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I. A Dissertation on St. Æthelwold's Benedictional, an illuminated MS. of the 10th Century, in the Library of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire; communicated by John Gage, Esq. F.R.S., Director, in a Letter to the Right Honourable George Earl of Aberdeen, President, &c.

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  12 June 2012

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It was an ancient custom for the Bishop, before he received the Eucharist in the sacrifice of the Mass, to bless the people in a form of prayer apporiate to the feast of the day. This solemn observation was made on the fraction of the host, and as that was the time at which a blessing was asked for the living, so also was it the special moment, when, according to the Anglo-Saxon Mass for the dead, on the day of the burial, the deceased was prayed for, by name.

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Copyright © The Society of Antiquaries of London 1832

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page 1 note a The Mass derives its name from the Latin Missio, or, Dimissio populi, and in this sense it was received in the fourth Council of Carthage, held in 398, can. 84. Episcopus nullum prohibeat usque ad Missam Catechumenorum, neque Hæreticum, neque Judœum, neque Gentilem, Ecclesiam ingredi & audire verbum Dei: that is to say, none were to be prevented being present in the church until the dismissal of the Catechumens, who, after the instruction, and before the offertory, retired upon the Deacon's crying out, Catechumeni, recedite. Only the faithful were then allowed to remain. This is further explained by St. Augustine, Serm. 49, cap. 8. De Verbis Domini: Ecce post sermonem fit Missa Catechumenorum, manebunt fideles, venietur ad locum orationis; and St. Isidore, lib. 6 De orig. vocum, cap. 16. says, Missa est tempore Sacrificii, quando Catechumeni foràs mittuntur, clamante Levitâ: si quis Catechumenus remansit, exeat foras: & inde Missa, quia sacramentis altaris interesse non possunt, qui nondùm regenerati noscuntur. If, therefore, the Missa Catechumenorum took its name from the dismissal of the Catechumens, so the Missa Fidelium took its name from the dismissal of the faithful on the Deacon's exclaiming Ite, Missa est. Hence, the part of the liturgy, from the introit to the ending of the Gospel, and its exposition, was called the Mass of the Catechumens, and that which followed was called the Mass of the Faithful.

Though this is the origin of the word, it has been variously applied; but in the ordinary acceptation the Mass signifies the whole celebration of the Divine Sacrifice, concerning which the Council of Trent has defined, Si quis dixerit in Missa non offerri Deo verum & proprium sacrificium, aut quod offerri non sit aliud, quam nobis Christum ad manducandum dari; anathema sit.—Item, si quis dixerit illis verbis: Hoc facite in meam commemorationem, Christum non instituisse Apostolos Sacerdotes: aut non ordinasse ut ipsi aliique Sacerdotes offerrent corpus & sanguinem suum; anathema sit.

page 2 note b Missale Roberti Archiep. Cantuar. MS. Sæc. XI.Num. 34, in Bibl. Publ.Rothomag. fol. 221 v. “Missa in die depositionis defuncti. In fractione. Hanc igitur oblationem quam tibi pro anima famuli tui (ill) offerimus quem hodie carnali corrup' liberasti, Q's, D'ne, ut placatus accipias, et quicquid humanæ conditionis obreptione contraxit, expedias ut tuis purificata remediis ad gaudium sempiternum perveniat.”

page 2 note c Haymo Halberstadensis Episcopus An. 853. Homil. in evang. et epist. per annum.

page 3 note d Cur ergo manus imponitis, et benedictionis opus creditis? S. Ambr. lib. 1 de pænitentia, ca. 7 Extent â manu, ut benedicere eos putes, si nescias, pretia accipiunt salutandi. S. Hieronymus epist. ad Eustochium. Menard in his Commentary shews that these passages refer to special benedictions in the Mass. Notæ & observ. p. 27, 28.

page 3 note e Fleury and others would refer this precept to the Episcopal benediction before communion but their opinion Menard clearly disproves.

page 3 note f Fol. 236, v. The order of benediction in the ancient Pontifical of the Church of Chalon agrees with the Pontifical of Leo X. Martene de Antiq. eccl. rit. Rothomag. torn. I. 586.

