
English translation
Kant, edited by Gabriele Rabel. Oxford: 1963, p. 95 (short extracts).
French translation
Immanuel Kant, Écrits sur le corps et l'esprit, translation, introduction and notes by Grégoire Chamayou. Paris: 2007, pp. 104–6.
Of the different races of human beings
Von den verschiedenen Racen der Menschen zur Ankündigung der Vorlesungen der physischen Geographie im Sommerhalbenjahre 1775, von Immanuel Kant der Log. und Met. ordentl. Prof. Königsberg: 1775.
Von den verschiedenen Racsen der Menschen. In J. J. Engel, Der Philosoph für die Welt. Leipzig: 1777, part iii, pp. 125–64.
Immanuel Kants frühere noch nicht gesammelte Schriften. Linz: 1795, pp. 87–106.
Immanuel Kants sämmtliche kleine Schriften. Nach der Zeitfolge geordnet. Königsberg/Leipzig, 1797/8, vol. iii, pp. 65–90.
Immanuel Kants vermischte Schriften, Halle: 1799, vol. ii, pp. 607–32.
English translation
Kant, edited by Gabriele Rabel. Oxford: 1963, pp. 98–100 (short extracts).
The Idea of Race, edited, with Introductions, by Robert Bernasconi and Tommy L. Lott. Indianapolis, 2000, pp. 8–22. Translation by Jon Mark Mikkelsen.
French translation
Kant, Immanuel, La Philosophie de l'histoire (Opuscules), introduction and translation by Stéphane Piobetta, with foreword by Jean Nabert. Paris: 1947, pp. 37–56. Re-edition under the title Immanuel Kant, Opuscules sur l'histoire, translated by Stéphane Piobetta, introduction, notes, bibliography and chronology by Philippe Raynaud. Paris: 1990, pp. 47–67.
Italian translation
Kant, Immanuel, Scritti politici e di filosofia della storia e del diritto. Con un saggio di Christian Garve, edited by G. Solari e G. Vidari, posthumous edition edited by N. Bobbio, L. Firpo e V. Mathieu. Torino: 1956. Re-editions 1963, 1965 and 1978, pp. 105–21. Translation by V. Mathieu.
Essays regarding the
Aufsätze, das Philanthropin betreffend, in Königsbergische Gelehrte und Politische Zeitungen from 28 March 1776 (first essay) and 27 March 1777 (second essay).
English translations
The Educational Theory of Immanuel Kant, translated and edited with an introduction by Edward Franklin Buchner. Philadelphia/London: 1904. Reprint: New York: 1971, pp. 242–6 (short extracts).
Kant, edited by Gabriele Rabel. Oxford: 1963, p. 101 (short extracts).
A Note to Physicians
Nachricht an Ärzte, in Königsbergische Gelehrte und Politische Zeitungen, issue no. 31, 18 April 1782.
Nachricht an Ärzte, in Preußisches Magazin zum Unterricht und Vergnügen, issue no. 1. Königsberg/Leipzig: 1783, pp. 132–8.
French translation
Immanuel Kant, Écrits sur le corps et l'esprit, translation, introduction and notes by Grégoire Chamayou. Paris: 2007, pp. 184–9.
Idea for a universal history with a cosmopolitan aim
Idee zu einer allgemeinen Geschichte in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. In Berlinische Monatsschrift, 1784, issue no. 4, pp. 385–411.
Immanuel Kants kleine Schriften, Neuwied: 1793, pp. 1–33.
Immanuel Kants zerstreute Aufsätze. Frankfurt/Leipzig: 1797/98, vol. iii, pp. 131–58.
Immanuel Kants vermischte Schriften. Halle: 1799, vol. ii., pp. 661–86.
English translations
Essays and Treatises on Moral, Political, Religious, and Various Philosophical Subjects. From the German by the translator of The Principles of the Critical Philosophy, edited anonymously (by John Richardson), 2 vols. London: 1798/9, vol. i, pp. 409–32
Idea of a Universal History on a Cosmo-Political Plan. In the London Magazine, October 1824, pp. 385–93. Translation by Thomas de Quincey. Reprinted in various editions of de Quincey's works.
Kant's Principles of Politics including his Essay on Perpetual Peace, a Contribution to Political Science, edited and translated by William Hastie. Edinburgh: 1891, pp. 1–29. Re-edition under the title World Peace and other International Essays. Boston: 1914.
Immanuel Kant's Moral and Political Writings, edited with an introduction by Carl J. Friedrich. New York: 1949, pp. 116–31.
Kant, Immanuel, On History, edited with an introduction by Lewis W. Beck. New York/London: 1963, pp. 11–26. Re-edition in Kant. Selections, edited by Lewis W. Beck. New York: 1988, pp. 415–25. Translation by Lewis W. Beck.
Kant, ImmanuelPolitical Writings, edited by Hans Siegbert Reiss. Cambridge: 1970, pp. 41–53. 2nd, enlarged edition 1991.
Kant, ImmanuelPerpetual Peace and Other Essays on Politics, History, and Morals, edited and translated by Ted B. Humphrey. Indianapolis: 1983, pp. 29–39.
