The basic ideas at the foundations of point and continuum mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, special and general relativity, and gauge theories are geometrical, and, I believe, should be approached, by both mathematics and physics students, from this point of view.
This is a textbook that develops some of the geometrical concepts and tools that are helpful in understanding classical and modern physics and engineering. The mathematical subject material is essentially that found in a first-year graduate course in differential geometry. This is not coincidental, for the founders of this part of geometry, among them Euler, Gauss, Jacobi, Riemann and Poincaré, were also profoundly interested in “natural philosophy.”
Electromagnetism and fluid flow involve line, surface, and volume integrals. Analytical dynamics brings in multidimensional versions of these objects. In this book these topics are discussed in terms of exterior differential forms. One also needs to differentiate such integrals with respect to time, especially when the domains of integration are changing (circulation, vorticity, helicity, Faraday's law, etc.), and this is accomplished most naturally with aid of the Lie derivative. Analytical dynamics, thermodynamics, and robotics in engineering deal with constraints, including the puzzling nonholonomic ones, and these are dealt with here via the so-called Frobenius theorem on differential forms. All these matters, and more, are considered in Part One of this book.
Einstein created the astonishing principle field strength = curvature to explain the gravitational field, but if one is not familiar with the classical meaning of surface curvature in ordinary 3-space this is merely a tautology. Consequently I introduce differential geometry before discussing general relativity.