page 5 note g They are not contained in the Pontificale Romanum Clementis VIII. Romæ 1595.

page 5 note h Mabillon, in ordinem Romanum Commentarius, Cap. vii. pag. lii. Mus. Ital. torn. ii. Complectens antiquos libros rituales sanctse Romanæ ecclesiæ.

page 5 note i In the several editions of the Epistolæ S. Bonefacii, published by Serariusand Wurdtwein, the passage is as follows: “Pro benedictionibus autem, quas faciunt Galli, ut nosti frater, multis vitiis variantur. Nam non ex apostolica traditione hoc faciunt, sed per vanam gloriam operantur, sibi ipsis damnationem adhibentes, dum scriptum est: Si quis vobis evangelizaverit prceter id, quod evangelization est, anathema sit. Regulam Catholicae traditionis sicut suscepisti, Frater amantissime, sic omnibus prædica, omnesque, sicut a Sancta Romana, cui, Deo auctore, deservimus, ecclesia accepisti.” On which Serarius, in his notes, observes, “An illas intelligit, quæ mulierculis etiam nonnullis et iis, qui apud Hispanos interdum Salvatores vocantur usitatæ? Nam istius modi apud nos Segen dicuntur. Deque ipsis multa Franciscus de Victoria Relect. de Magia ad 2. et nuper Martinus Noster Delrio, lib. 3. Disquisivit Mag. p. 11. q. 4. s. 7. Vide hunc eundem, 1. 6. c. 11. s. 1. q. 2.

page 7 note k S. Daiuasi Opera, epist. ix. p. 107. Parisiis, 1672.

page 7 note l See Justin in Apologia 2, ad Antoninum Pium. See also Constit. Apostol. lib. 2. cap. 61, et lib. viii.

page 7 note m “L'Eveque donne a la Messe plusiers benedictions au peuple, mais il donne la plus solem-nelle immediatement avant la Communion.” See the answers of the Syriac priest to De Moleon's Questions sur la liturgie de l'eglise d'orient.

page 8 note n Benedic hereditatem tuam in pace is the language used in St. Æthelwold's Benedictional on the first Sunday of Advent.

page 8 note o Euchologion sive Rituale Græeorum. Jacobi Goar. Lutet. Paris, 1647, pp. 83, 84.

page 8 note p Walfridus Strabo lib. de Reb. ecclesiasticis, Cap. 21. The Ambrosian liturgy occurs in Martene de Antiq. eccl. ritibus, Antwerp, 1736, tom. i. 480, and in Parnele, Liturg. Lat. 293. The Canon of this Mass is given by Muratori in his Liturgia Romana vetus, tom.i. p. 131, and the order of this liturgy may also be seen in Bona Rer. liturg. lib. cap. x. 362.

page 8 note q Martene, tom. i. p. 488.

page 8 note r Galli a Christiana, tom. iv. p. 4.

page 8 note s Martyrolog. Gail, pars postrem. p. 1049.

page 9 note t Mabillon de Liturgia Gallicana, libri iii. Chardon Histoire des Sacremens, tom. i. Martene, torn. i. Cap. iii. 270. Bona, lib. i. Cap. 12. Muratori Liturgia Romana vetus.

page 9 note v Tom. i. Musei Italici.

page 9 note u Earl Spencer has a copy of the Missa secundura consuetudinera Gallicorum, printed at Messana in 1480. It is without Episcopal benedictions, or any notice of them in the rubric.

page 9 note x De Moleon Voyages Liturgiques de France, Paris, 1757. Martene, tom. i. p. 414, edit. 1700.

page 10 note y Martene, tom. i. 475, ex antiquo Missali Mozarabum jussu Francisci Ximenes Archiepiscopi Toletani edito.

page 11 note z Anastasius notices an addition made by Leo the Great to the Canon of the Mass, and, in the Gemma Animi, other alterations of the Mass by this Pope are spoken of.

page 11 note a Liturg. Rom. Vet. p. 15.

page 11 note b According to Anastatius this pontiff wrote prefaces and collects for the Mass, and also composed Hymns after the manner of St. Ambrose.

page 11 note c Liturgia Romana vetus.