French translations
Immanuel, Kant, La Philosophie de l'histoire (Opuscules), introduction and translation by Stéphane Piobetta, foreword by Jean Nabert. Paris: 1947, pp. 59–79. Re-edition under the title Immanuel Kant, Opuscules sur l'histoire, translation by Stéphane Piobetta, introduction, notes, bibliography and chronology by Philippe Raynaud. Paris: 1990, pp. 69–89.
Immanuel, KantOeuvres philosophiques II: Des Prolégomènes aux écrits de 1791, edition under the direction of Ferdinand Alquié. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. Paris: 1985, pp. 187–205. Translation by Luc Ferry.
Idée d'une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique, translation and commentary by Jean-Michel Muglioni. Paris: 1981. Re-editions 1983 and 1988.
Idée d'une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique, presentation and commentaries by Noella, Paris 1994.
Idée d'une histoire universelle au point de vue cosmopolitique, translation by Jacqueline Laffitte. Paris: 2005.
Italian translation
Kant, Immanuel, Scritti politici e di filosofia della storia e del diritto. Con un saggio di Christian Garve, edited by G. Solari e G. Vidari, posthumous edition edited by Bobbio, N., Firpo, L. and Mathieu, V.. Turin: 1956. Re-editions 1963, 1965, and 1978, pp. 123–39. Translation by G. Solari.
Spanish translations
Idea de una historia universal en sentido cosmopolita. In Immanuel Kant, Filosofía de la historia, translated by Emilio Estiú. Buenos Aires, 1958.
Ideas para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita y otros escritos sobre filosofía de la historia, translation and introduction by Concha Roldá Pamadero y Roberto Rodríguez Aramayo. Madrid: 1994.
Reviews of J. G. Herder's Ideas for a philosophy of the history of humanity Parts 1 and 2
Recension von I. G. Herders Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit, Recension des 1. Theils (review of the first part), in Allgemeine Litteraturzeitung 1785, issue no. 4 und Beilage (supplement), 117a–120b, pp. 21a–2b. Recension des 2. Theils (review of the second part) in Allgemeine Litteraturzeitung 1785, issue no. 271, pp. 153a–6b.
Immanuel Kants sämmtliche kleine Schriften. Königsberg/Leipzig: 1797/98, vol. iii, pp. 207–38.
Immanuel Kants vermischte Schriften. Halle: 1807, vol. iv, pp. 383–414.
Erinnerungen des Recensenten der Herderschen Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit (Nro. 4 und Beil. der Allg. Lit.-Zeit.) über ein im Februar des Teutschen Merkur gegen diese Recension gerichtetes Schreiben. Anhang zum Märzmonat der All. Litteraturzeitung 1785, i, last page (Reminder by the Reviewer of Herder's Ideas for a Philosophy of the History of Humanity [no. 4 and supplement of the Allgemeine Litteraturzeitung] Concerning an Article Directed Against this Review in the February issue ofTeutscher Merkur. Appendix to the March issue of Allgemeine Litteraturzeitung 1785, i, last folio).
English translations
Kant, Immanuel, On History, edited with an introduction by Lewis W. Beck. New York/London: 1963, pp. 27–52. Translation by Robert E. Ancor.
Kant, ImmanuelPolitical Writings, edited by Hans Siegbert Reiss. 2nd, enlarged edition. Cambridge: 1991, pp. 201–20. Translation by H. B. Nisbet.
French translation
Kant, Immanuel, La Philosophie de l'histoire (Opuscules), introduction and translation by Stéphane Piobetta, with a foreword by Jean Nabert. Paris: 1947, pp. 95–126. Re-edition under the title Immanuel Kant, Opuscules sur l'histoire, translation by Stéphane Piobetta, introduction, notes, bibliography and chronology by Philippe Raynaud. Paris: 1990, pp. 91–122.
Italian translation
Kant, Immanuel, Scritti politici e di filosofia della storia e del diritto. Con un saggio di Christian Garve, edited by G. Solari e G. Vidari, posthumous edition edited by N. Bobbio, L. Firpo, and V. Mathieu. Turin: 1956, 1963, 1965 and 1978, pp. 151–75. Translation by G. Solari.
Spanish translations
Kant, Immanuel, Filosofía de la historia, translation by Emilio Estiú. Buenos Aires, 1958.
Kant, ImmanuelIdeas para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita y otros escritos sobre filosofía de la historia, translation and introduction by Concha Roldá Pamadero y Roberto Rogríguez Aramayo. Madrid: 1994.
Determination of the concept of a human race
Bestimmung des Begriffs einer Menschenrace, in Berlinische Monatsschrift, 1785, issue no. 6, pp. 390–417.
Immanuel Kants zerstreute Aufsätze. Frankfurt/Leipzig: 1793, pp. 64–89.
Immanuel Kants frühere noch nicht gesammelte kleine Schriften. Linz: 1795, pp. 107–28.
Immanuel Kant sämmtliche kleine Schriften. Königsberg/Leipzig: 1797/98, vol. iii, pp. 521–58.
