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  • Cited by 14
  • Ellen Winner, Boston College Massachusetts, Harvard Project Zero, Jennifer E. Drake, Brooklyn College and The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
April 2022
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Book description

This Element focuses on the development of drawing (and painting) in childhood. The author begins by examining children's representational drawing, a topic that has received quite wide attention from the nineteenth century on. The author then turns to issues that have received far less attention and discusses the aesthetic property of expression, weighing the claim that young children's highly expressive drawings bear an affinity to twentieth century modernist art. The author then examines the function of drawing for children's emotional development. Next, looking at art prodigies, the author turns to the how of drawing, considering the relation of drawing talent to IQ and to visual-spatial skills. Finally, the author considers the relation between development and education in art and how educators can best nurture children's artistic development.


300 Art Quotes (2021). Retrieved August 13, 2021 from
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