page 11 note d That it was written among the Franks, or in Britain, is clear from certain festivals in the Missal which belong to the Gallican and not to the Roman Church; and also from the invocation in the Mass of peculiar patron Saints of those countries. In the Canon are the words added by Gregory the Great.

page 11 note e Hist. Eccl. torn. II. lib. xvi. cap. 10.

page 12 note f Liturgia Romana Vetus, p. 82.

page 12 note g Acta Sanctorum, mensis Martii, tom. ii. p. 150. Vita S. Greg, auctore Johanne Diacono.

page 12 note h “Sed et in ipsa missarum celebratione tria verba maximee perfectionis plena superadjecit, Dies que nostros in,” &c. Beda, lib. ii. cap. i.

page 12 note i Anast. de Vitis Pontif. apud Muratori, Script. Ital. 3, p. 134.

page 12 note j Be Libris Sacrarii qui ministerio altaris deserviunt: Missales Gregoriani tres; Missalis Gregorianus et Gelasianus modernis temporibus ab Albino ordinatus I. Lectionarii Epistolarum & Evangeliorum mixtim & ordinatè compositi v. Missales Gelasiani xix. Textus Evangelii IV. aureis litteris scriptus totus I. Lectionarius plenarius à supradicto Albino ordinatus I. Antephonarii sex: qui sunt libri num. xxxv. Chronicon Hariulfi Monachi S. Richarij Centulensis, lib. iii. cap. iii. D'Achery Spiceleg. tom, ii. 310.

page 13 note k Petri Lambecii Comment, de Biblioth. Caes. lib, ii. cap. V. p. 299.

page 14 note l Johannes Evangelista, primum cursum Gallorum decantavit:—Beatus Hieronimus ad-firmat, ipsum cursum qui dicitur præsente tempore Scottorum, beatus Marcus decantavit, & post ipsum Gregorius Nanzanzenus, quem Hyeronimus suum magistrum esse adfirmat: & beatus Basilius frater ipsius S'c'i Gregorii, Antonius, Paulus, Macharius, vel Johannes, et Malchus secundum ordinem patrum decantaverunt: Inde postea beatissimus Cassianus, qui Linerense monasterio beatum Honoratum habuit comparem. Et post ipsum beatus Honoratus primus Abba & s‘c’s Caesarius ep's qui fuit in Arelata, et beatus Porcarius Abba qui in ipso monasterio fuit, ipsum cursum decantaverunt, qui beatum Lupum et beatum Germanum monachus in eorum monasterio habuerunt: & ipsi sub normam reguli ipsum cursum ibidem decantaverunt, &. postea in Episcopatus cathedra summi honoris p'reverentia s'c'itatis eorum sunt adepti & postea in Brittaniis vel Scottiis praedicaverunt, quae vita beati Germani ep'i Antisiodorensis, et vita beati Lupi adfirmat, qui beatum Patricium spiritaliter litteras sacras docuerunt atque enutrierunt, & ipsum ep'm p' eorum prædication Archiep'm in Scottiis ac Brittaniis posuerunt, qui vixit annos centum quinquaginta tres; & ipsum cursutn ibidem decantavit. MS. Cotton. Nero A. II. fol. 36, 37 v. et 38, Sæc. ix. See also Spelman's Concil. torn. i. p. 176. Usser. Primord. Dub. 1639, p. 342; and Mabillon, Liturg. Gall. p. 380.

page 15 note m Mabillon, ibid. p. 15.

page 15 note n Bibliotheca MS. Stowensis 2, p. 2.

page 15 note o See a description of this Missal in Mabillon, Musei Ital. torn. i.; Ruinart de re Deplomat. 366; and O'Connor Rerum Hibern. Script, torn. i. cxxx.

page 15 note p The general conformity of the ancient Canons of the Mass, of the Roman, Gothic, and other Western Churches, with the present Roman Canon, is shown by Georgi de Liturg. Roin. Pont. torn. iii. p. xli.

page 16 note q Bed. lib. i. cap. xxvi, xxvii, xxix.; lib. iv. cap. xviii.

page 16 note r Ibid. lib. i. cap. xxvii.