Immanuel Kants vermischte Schriften. Halle: 1799, vol. ii., pp. 633–60.
English translation
Kant, edited by Gabriele Rabel. Oxford: 1963, pp. 150–2 (short extracts).
French translation
Immanuel, Kant, La Philosophie de l'histoire (Opuscules), introduction and translation by Stéphane Piobetta, with a foreword by Jean Nabert. Paris: 1947, pp. 129–50. Re-edition under the title Immanuel Kant, Opuscules sur l'histoire, translation by Stéphane Piobetta, introduction, notes, bibliography and chronology by Philippe Raynaud. Paris: 1990, pp. 123–44.
Italian translation
Immanuel, Kant, Scritti politici e di filosofia della storia e del diritto. Con un saggio di Christian Garve, edited by G. Solari e G. Vidari, posthumous edition prepared by di N. Bobbio, L. Firpo e V. Mathieu. Turin: 1956, 1963, 1965 and 1978, pp. 177–93. Translation by V. Mathieu.
Conjectural beginning of human history
Muthmaßlicher Anfang der Menschengeschichte, in Berlinische Monatsschrift 1786, issue No. 7, pp. 1–27.
Immanuel Kants kleine Schriften. Neuwied: 1793, pp. 69–103.
Immanuel Kants zerstreute Aufsätze. Frankfurt/Leipzig: 1793, pp. 90–115.
Immanuel Kants sämmtliche kleine Schriften. Königsberg/Leipzig: 1797/98, vol. iii, pp. 245–74.
Immanuel Kants vermischte Schriften. Halle: 1799, vol. iii, pp. 33–60.
English translations
Immanuel, Kant, Essays and Treatises on Moral, Political, Religious, and Various Philosophical Subjects. From the German by the translator of The Principles of the Critical Philosophy, edited anonymously by John Richardson, 2 vols. London: 1798/9, vol. i, pp. 315–38.
Immanuel, Kant, On History, edited with an introduction by Lewis W. Beck. New York/London: 1963, pp. 53–68. Translation by Emil L. Fackenheim.
Immanuel, Kant, Perpetual Peace and Other Essays on Politics, History, and Morals, edited and translated by Ted B. Humphrey. Indianapolis: 1983, pp. 49–59.
Immanuel, Kant, Political Writings, edited by Hans Siegbert Reiss. 2nd, enlarged edition. Cambridge: 1991, pp. 221–32. Translation by H. B. Nisbet.
French translations
Immanuel, Kant, La Philosophie de l'histoire (Opuscules), introduction and translation by Stéphane Piobetta, with a foreword by Jean Nabert. Paris: 1947, pp. 153–72. Re-edition under the title Immanuel Kant, Opuscules sur l'histoire, translation by Stéphane Piobetta, introduction, notes, bibliography and chronology by Philippe Raynaud. Paris: 1990, pp. 145–64.
Immanuel, Kant, Oeuvres philosophiques II: Des Prolégomènes aux écrits de 1791, edition under the direction of Ferdinand Alquié. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. Paris: 1985, pp. 503–20. Translation by Luc Ferry and Heinz Wismann.
Conjectures sur le commencement de l'histoire humaine, translated by Monique Castillo and Gérard Leroy. Paris: 1999.
Italian translation
Immanuel, Kant, Scritti politici e di filosofia della storia e del diritto. Con un saggio di Christian Garve, edited by G. Solari e G. Vidari, posthumous edition edited by N. Bobbio, L. Firpo and V. Mathieu. Turin: 1956. Re-editions 1963, 1965 and 1978, pp. 195–211. Translation by G. Solari.
Spanish translation
Comienzo verosímil de la historia humana. In Filosofía de la historia, translation by Emilio Estiú. Buenos Aires, 1958.
Probable inicio de la historia humana. In Ideas para una historia universal en clave cosmopolita y otros escritos sobre filosofía de la historia, translation and introduction by Concha Roldá Pamadero y Roberto Rogríguez Aramayo. Madrid: 1994.
Some remarks on L. H. Jakob's Examination of Mendelssohn's Morning hours
Jakob, L. H., Prüfung der Mendelssohnschen Morgenstunden, pp. xlix–lx: Einige Bemerkungen von Herrn Professor Kant. Leipzig: 1786.
Immanuel Kants zerstreute Aufsätze. Frankfurt/Leipzig: 1794, pp. 115–22.
Immanuel Kants sämmtliche kleine Schriften. Königsberg/Leipzig 1797/98, vol. iii, pp. 305–14.
Immanuel Kants vermischte Schriften. Halle: 1799, vol. iii, pp. 89–98.
English translation
Kant, edited by Gabriele Rabel. Oxford: 1963, pp. 174ff. (short extracts).
Italian translation
Kant, Immanuel, Questione di confine. Saggi polemici (1786–1800), edited by Desideri, F.. Genoa: 1990, pp. 17–21.
On the philosophers' medicine of the body
English translation
Kant's Latin Writings. Translations, Commentaries and Notes, edited by Beck, Lewis White. New York/Berne/Frankfurt a. M.: 1986, pp. 185–94. Translation by Mary Gregor. Re-edition 1993.
