- Cited by 7
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Hjørland, Birger and Budd, John M. 2005. Phenomenology and information studies. Journal of Documentation, Vol. 61, Issue. 1, p. 44.
Vieira de Camargo Grillo, Sheila 2007. Épistémologie et genres du discours dans le cercle de Bakhtine. Linx, p. 19.
Mraović, Branka 2008. Bakhtin's theory of speech as human agency. Social Responsibility Journal, Vol. 4, Issue. 3, p. 283.
Bendor, Roy 2012. Analytic and deictic approaches to the design of sustainability decision-support tools. p. 215.
Chin-Yee, Benjamin Diaz, Pablo Bryden, Pier Soklaridis, Sophie and Kuper, Ayelet 2020. From hermeneutics to heteroglossia: ‘The Patient’s View’ revisited. Medical Humanities, Vol. 46, Issue. 4, p. 464.
Walker, Roz and McPhee, Rob 2022. The Palgrave Handbook of Learning for Transformation. p. 257.
Yusuf, Jibrail Bin and Shah, Hassan Shakeel 2023. Eternity of the Word of God: Exploring a Common Theme in Judeo-Christian and Muslim Theological Discourse. Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, Vol. 13, Issue. 2, p. 335.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- May 2011
- Print publication year:
- 1995
- Online ISBN:
- 9780511552748
- Subjects:
- Literature, Area Studies, Philosophy: General Interest, Literary Theory, European Literature, European Studies
- Series:
- Literature, Culture, Theory (11)