page 16 note s Polychron. VII. c. 3, Caxton edit. fol. 328.

page 16 note t Dr. O Connor, in his Bibliotheca Stowensis, says that the Sarum Missal was first printed in 14-88; but he seems to have mistaken the Missal for Breviarum secundum usum Sarum. Venetiis, Raynaldus de Novomagio 1488, in two volumes, 8vo. of which there was a vellum copy in the Macarthy library; though it is possible that this Breviary, like some of the early ones, may contain the ordinary of the Mass. The impression of the Missal of 1492, spoken of by Denis on the authority of a private friend, is not known in this country.

page 16 note u The copy of 1494 is intitled, Missale secundum usum ecctesie Saru Angllcane. Collophon In laude sanctissime Trinitatis totiusq milicie cdestis ad honori & decore sancte eccl'ie Sarū Anglicane: eiusq' devotissimi cleri: hoc missale divinorum officioru Vigilanti studio emendatu & revisum. Impressum Venetiis per Joanne Hertzog de Landoia: Jelici numine explicitu est. Anno D'ni M.CCCC XCIIII. Kal's mensis Decembris. The bookseller's device, and, Fredericus Egmont me fieri fecit.

page 17 note x Missale secundu usum insignis ecclesie Sarisburien'. The arms of France and England over the story of St. George and the Dragon. Colophon, Anno incarnationis Dominice Qiia-dringentesimo nonagesimo septimo supra milesimum die vero quarta mensis Decembris: opera et industria magistri Martini Morin impressoris Rothomagi juxta insignem prioratum Sancti Laudi commoran'. Impensa vero Johannis Richardi Mercatoris: hoc egregium opus sacri Missalis ad usum famose ac percelebris ecclesie Sar. nuper instanti ac per vigili cura visum, corectum et emedatu est palam et in papiro et pargameno venale Jacili precio cord cunctis pro-ductum et exhibitum.

page 17 note y The copy in the British Museum is bound up with Wynkyn de Worde's Expositio Hymnor' totius anni; et expositio Sequētiarū totius anni; and the Processionale ad usum insignis ecclesias Sar. Londini, 1553. It is intitled, Manuale ad vsum insignis ecclesie Sar. Rothomagi nuper impressu. In officina Magistri Petri Oliuier juxta ecclesiam Sancti Viviani moram agetis. The arms of France and England over the story of St. George and the Dragon; below, On les vent a Rouen en la maison Philippe Coste, parcheminier, demourant au pont de Robec. The last leaf is wanting. The edition of 1501 has this title: Manuale ad usum insig-nis ecclesie Sar. Rothomagi nuper impressum impensis Juhannis Richardi Mercatoris librarii in eadem urbe juxta ecclesiam divi Nicholai moram trahentis. The arms of France and England over the story of St. George and the Dragon. Colophon: Finis tabule Manualis et ex co-sequenti toti op' is Rothomagi nuper impressi in vico Damiete iuxta divi Maclouii opera et arte Petri Olivier et Johannis de Lorraine socior'. Anno D'ni MCCCCCprimo in Pascha. Sum'e Trinitati laus honor et gloria. The bookseller's device of J. R, in a shield supported by a Virgin and a Unicorn.

By the Constitutions of Archbishop Winchelsea, each parish was required to provide a Legend, Antiphonar, Gradual, Psalter, Trnperium, Ordinal, Missal, and Manual. The Legend contains the lessons to be read in the Matin Office, taken from the Old or New Testament, or the Homilies, Sermons, and Saints' lives. The Antiphonar, a book for the service of the Choir, has the responses or antiphons, hymns, verses, and other things belonging to the singing of the Canonical Hours. The Gradual, which takes its name from the prayer chaunted gradatim after the Epistle, is the choir-book used in singing mass. The Psalter contains David's Psalms. The Troperium is the book of the sequentiæ, necessary when they are not contained in the gradual. The Ordinal is the directory containing the order of singing and solemnizing the divine office. The Missal contains every thing belonging to the mass, or liturgy for each day in the year. The Manual is defined by Linwood as the ritual containing all things belonging to the sacraments, sacramentals, and benedictions. In England, every illuminated MS. prayer-book of what nature soever it may be, goes most absurdly under the denomination of a Missal.