German translation
Brandt, Reinhard, “Immanuel Kant: ‘Über die Heilung des Körpers, soweit sie Sache der Philosophen ist.’ Und: Woran starb Mendelssohn?Kant-Studien 90 (1999), pp. 354–66, here pp. 358–65.
French translation
Immanuel Kant, Écrits sur le corps et l'esprit, translation, introduction and notes by Grégoire Chamayou. Paris: 2007, pp. 133–40.
On the use of teleological principles in philosophy
Über den Gebrauch teleologischer Principien in der Philosophie, in Teutscher Merkur 1788, Erstes Vierteljahr, no. 1 (issue1), pp. 36–52 and no. 2, pp. 107–36.
Immanuel Kants kleine Schriften. Neuwied: 1793, pp. 139–99.
Immanuel Kants zerstreute Aufsätze. Frankfurt/Leipzig: 1793, pp. 148–93.
Immanuel Kants sämmtliche kleine Schriften. Königsberg/Leipzig, 1797/8, vol. iii, pp. 337–84.
Immanuel Kants vermischte Schriften. Halle: 1799, vol. iii, pp. 99–144.
English translations
Kant, by Gabriele Rabel. Oxford: 1963, pp. 184–9 (short extracts).
Race, edited by Robert Bernasconi. Oxford: 2001, pp. 35–55. Translation by Jon Mark Mikkelsen.
French translations
Kant, Immanuel, La Philosophie de l'histoire (Opuscules), introduction and translation by Stéphane Piobetta, with a foreword by Jean Nabert. Paris: 1947, pp. 175–211. Re-edition under the title Immanuel Kant, Opuscules sur l'histoire, translation by Stéphane Piobetta, introduction, notes, bibliography and chronology par Philippe Raynaud. Paris: 1990, pp. 165–201.
Kant, ImmanuelOeuvres philosophiques II: Des Prolégomènes aux écrits de 1791, edition under the direction de Ferdinand Alquié. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. Paris: 1985, pp. 561–93. Translation by Luc Ferry.
Italian translations
Indagine sulla distinzione dei principi della teologia naturale e della morale. In Scritti minori, edited by P. Carabellese. Bari: 1923.
Circa l'uso dei principi teleologici in filosofia, edited by Enrico M. Forni. In Anali di Discipline e Filosofiche dell' Università di Bologna 3 (1981), pp. 5–32.
From Soemmerring's On the organ of the soul
Sömmerring, S. Th., Über das Organ der Seele. Königsberg: 1796, pp. 81–6.
French translation
Immanuel, Kant, Oeuvres philosophiques III: Les derniers écrits, edition under the direction of Ferdinand Alquié. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. Paris: 1986, pp. 387–92. Translation by Luc Ferry.
Immanuel Kant, Écrits sur le corps et l'esprit, translation, introduction and notes by Grégoire Chamayou. Paris: 2007, pp. 96–101.
Italian translation
Immanuel Kant, Questioni di confine. Saggi polemici 1786–1800, edited by Desideri, F.. Genoa: 1990.
Anthropology from a pragmatic point of view
Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht. Königsberg: 1798.
Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, Zweyte verbesserte Auflage (second improved edition). Königsberg: 1800.
English translations
Anthropology. Translated from the German of Immanuel Kant by Adolph Ernest Kroeger. In The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 9 (1875) through 16 (1882) (Book One in 11 instalments).
Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, translated, with an introduction and notes, by Mary J. Gregor. The Hague: 1974.
Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View, translated by Victor Lyle Dowdell, revised and edited by Hans H. Rudnick, with an introduction by Frederick P. van de Pitte. London/Amsterdam: 1978.
French translations
Anthropologie du point de vue pragmatique, traduction par Michel Foucault. Paris: 1964. Re-editions 1970, 1979, 1984, 1991, and 1994.
Oeuvres philosophiques III: Les derniers écrits, edited under the direction of Ferdinand Alquié. Bibliothèque de la Pléiade. Paris: 1986, pp. 937–1144. Translation by Pierre Jalabert.
Anthropologie du point de vue pragmatique, translation, presentation, bibliography and chronology by Alain Renault. Paris: 1993. Re-edition 1995.
Anthropologie d'un point de vue pragmatique, translation by Alexandra Makowiak. Paris: 1999.
Italian translations
Antropologia prammatica, edited by Vidari, G.. Torino: 1921. Revised edition by A. Guerra. Bari: 1969 and Roma/Bari 1985.
Antropologia dal punto di vista pragmatico, introduction by Alberto Bosi, prepared by Pietro Chiodi. Milano: 1985. Re-edition 1995.
Antropologia dal punto di vista pragmatico in Scritti morali, edited by Chiodi. Turin: 1980. Re-edition 1985 and 1995.
Verri, Pietro, and Kant, Immanuel, Sulla natura del piacere e del dolore. Immanuel Kant discute Pietro Verri, edited by P. Giordanetti. Milano: 1998 (excerpts).
