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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
March 2018
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Achieve faster and more efficient network design and optimization with this comprehensive guide. Some of the most prominent researchers in the field explain the very latest analytic techniques and results from stochastic geometry for modelling the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) distribution in heterogeneous cellular networks. This book will help readers to understand the effects of combining different system deployment parameters on key performance indicators such as coverage and capacity, enabling the efficient allocation of simulation resources. In addition to covering results for network models based on the Poisson point process, this book presents recent results for when non-Poisson base station configurations appear Poisson, due to random propagation effects such as fading and shadowing, as well as non-Poisson models for base station configurations, with a focus on determinantal point processes and tractable approximation methods. Theoretical results are illustrated with practical Long-Term Evolution (LTE) applications and compared with real-world deployment results.


'These four renowned experts deliver a comprehensive yet curated treatment on the modelling and analysis of modern cellular networks using stochastic geometry, which has been one of the most important recent lines of wireless research. Highly recommended for interested researchers and engineers. Can serve as a useful companion to Haenggi’s landmark stochastic geometry textbook, which had fairly minimal treatment of cellular networks.'

Jeff Andrews - University of Texas, Austin

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