page 20 note z Ethelwoldi memoriam in rebus sacris jam inde ab ejus obitu celebravit Anglicana Ecclesia, ut prae aliis testatum facit Missa hie edita, qualis in MS. Codice Uticensi pervetusto habetur. Observ. Prcevia Vitæ S. Æthclwoldi Episcopi Wintoniensis auctore (ut videtur) Wulstani monach i ejus discipuli ex MS. Codice Cœnobii Uticensis in Gallia. Acta Benedict, sæc. v. p. 606. In the Missale Roberti, Archiepiscopi, his feast occurs on the first of August, and the day of his translation is kept on the thirteenth of September. (See Appendix.)

page 20 note a a Among the Cotton MSS. is a copy of Wulstan's life of St. Æthelwold, Nero, E. I. fo i. 142. See also “de Sancto Æthelwoldo,” in the registrum de Abbendon, MS. Cotton, Clandius, B. vi. fo. 53, Si, and Dugdale's Monasticon, edit. 1817, vol. i. p. 516; Hen. Huntind. lib. v. 204, Malmesbury, de Gestis Pontif. lib. ii. et de Gestis Reg. cap. viii.; Alban Butler's Lives of Saints, vol. viii. p. 29.

page 20 note b Among the subscribing witnesses to King Edred's charter to the abbey of Croyland in 948, occurs “Ego Athelwoldus Abbas Abendonensis approbaui.” Ingulphi Hist. f. 498 b.

page 20 note c Sax. Chron.

page 20 note d Sic que valefaciens et dans pacem filiis suis inter verba orationis spiritum ccelo reddidit i a kalendas Augusti anno Dominicae incarnationis nongentesimo octogesimo quarto, episcopatu is autem sui vicesimo secundo, regni moderamina gubernante Ætheldredo rege Anglorum. Wutstan. Acta Bened. Sæc. V. p. 622. See also Ingulf. 506, and Sax. Chron. Æfric, in his life of St. ÆEthelwold, cited by Mabillon, in Acta Benedict, says that he died on the third of the Kalends of August.

page 21 note e De Gestis Pontif. lib. ii. fo. 139.

page 21 note f Si alicui tamen displicuerit nostra interpretatio, dicat quando vult, nos contend sumus sicut didicimus in schola Athelwoldi venerabilis Presulis qui multos ad bonum imbuit—Sacerdotum nullus, donee Dunstanus Archiepiscopus & Æthelwaldus Episcopus in vita monastica (i. e. in monasteriis) doctrinam resuscitassent, epistolam Latinè scribere, aut (Latine scriptam) interpretari possit. Ælfrici Grammatica, in Prcef. Somner. For the better government of his monks, he sent Osgar to the well-disciplined monastery of Fleury to learn the rule of St. Benedict. Wulstan; and vitæ SS. Dunstan et Oswald, in Acta Benedict.

page 21 note g Tot, & tanta Monasteria fecit, quod vix modo credibili videatur, ut talia fecerit episcopus urbis unius, qualis vix posset rex Angliae totius. Malmesb. de Gestis Reg. lib. ii. cap. viii.

page 21 note h Anno Dominicae incarnationis nongentesimo octogesimo renovata et constructa est ecclesia veteris ccenobii, &c. Wulstan. 621.

Praesul Adelwoldus sacro spiramine plenus.

Fecit ovans opera multa Deo placita.

Istius antiqui reparavit & atria templi

Moenibus excelsis culminibusque novis.

Partibus hoc Austri firmans & partibus Arcti,

Porticibus solidis arcubus & variis.

Addidit & plures sacris altaribus aedes,

Quae retinent dubium limitis introitum.

Quisquis ut ignotis hsec deambulat atria plantis,

Nesciat unde meat, quove peduin referat.

Omni parte fores quia conspiciuntur apertae,

Nee patet ulla sibi semita certa vise.

Hue illucque vagas stans circumducit ocellos,

Attica Dedalei tecta stupetque soli.

Certior adveniat donee sibi ductor, et ipsum

Ducat ad extremi limina vestibuli.

