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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
May 2014
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Book description

Did Ford SAF sabotage the German war effort by deliberately manufacturing fewer vehicles than they could have? Ford SAF claimed after the war that they did. Exploring the nature and limits of industrial collaboration in occupied France, Horn and Imlay trace the wartime activities of Ford Motor Company's French affiliate. The company began making trucks and engine parts for the French military; but from 1940 until Liberation in 1944 was supplying the Wehrmacht. This book offers a fascinating account of how the company negotiated the conflicting demands of the French, German and American authorities to thrive during the war. It sheds important new light on broader issues such as the wartime relationship between private enterprise and state authority; Nazi Germany's economic policies and the nature of the German occupation of France, collaboration and resistance in Vichy France, and the role of American companies in Occupied Europe.


'The Politics of Industrial Collaboration during World War II, through its effective use of German and French sources, offers a rigorous, nuanced approach to the debate around collaboration. This book marks an important contribution to the general literature on Vichy and German occupation policy and lays a solid foundation for the exploration of other companies and industrial sectors under German occupation during World War II.'

Keith Mann Source: The American Historical Review

'… The Politics of Industrial Collaboration [during World War II] offers an original and significant contribution to our understanding of the nature, power, and limits of German exploitation of French industrial resources during the Occupation. It is particularly rewarding in its analysis of the intricate negotiations between Ford firms, French state administrators, and the German armaments officials who were seeking to maximize the French contribution to the German war effort.'

Source: H-Diplo Roundtable Reviews

'The Canadian historians Talbot Imlay and Martin Horn have produced a pathbreakingstudy of industrial collaborationism during World War II … Imlay and Horn have produced an excellent study that allows us to better understand how French and American automotive firms operated during the Nazi occupation. It is a significant contribution to the international historiography that will help stimulate scholarly interest in the economic history of World War II and in how big business operated under the Nazi regime.'

Aleksandr Bogdashkin Source: European History Quarterly

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