Spanish translation
Antropología en sentido practico, translation by José Gaos, Madrid: 1935. Re-editions 1991 and 2004.
Lectures on pedagogy
Immanuel Kant über Pädagogik, edited by Theodor, D. Friedrich Rink. Königsberg: 1803.
English translations
Kant on Education. Translated into English by Annette Churton with an introduction by Mrs Rhys Davids. London: 1899 and Boston: 1900. Reprinted Ann Arbor: 1960 and 1964 and Bristol: 1992 and 2003.
Buchner, Edward Franklin, The Educational Theory of Immanuel Kant. Philadelphia: 1904, pp. 99–222. Reprinted New York: 1971.
French translations
Réflexions sur l'éducation, introduction, translation and notes par Alexis Philonenko. Paris: 1966. Re-editions 1974, 1980, 1989 and 1993.
Traité de pédagogie, translation by J. Barni, edited by Pierre-José About. Paris: 1981.
Kant, Immanuel, Oeuvres philosophiques III: Les derniers écrits, edition under the direction of Ferdinand Alquié. Paris: 1986, pp. 1145–203. Translation by Pierre Jalabert.
Italian translations
Idee di Emanuele Kant sull'educazione pubblicate dal Dott. Rink, translated from the German by Augusto Eckerlin. Milan: 1808 and Naples 1811.
La pedagogia, preface and translation by Angelo Valdarnini. Rome: 1883, Florence: 1886 and 1929, Turin: 1887, 1895, and 1899.
Pedagogia, edited by A. Zamboni. Torino: 1934.
La pedagogia, translation by F. Rubitschek with critical introduction by L. Ventura, Florence: 1934. New edition: Introduction by A. Corsano. Florence: 1953.
Pedagogia, edited by Luigi Causo. Verona: 1941.
La Pedagogia, translation, introduction and commentary by N. Ruspantini. Firenze: 1952.
La pedagogia, edited by Assunto, R. and Hohenemser, R.. Bari: 1953.
L'opera pedagogica. La pedagogia e i frammenti, edited by Bruno, L. Fichera. Catania: 1954. Re-edition 1969.
La pedagogia, translation by N. Abbagnano. Turin: 1955.
Lezioni di pedagogia, edited by Catalfamo, G.. Messina: 1959.
La pedagogia, translation, introduction and notes by Vincenzo De Ruvo. Roma: 1963.
Il pensiero filosofico e pedagogico, edited by Pietro Chiodi. Torino: 1974.
Antologia di scritti pedagogici, edited by G. Formizzi. Verona: 1996.
L'arte di educare, edited by Andrea, Gentile. Roma: 2001.
Spanish translations
Sobre pedagogía, translation by Daniel Jorro. Madrid: 1911.
La pedagogía, translation and introduction by Vincenzo de Ruvo, 1963.
Pedagogía, translation by Lorenzo Luzurriaga and José Luis Pascual y Mariano F. Enquita. Madrid: 1983. Re-edition 1999.
Sobre Pedagogía, translation by Jaume Tío. Madrid: 1991.
Pedagogía, translation by Mariano Fernández Enguita. Madrid: 2003.
Part two: work on kant
Observations on the feeling of the beautiful and sublime
Lucia, Zani, “Una ricerca ai confini fra l'etica e l'estetica. Le osservazioni sul sentimento del bello e del sublime.” Sapientia 9 (1956), pp. 191– 205.
John Turner, Goldthwaith, Kant's Precritical Aesthetics. A Study, together with a Translation into English, of Kant's “Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime.” Dissertation, Northwestern University 1957.
Mario A. Gonzáles Porta, “Análisis de la doctrina ética de las ‘Observaciones sobre lo bello y lo sublime’.” Thémata 6 (1989), pp. 77–94.
Irmgard Piske, “Kants ‘Beobachtungen über das Gefühl des Schönen und Erhabenen’ in der Kritik Hamanns.” In Bernhard Gajek and Albert Meier, eds., Johann Georg Hamann und die Krise der Aufklärung. Acta des Fünften Internationalen Hamann-Kolloquiums Münster i. W. (1988). Frankfurt a. M.: 1990, pp. 275–303.
Monique David-Menard and Alison Ross, “Kant's ‘An Essay on the Maladies of the Mind’ and ‘Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime’.” Hypatia 15 (2000), pp. 82–98.
Essay on the maladies of the head
Oscar, Meo, La malattia mentale nel pensiero di Kant. Genoa: 1982.
Monique David-Menard and Alison Ross, “Kant's ‘An Essay on the Maladies of the Mind’ and ‘Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and the Sublime’.” Hypatia 15 (2000), pp. 82–98.
Review of Moscati's work Of the corporeal essential differences between the structure of animals and humans
Rosario, Diana, “Sull'andatura eretta dell'uomo. Un dialogo a distanza fra Kant e Moscati.” Archivio di storia della cultura e Quaderni dell'Archivio 11 (1998), pp. 133–43.
Of the different races of human beings, Determination of the concept of a human race and On the use of teleological principles in philosophy
Lange, Erhard, “Georg Forsters Kontroverse mit Immanuel Kant.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 12 (1964), pp. 965–80.