Hie secum mirans, cruce se consignat, & unde

Exeat attonito pectore scire nequit.

Sic constructa micat, sic & variata coruscat

Machina, quae veterem sustinet ecclesiam.

Wulstan. Ep. ad S. Elph.

page 22 note i De Illustribus Angliae Scriptoribus, p. 178. See Mabillon's remarks on these writings in the preface to Wulstan's life of the Saint.

page 22 note k Opitulate etiam piissimo Rege Eadgaro memorande memorie Abbas Athelwoldus tabula fecit argenteam pretio ad pretiatum trecentarii libraru cujus etiam materiam forma exsuperabat artificialis quae etiam usque ad tempus Vincentij abbatis illaesa permansit & inconfracta——. Fecit etiam duas campanas propriis manibus ut dicitur, quas in hac domo posuit, cum aliis duobus maioribus quas etiam Beatus Dunstanus propriis manibus fecisse perhibetur. Praeterea fecit uir uenerabilis Athelwoldus quandam rotam tintennabulis plenam quam auream nuncupavit propter laminas ipsius deauratas, qua in festiuis diebus ad majoris excitationem devocionis reducendo uolui constituit. Reg. de Abbendon. Claud. B. vi. fo. 84. He procured, according to Butler, whose authority I am not acquainted with, a master of church-music from the monastery of Corbie. In the Hyde Abbey Book, belonging to the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, fo. 89, is a fragment of the exultat, chanted on Holy Saturday in the monastery, with the musical notes which were in use before the present gamut was invented in 1020.

page 22 note l Godemann nole monachum Winton & Capellanum ipsius S‘c’i Adelwoldi, idem s‘c’us Abbatem instituit, & apud Thorneiam benedixit. MS. Harl. 6978, ex Reg. Rubro de Thorney, p. 119.

page 22 note m Tertium nihilominus adquisivit (Æthelwoldus) pretio locum, juxta crepidinem praedicti fiuminis situm, qui propter spineta circurnquaque succrescentia Thornig solito nuncupatum Anglice vocabulo, quem pari conditione Monachis aptissimum delegavit. Rectorem quoque illis & Abbatem Godemannum praeposuit, constructumque monasterium in honore Dei genetricis & virginis Mariae dedicavit, & bonorum omnium possessione gratulanter ditavit. Wulstan. Act. Bened. p. 616. Vide etiam Eadmer, de Vita S. Oswald, in Ada Benedict.

page 22 note n Monachos ibidem statuit, et Godemannum eis abbatem prsefecit circa annum gratiee DCCCCLXX. ut refert Joannes in Historic Aurea. Rudborne, in Angl. Sacr. torn. i. p. 218.

On referring to John of Tynmouth's life of St. Æthelwold, MS. Cotton. Tib. E. I. fo. iii, I do not find that he mentions the year when Godemann became Abbot. Capgrave, in his life of St. Æthelwold, fo. 153, copies John of Tynmouth verbatim.

page 23 note o Dr. Dibdin, describing this volume in his Bibliographical Decameron, by mistake says one hundred and eighteen leaves, from an error in the modern pencilling of the number of folios of the MS. It is marked at the back simply MS. The notes which occur on a flv-leaf at the beginning of the book, and upon the covering which faces, are certainly not in the hand-writing of Lord Burlington.

page 23 note p In the dialogue between the Cluniac Monk and the Cistercian, de diversis idriusque ordinis observantiis, Thes. Novus Anecdot. V. Tom. 1623, this method may be that alluded to in the words of the Cistercian, aurum molere et cum Mo molito magnas Capitales pirtgere litteras, quid est nisi inutile et otiosum opus?

page 24 note q Te gloriosus Apostolorum chorus. Hymn, Te Deum. In the litany of the Benedictional of Archbishop Robert occurs, “Omnis chorus confessorum.”

page 32 note q In the Annals of Hyde Abbey, in the British Museum (not, however, a MS. of this early period) we lrave: ‘Nong' lxvi. Egar' rex cont'lit nouo monast'io Wy'ton' libru' p'uilegior' aureis l'ris sc'ptu'.

