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Call for papers

Call for papers

American Antiquity is looking for submissions! We especially want to encourage early and mid-career archaeologists to submit, as well as scholars who identify with/as LGBTQIA2S+ and/or BIPOC. 

We are looking for research that is broad ranging and of interest to a wide swath of our readership.  We are looking for research that moves along the conversation about big topics that archaeologists from all walks of life are engaged in. Topics that we would like to see more of include violence, climate change, identities, commerce and trade, migration and refugees, gender relations, inequalities, health and disease, food and nutrition, warfare and raiding, captives and enslaved people, reimagining historic sites, Indigenous knowledge systems, Indigenous interpretations of precontact and contact sites, intersectional approaches to understanding artifact usage, reconstructing symbolic and ideological aspects of artifacts, and (my personal favorite) bioarchaeological approaches.  

If you would like help in thinking about a submission or in crafting an approach to a submission, please do not hesitate reaching out to me at