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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 For an attempt at a legal classification, see C Flaesch-Mougin, Les Accords Externes de la Communauté Economique Européenne—Essai d’une Typologie (1979). For an excellent commentary on the relevant EEC Treaty provisions and practice, see 12 Mégret, J., Louis, J. V., Vignes, D., Waelbroeck, M., Deworst, J. & Bruckner, P., Le Droit de la Communauté Economique Européenne: Commentaire du Traité et de textes pris pour son Application (1970–1980)Google Scholar.
2 In its Opinion No. 1/78, International Agreement on Natural Rubber, 1979 ECR 2871, the Court of Justice took the broad view of Community power by holding that modern commodity agreements fall within the exclusive Community authority except when the financing is supplied by the member states.
3 On the more recent development of the EPC, see Stein, European Political Cooperation (EPC) as a Component of the European Foreign Affairs System, 43 Zeitschrift für Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 49 (1983). For the text of the proposed amendment, see Single European Act, Bull. Eur. Comm. Supp. No. 2/86. See generally Stein (with Henkin), Towards a European Foreign Policy?, in 1 Integration Through Law, Book 3 (M. Cappelletti, M. Seccombe & J. Weiler eds. 1986).