page 33 note r Dr. Ashby, of Barrow, a learned critic, in his MS. notes to a description of St. Edmundsbury, expresses the same opinion in regard to the crosses of witnesses to Anglo-Saxon charters. The earliest instance I remember of witnesses individually making a cross to a charter, occurs in one of William the Conqueror to the monks of St. Pancras at Lewes, in the Cotton Collection Vesp. F. in. fol. 1. Edit.

page 33 note s By the Constitutions of Archbishop Winchelsey each parish was to provide a chasuble for principal feasts, a dalmatic, tunic, and cope for the choir, with their appendages.

page 33 note t Mirice pro mirifice.

page 34 note u Arringhi, Roma Subter. vol. ii. p. 559.

page 34 note v See Zaccaria, Du Cange, Mabillon, and Ruinart.

page 34 note w Gregory the Great bestowed the pallium on St. Augustin. Usum tibi palii in ea ad sola missarum sollemnia agenda concedimus. Epist, Greg. Mag. ad Augustin. Bed. lib. i. c. xxix.

page 34 note x MS. Roberti Archiepiscopi.

page 34 note y Bed. lib. iii. c. xxv.; lib. v. c. xxi. See also the Appendix to Smith's Bede, num.ix. p. 705.

page 37 note z Lib. i. de Gloria Mar. c. 28. We have another derivation of the tonsure in Egbert, Archbishopof York's excerptiones, Wilkins's Concil. torn. i. p. 111. “CLII. De Tonsura. Exordium tonsurse a Nazarenis incepit, qui crine servato post vita? magnoe continentiam caput radebant ut devotionem Domino consecrarent. CLI1I. De Tonsura Petri. Petrus itaque Apostolus clericali tonsura primo usus est, gestans in capite imaginem coronæ spinæ Christi. Unde Canon Africanus praecepit ut clericus nee comam nutriat, nee barbam.

page 39 note a IV. Book of Kings, cap. ii.

page 39 note b Aninghi, Roma Subter. torn. i. 305. In Prudenti Carm. torn. i. 252, edit. Romæ, 1788, is a drawing of a medal, ex Museo Victorio, of the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan.

page 39 note c MS. numbered 362.

page 39 note d See Fran, Cancellieri de Secretariis Basilicæ Vaticanae, lib. ii. cap. 14.

page 40 note e St. Mark, cap. iii. v. 17.

page 40 note g The obituary in the Calendar is in different hands, and records the deaths of the Abbots of New Minster and of some of the brethren of the house during the tenth and part of the eleventh century. Aelfwin became Abbot according to the annals of Hyde, in 1035; he was in Deacon's orders only at the time this MS. was written, and was, it is to be presumed, young. In the month of March occurs the death of Aelfwin's father, “obit Aethelnothipat' Aelfvoini mo Abb.” The last word is a later addition and I have no doubt was inserted after Aelfwyn became Abbot. The death of Aelsinus, who was probably the writer of the MS., is added in the Calendar.

page 41 note h MS. Harl. nu. 1761.

page 42 note l There were three ladies of this name during the early part of the tenth century; the daughter, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter, of Alfred.

page 43 note m Sax. Chron.

page 43 note n pict. p. 157, 158.

page 43 note o Leo Marsicanus apud Muratori, Antiq. Med. œvi, diss. Iviii. Lingard, Hist, of England, vol. i. 392.

page 43 note p St. Æthel wold gave the monks of Abingdon a copy of the Gospels, cased in silver with fine gold, and precious stones.

page 43 note q Lansdowne MS. 771, torn. i. fo. 20,63, 84-; torn, ii fo. 121.

page 45 note 1 In omitted—Acta Benedict. Sæc.V.p. 626, ex MS. Codice Uticensi.

page 45 note 2 Ep'i omitted, ib.

page 45 note 3 lllustratione for inlustratione ib.

page 45 note 4 Tuam omitted. ib.

page 45 note 5 Ad Missam for Alia. ib.

page 45 note 6 D'n'm n'r'm omitted, ib.

page 45 note 7 Cœlestia regna for regna caelestia. ib.

page 45 note 8 Per Christum for ideo. ib.

page 45 note 9 Post communio for Ad Complen'. ib.