McFarland, J. D., Kant's Concept of Teleology. Edinburgh: 1970.
Kolenda, Konstantin, “Kant and Racism.” In Beck, Lewis White, ed., Proceedings of the Third International Kant Congress Held at the University of Rochester, March 20 through April 4, 1970. Dordrecht: 1972, pp. 362–8.
Riedel, Manfred, “Historizismus und Kritizismus. Kants Streit mit G. Forster und J. G. Herder.” Kant-Studien 72 (1981), pp. 41–57.
Weingarten, Michael, “Menschenarten oder Menschenrassen. Die Kontroverse zwischen Georg Forster und Immanuel Kant.” In Pickerodt, Gerhart, ed., Georg Forster in seiner Epoche. Berlin: 1982, pp. 117–48.
Sutter, Alex, “Kant und die Wilden. Zum impliziten Rassismus in der Kantischen Geschichtsphilosophie.” Prima Philosophia 2 (1989), pp. 241–65.
Malter, Rudolf, “Der Rassebegriff in Kants Anthropologie.” In Mann, Gunter and Franz, Dumont, ed., Die Natur des Menschen. Probleme der Physischen Anthropologie und Rassenkunde (1750–1850). Stuttgart: 1990, pp. 113–22.
McLaughlin, Peter, Kant's Critique of Teleology in Biological Explanation. Antinomy and Teleology. Lewiston: 1990.
Barkhaus, Annette, “Kants Konstruktion des Begriffs der Rasse und seine Hierarchisierung der Rassen.” Biologisches Zentralblatt 113 (1994), pp. 197–203.
Pasquale, Pellecchia, “Kant, la razza e la storia.” Aquinas. Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia 37 (1994), pp. 263–98.
Armstrong, Meg, “‘The Effects of Blackness’: Gender, Race, and the Sublime in Aesthetic Theories of Burke and Kant.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 54 (1996), pp. 263–35.
Susan, Meld Shell, The Embodiment of Reason. Kant on Spirit, Generation, and Community. Chicago: 1996.
Wolbert, Schmidt, Afrika im Schatten der Aufklärung. Das Afrikabild bei Immanuel Kant und Johann Gottfried Herder. Bonn: 1999.
Robert Bernasconi, “Who Invented the Concept of Race? Kant's Role in the Enlightenment Construction of Race.” In Bernasconi, Robert, ed., Race. Oxford: 2001, pp. 10–36.
Robert, Bernasconi, ed., Concepts of Race in the Eighteenth Century, vol. iii: Kant and Forster. Bristol: 2001.
Rapael, Lagier, Les races humaines selon Kant. Paris. 2004.
Philippe Hunemann, “Espèce et adaptation chez Kant et Bouffon.” In Ferrari, Jean, Ruffing, Margit, Theis, Robert, and Vollet, Matthias, ed., Kant et la France – Kant in Frankreich. Hildesheim/Zurich/New York: 2005, pp. 107–20.
McLaughlin, Peter, “Kant on Heredity and Adaptation.” In Staffan Müller-Wille and Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, ed., Heredity Produced. At the Crossroads of Biology, Politics and Culture 1500–1870. Cambridge: 2006.
Essays regarding the Philanthropinum
Duproix, E., Kant et Fichte et le problème de l'éducation. Genève: 1895.
Beck, Lewis White, “Kant on Education.” In Lewis White Beck, Essays on Kant and Hume. New Haven/London: 1978, pp. 188–204.
Philonenko, Alexis, “Introduction,” in Immanuel Kant, Réflexions sur l'éducation. Paris 1993, pp. 9–65.
A note to physicians
Funke, Gerhard, “Kant für Mediziner?Philosophia Naturalis 15 (1974), pp. 293–307.
Idea for a universal history with a cosmopolitan aim and Conjectural beginning of human history
Axinn, Sidney, A Study of Kant's Philosophy of History. Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania: 1955.
Weyand, Klaus, Kants Geschichtsphilosophie. Ihre Entwicklung und ihr Verhältnis zur Aufklärung. Cologne: 1964.
Hinske, Norbert, “Kants Idee der Anthropologie.” In Rombach, Heinrich, ed., Die Frage nach dem Menschen. Aufriβ einer philosophischen Anthropologie. Freiburg/München: 1966, pp. 410–37.
Anderson-Gold, Sharon, Teleology and Radical Evil. An Interpretation of the Concept of Species Character in Kant's Philosophy of History. Dissertation, New School for Social Research: 1980.
Yovel, Yirmiyahu, Kant and the Philosophy of History. Princeton: 1980.
Lutz-Bachmann, Matthias, Geschichte und Subjekt. Studie zu Bedeutung und Problematik der Geschichtsphilosophie im Werk von Immanuel Kant und Karl Marx. Dissertation, Frankfurt a. M.: 1981.
Kersting, Wolfgang, “Kann die Kritik der praktischen Vernunft populär sein? Über Kants Moralphilosophie und pragmatische Anthropologie.” Studia Leibnitiana 15 (1983), pp. 82–93.
