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Book description

The pathways to economic development are changing. Environmental sustainability is no longer a choice but a necessity to maintain a competitive edge in the global economy. Just like in nature, where survival hinges on adaptation, this Element shows how nations adjust to -and take advantage of- the new dynamics of structural transformation induced by climate change.First, by analysing the uneven industrial geography of decarbonisation, the inadequate state of climate financing and rise of green protectionism, it demonstrates that the low-carbon economy stands to increase economic disparities between nations, unless action is taken. Then, by examining green industrial policies and their varied success, it explains how governments can still join the green industrialisation race. Finally, it examines how to adapt green industrial policy to different starting points, market sizes, productive structures, state-business relations dynamics, institutional layouts, and ecological contexts. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.


‘This compact but incredibly rich volume provides a comprehensive and sophisticated analysis of the challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead of us in making the world ‘greener’ while promoting socio-economic development in developing countries. The vision is panoramic - not just energy transition but a whole array of ecologically-minded transformations are discussed - and the analytical framework holistic - the volume is not just about the economics of ‘green’ industrial policy and financing but about conflict management, coalition building, and social development. This is a ‘transformative’ book that will completely change your understanding of the ‘green transformation’ agenda.’

Ha-Joon Chang - SOAS University of London, author of Kicking Away the Ladder and Edible Economics

‘What makes this book unique, among those that deal with the need for the green transition, is that it looks at reality in the face and dares to enter into the hurdles and complexities of the political decisions required for green transitions, clearly explaining why state action is indispensable. Definitely worth reading!’

Carlota Perez - Author of Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital: The dynamics of bubbles and Golden Ages

‘Turning ‘green growth’ from a slogan into a practical policy agenda will require tough choices. This short book by Amir Lebdioui provides an excellent, evidence-based guide to what needs to be done.’

Dani Rodrik - Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

‘By clearly laying out not only the opportunities of decarbonization but also the risks, this notable addition to the global discourse illustrates how policymakers can drive forward climate and environmental objectives without sacrificing local development priorities.’

Achim Steiner - Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

‘Recognising that the economy will not grow into a sustainable and just direction on its own, Amir Lebdioui presents urgently needed insights on how to govern the intricate dynamics of sustainable development. Through careful analysis spanning from the uneven economic impact of climate change to the rise of green industrial strategy, he provides invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities of a green transition. This book is a must-read for policymakers, economists, and anyone invested in shaping a world where the false dichotomy between economic prosperity and environmental sustainability no longer persists.’

Mariana Mazzucato - Professor at University College London and author of Mission Economy: a moonshot guide to changing capitalism


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