- Cited by 4
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Kessler, Oliver and Leira, Halvard 2024. Stories we live by: the rise of Historical IR and the move to concepts. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 37, Issue. 4, p. 421.
Grzybowski, Janis 2024. State Creation Out of Bounds? Pro-Russian Separatists,Da’esh, and (Liberal) International Order-ing. Global Studies Quarterly, Vol. 4, Issue. 2,
Riemann, Malte 2024. The mercenary concepts conditions of possibility: effeminacy, modernity and the international. European Journal of International Relations,
Albert, Mathias Crawford, Ian Erman, Eva Kessler, Oliver Bartelson, Jens Sienknecht, Mitja and Patomäki, Heikki 2024. Forum on Heikki Patomäki’s World Statehood: The Future of World Politics. Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 59, Issue. 4, p. 569.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- October 2023
- Print publication year:
- 2023
- Online ISBN:
- 9781009400718