Gniffke, Franz, “Die Gegenwärtigkeit des Mythos in Kants Mutmaungen über den Anfang der Menschengeschichte.” Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 38 (1984), pp. 593–608.
Booth, William James, Interpreting the World. Kant's Philosophy of History and Politics. Toronto: 1986.
Philonenko, Alexis, La théorie kantienne de l'histoire. Paris: 1986.
Muglioni, Jean-Michel, La philosophie de l'histoire de Kant. Qu'est-ce que l'homme?Paris: 1993.
Kleingeld, Pauline, Fortschritt und Vernunft. Zur Geschichtsphilosophie Kants. Würzburg: 1995.
Sommer, Andreas-Urs, “Felix peccator? Kants geschichtsphilosophische Genesis-Exegese im Mutmaβlichen Anfang der Menschengeschichte und die Theologie der Aufklarungszeit.” Kant-Studien 88 (1997), pp. 190–217.
Anderson-Gold, Sharon, Unnecessary Evil. History and Moral Progress in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Albany: 2001.
Druet, Pierre-Etienne, La philosophie de l'histoire chez Kant. Paris: 2002.
Brandt, Reinhard, Die Bestimmung des Menschen bei Kant. Hamburg: 2007.
Reviews of J. G. Herder's Ideas for a philosophy of the history of humanity Parts 1 and 2
Fromm, Georg H., The Anti-Rational Critique of Kant's Philosophy Among His Contemporaries Jacobi, Hamann, Herder and Aenesidemus-Schulze. Dissertation, Brandeis University: 1967.
Mackes, Ralf, “Geschichte” und “Fortschritt” in der Geschichtsphilosophie Johann Gottfried Herders in ihrer Abgrenzung zur pragmatischen Geschichtsauffassung der Aufklärung und zu Kant. Erlangen: 1989.
Bondeli, Martin, “Von Herder zu Kant, zwischen Kant und Herder, mit Herder gegen Kant – Karl Leonhard Reinhold.” In Marion, Heinz, ed., Herder und die Philosophie des deutschen Idealismus. Fichte-Studien Supplementa, vol. viii. Amsterdam/Atlanta: 1997, pp. 203–34.
Lomonaco, Fabrizio, “Herder, Kant e la storia.” In Cacciatore, Giuseppe, Cantillo, Giuseppe, and Lissa, Giuseppe, ed., Lo storicismo e la sua storia. Temi, problemi, prospettive. Milan: 1997, pp. 98–111.
Wolbert, Smidt, Afrika im Schatten der Aufklärung: Das Afrikabild bei I. Kant und J. G. Herder. Bonn, 1999.
Zammito, John H., Kant, Herder, and the Birth of Anthropology. Chicago: 2002.
Some remarks on L. H. Jakob's Examination of Mendelssohn's Morning hours
Brandt, Reinhard, “Immanuel Kant: ‘Über die Heilung des Körpers, soweit sie Sache der Philosophen ist.’ Und: Woran starb Moses Mendelssohn?Kant-Studien 90 (1999), pp. 354–66.
On the philosophers' medicine of the body
Peursen, C. A., “E. W. von Tschirnhaus and the ‘Ars Inveniendi’.” In Journal of the History of Ideas 54 (1993), pp. 395–410.
Wilson, Catherine, “Between Medicina Mentis and Medical Materialism.” In Patricia, A. Easton, ed., Logic and the Workings of the Mind. The Logic of Ideas and Faculty Psychology in Early Modern Philosophy. North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy, vol. v. Atascadero: 1997, pp. 251–68.
Brandt, Reinhard, “Immanuel Kant: ‘Über die Heilung des Körpers, soweit sie Sache der Philosophen ist.’ Und: Woran starb Moses Mendelssohn?Kant-Studien 90 (1999), pp. 354–66.
From Soemmerring's On the organ of the soul
McLaughlin, Peter, “Soemmerring und Kant: Über das Organ der Seele und den Streit der Fakultäten.” In Mann, Gunter and Dumont, Franz, ed., Samuel Thomas Soemmerring und die Gelehrten der Goethezeit. Soemmerring-Forschungen, vol. i. Stuttgart/New York: 1985, pp. 191–201.
Dyk, Anton, “Kant und die Biologie der Erkenntnis.” Conceptus 20 (1986), pp. 47–57.
di Giandomenico, Mauro, “Kant, Soemmerring e il dibattito sulla ‘sede dell'anima’.” In Costantino, Espositoet al., ed., Verum et Certum. Studi di storiografia filosofica in onore di Ada Lamacchia. Bari: 1998, pp. 167–91.
Euler, Werner, “Die Suche nach dem ‘Seelenorgan’. Kants philosophische Analyse einer anatomischen Entdeckung Soemmerrings.” Kant-Studien 93 (2002), pp. 453–80.
Mai Lequan, “Kant et quelques aspects de la science française: l'exemple de la chimie.” In Jean Ferrari, Margit Ruffing, Robert Theis, Matthias Vollet, ed., Kant et la France – Kant in Frankreich. Hildesheim/Zurich/New York, 2005, pp. 121–31.
