Growth of membership. When the Covenant of the League of Nations came into force on January 10, 1920, there were twenty-three members of the League. By the expiration of the two months allowed by Article 1 for accessions to the Covenant, on March 10, 1920, the number had been increased to thirty-three. When the First Assembly met on November 15,1920, the League had forty-two members, and when it adjourned on December 18, 1920, the number had been increased to forty-eight. The Second Assembly in 1921 admitted three more members, the Third Assembly in 1922 admitted one, and the Fourth Assembly in 1923 admitted two.So that since the Fourth Assembly, the members number fifty-four. These include all but seven of the twenty-four Powers represented at the first
Hague Conference in 1899, and all but seven of the forty-five Powers represented at the second Hague Conference in 1907.