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  • Cited by 19
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2023
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Book description

Algebraic varieties are shapes defined by polynomial equations. Smooth Fano threefolds are a fundamental subclass that can be thought of as higher-dimensional generalizations of ordinary spheres. They belong to 105 irreducible deformation families. This book determines whether the general element of each family admits a Kähler–Einstein metric (and for many families, for all elements), addressing a question going back to Calabi 70 years ago. The book's solution exploits the relation between these metrics and the algebraic notion of K-stability. Moreover, the book presents many different techniques to prove the existence of a Kähler–Einstein metric, containing many additional relevant results such as the classification of all Kähler–Einstein smooth Fano threefolds with infinite automorphism groups and computations of delta-invariants of all smooth del Pezzo surfaces. This book will be essential reading for researchers and graduate students working on algebraic geometry and complex geometry.


‘The notion of K-stability for Fano manifold has origins in differential geometry and geometric analysis but is now also of fundamental importance in algebraic geometry, with recent developments in moduli theory. This monograph gives an account of a large body of research results from the last decade, studying in depth the case of Fano threefolds. The wealth of material combines in a most attractive way sophisticated modern theory and the detailed study of examples, with a classical flavour. The authors obtain complete results on the K-stability of generic elements of each of the 105 deformation classes. The concluding chapter contains some fascinating conjectures about the 34 families which may contain both stable and unstable manifolds, which will surely be the scene for much further work. The book will be an essential reference for many years to come.’

Sir Simon Donaldson - F.R.S., Imperial College London

‘It is a difficult problem to check whether a given Fano variety is K-polystable. This book settles this problem for the general members of all the 105 deformation families of smooth Fano 3-folds. The book is recommended to anyone interested in K-stability and existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics on Fano varieties.’

Caucher Birkar FRS - Tsinghua University and University of Cambridge

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