Anthropology from a pragmatic point of view
Goldmann, Lucien, Mensch, Gemeinschaft und Welt in der Philosophie Immanuel Kants. Dissertation, Zürich: 1945. Reprint Frankfurt a. M.: 1989.
Foucault, Michel, Introduction à l'Anthropologie de Kant. Dissertation (“thèse complémentaire”), University of Paris, 1961 (unpublished and not to be published, according to Foucault's testament; for more information on the work, see the article by Günter Zöller listed below).
Firla, Monika, Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Anthropologie und Moralphilosophie bei Kant. Frankfurt a. M.: 1981.
Manganaro, Paolo, L'antropologia di Kant. Naples: 1983.
Otte, Rainer, Die Ordnungen des Leibes in der Aufklärung: Kants Anthropologik und ihre historischen Voraussetzungen. Dissertation, Tübingen: 1986.
Wilson, Holly L., Kant's Pragmatic Anthropology and its Relationship to Critical Philosophy. Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University: 1987.
Kim, Soo Bae, Die Entstehung der Kantischen Anthropologie und ihre Beziehung zur empirischen Psychologie der Wolffschen Schule. Frankfurt a. M.: 1994.
Nobbe, Frank, Kants Frage nach dem Menschen. Die Kritik der ästhetischen Urteilskraft als transzendentale Anthropologie. Frankfurt a. M.: 1995.
Zöller, Günter, “Michel Foucaults Dissertation über Kants Anthropologie. Bericht und Beschreibung.” Kant-Studien 86 (1995), 128–9.
Ferrari, Jean, ed., L'année 1798. Kant et la naissance de l'anthropologie au siècle des Lumières. Paris: 1997.
Brandt, Reinhard, Kritischer Kommentar zu Kants Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht (1798). Kant-Forschungen, vol. x. Hamburg: 1999.
Munzel, G. Felicitas, Kant's Conception of Moral Character. The “Critical” Link of Morality, Anthropology, and Reflective Judgment. Chicago: 1999.
Schmidt, Claudia M., Kant's Transcendental and Empirical Anthropology of Cognition. The Account of the Cognitive Faculties in the Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View and the Critique of Pure Reason. Dissertation, University of Iowa: 1999.
Failla, Mariannina, Verità e saggezza in Kant. Un contributo all'analisi della logica e dell'antropologia. Milan: 2000.
Louden, Robert B., Kant's Impure Ethics. From Rational Beings to Human Beings. Oxford: 2000.
Sussman, David G., The Idea of Humanity. Anthropology and Anthroponomy in Kant's Ethics. New York: 2001.
Frierson, Patrick R., Freedom and Anthropology in Kant's Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: 2003.
Jacobs, Brian and Kain, Patrick, eds., Essays on Kant's Anthropology. Cambridge: 2003.
Potestà, Andrea, La pragmatica di Kant. Saperi al confine tra antropologia e criticismo. Milan: 2004.
Wilson, Holly L., Kant's Pragmatic Anthropology. Its Origin, Meaning, and Critical Significance. Albany, N.Y.: 2006.
Postscript to Christian Gottlieb Mielcke's Lithuanian-German and German-Lithuanian dictionary
Hoskovec, Tomas, “Immanuel Kant's ‘Friendly Postscript’ to the Lithuanian Dictionary.” Flosoficky Casopis 50 (2002), pp. 125–46 (in Czech, with French abstract).
Lectures on pedagogy
Frankena, William K., Three Historical Philosophers of Education. Aristotle – Kant – Dewey. Chicago/Atlanta: 1965.
Weisskopf, Traugott, Immanuel Kant und die Pädagogik. Basel: 1979.
Beck, Lewis White, “Kant on Education.” In Lewis White Beck, Essays on Kant and Hume. New Haven/London: 1978, pp. 188–204.
Niethammer, Arnolf, Kants Vorlesungen über Pädagogik. Freiheit und Notwendigkeit in Erziehung und Entwicklung. Frankfurt/Berne 1980.
Bockow, Jörg, Erziehung zur Sittlichkeit. Zum Verhältnis von praktischer Philosophie und Pädagogik bei Jean-Jacques Rousseau und Immanuel Kant. Frankfurt/Berne/New York/Nancy: 1984
Court, Jürgen, “Der Zweck der Erziehung. Kants Kritik der Urteilskraft und seine Erziehungslehre.” In Funke, Gerhard, ed., Akten des Siebenten Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, Kurfürstliches Schloβ zu Mainz, 1990. Bonn: 1991, vol. ii, pp. 397–487.
Vincenti, Luc, Education et liberté. Kant et Fichte. Paris 1992.
Philonenko, Alexis, “Introduction,” in Immanuel Kant, Réflexions sur l'éducation. Paris 1993, pp. 9–65.
Peltre, Monique, “Kant et l'éducation. Un dialogue avec Jean-Jacques Rousseau.” In La Pensée pédagogique. Enjeux, continuité et rupture en Europe du XVIe au XXe siècle, ed. Monique Samuel-Scheyder and Philippe Alexandre. Berne/Berlin/Frankfurt: 1999.


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