With the start of volume 18, our second as editors of the journal,
we are
joined as newly-appointed Review Editors by Miriam Bernard and
Judith Phillips.
Tony Warnes became review editor in 1987 and, by our calculation,
he has ‘put to bed’ 46 sets of abstracts and reviews, concluding
those that appeared in the last edition. Tony has made a major
contribution to the development of the journal over the past decade.
Several hundred books have passed through his hands and, as a result,
the review pages have become an invaluable resource for those coming
to gerontology, either as students, postgraduate researchers or from
other disciplines. He has located reviewers working in many different
settings – both on the geographical and the disciplinary maps. In
way the international gerontological network has been greatly
enhanced. Many of those who have written reviews will have benefited
from his astute and encouraging editorship.