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In the twentieth century, cumulative millions of readers received books by mail from clubs like the Book-of-the-Month Club, the Book Society or Bertelsmann Club. This Element offers an introduction to book clubs as a distribution channel and cultural phenomenon, and shows that book clubs and book commerce are linked inextricably. It argues that a global perspective is necessary to understand the cultural and economic impact of book clubs in the twentieth and into the twenty-first century. It also explores central reasons for book club membership, condensing them into four succinct categories: convenience, community, concession and, most importantly, curation. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.



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    2. Nederlandse Boekenclub (1948–57) Nieuws, UBM: KVB t 624.

    3. Siebenga, H. [1987] Boekenclub en boekhandel; wedijverende verkoopkanalen, Tilburg: Katholieke Universiteit Brabant, UBM: KVB VG 99:156.

  • Book-of-the-Month Club [1927] An outline of a unique plan for those who wish to keep abreast of the best books of the day [brochure], New York: BOMC. Digital copy, owned by author.

  • Deering, J. (2016) I never noticed how quickly … In Strange Brew (Feb. 15), archived in CartoonistGroup,

  • Interviews

    1. with N. Acksteiner (PR representative of the Büchergilde Gutenberg), Frankfurt/Main (Feb. 5, 2019).

    2. with G. Fuchs (Community Manager of the Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft), Darmstadt (Feb. 13, 2019).

    3. with S. Pauli (former employee of Bertelsmann Club), Berlin (March 27, 2019).

    4. with S. Krysciak (former employee of Bertelsmann Club and Büchergilde Gutenberg), Berlin (March 28, 2019).

  • Mainzer Verlagsarchiv Syndikat, Syn 28.

  • Schulz, C. (1971) Beagle Book Club. In Peanuts (April 8), archived in GoComics,


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