page 46 note 1 Intercessione gloriosa nos protege for Epi gloriosa nos intercessione protege, ib.—Acta Benedict. Saec. V. p. 626.

page 46 note 2 Alia for Ad Vesperu'. ib.

page 46 note 3 Conserva &. omitted, ib.

page 46 note 4 Inter veniente for interventu. ib.

page 46 note 5 Patrocinio ante for patrocinante. ib.

page 46 note 6 D'n'm n'i'm omitted, ib.

page 46 note 7 tuum. ib.

page 46 note 8 Super oblata, for Secreta. ib.

page 46 note 9 Sanctæ.

page 46 note 10 a omitted, ib.

page 46 note 11 D'n'm n'r'm omitted.

page 46 note 12 Aeterne D's. omitted, ib.

page 46 note 13 Teque for utquae. ib.

page 46 note 14 Meruimus for mereamur. ib.

page 46 note 15 D'n'm n'r'm omitted, ib.

page 46 note 16 Post Communio for Ad Complendu.

page 46 note 17 Communio nos for nos Communio.

page 46 note 18 D'n'm n'r'm omitted.

page 50 note a The word Advent was formerly used to signify the day of the nativity of Christ; and the time which immediately preceded that day was styled Ante Nativitatem, or Ante Natale Domini: whence, in the Anglo-Saxon gospels, which have marked in them the different gospels for the several Sundays of the year, they say nothing of Advent, but mark the gospels for the fourth, third, second, and first Sunday before Midwinter; and Christmas Eve is called Midwinter- Mass Even: nor is Advent mentioned in the Leoniac Sacramentary. St. Æthelwold's Benedictional uses Advent to signify the time, and I have not seen in the English liturgy an earlier mention of the word in the sense here used. The division is the same as in the Saxon gospels, that is to say, into four weeks; and the Sundays are counted, as at present, the first, second, third, and fourth Sunday of Advent. In the Gelasian Sacramentary, Advent has five Sundays, and that which is furthest from the Nativity is called the fifth Sunday, which is the order observed in the Codex S. Eligii and some of the early Gregorian Sacramentaries: when it was reduced in the Roman Church to four Sundays does not exactly appear. The Ambrosian, Mozarabic, and Gallican liturgies count six weeks in Advent. By the ecclesiastical laws of Cnute, ordeals and oaths were forbidden during Advent. Wilkins's Concil. torn. i. p. 503.

page 51 note b This Benediction is the Hist among the Benedictiones Pontificates de Tempore, in the Pontificale Romanae Ecclesiae 1520, dedicated to Pope Leo X. fo. 237 b. It occurs also in the following printed works:—Liturgia Romana Vetus ex codice Othoboniano, edente Ludovico Antonio Muratorio, Venetiis 1748, torn. ii. 374, under Benedictio in Adoentu Domini;—S. Gregorii Papas Romani Benedictionale, Petri Lambecii Comment, de Biblioth. Caes. lib. ii. cap. 5;—Liturgia Latinorum Jacobi Pamelii, &c, Coloniae Agrippinse, 1571, in Sacramentorum libro, autore Grimoldo abbate, fo. 479, being the first among the Btnedictiones de Adventu Domini;—Divi Grtgorii Papae Liber Sacramentorum ex Missali MS. Sancti Eligii Bibliothecae Corbeiensis, &c, studio Fr. Hugonis Menardi, &c, Parisiis 1642, fo. 196, under Htbilomeda IV. ante Nat. Domini;—Opera S. Gregorii, torn. iii. Parisiis 1705, in the Benedictionum Episcopalium supplementum ex Codice pervetusto S. Theodcrici prope Remos, fo. 630'. It likewise occurs in the Missale Leofrici, Exoniensis Episcopi, MS. 2675, in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, fol. 153 v.; and in the book called Benedictionarius Roberti, Archiepiscopi, MS. 27, in the public library at Rouen.

page 51 note c This benediction occurs in Benedict. Episcop Suppl. ex codice S. Theodorici, Opera S. Greg. Mag. torn, 626.

page 52 note d Pamel. fo. 479, in Hebdomeda iii. ante Nat. Domini; Suppl. Bened. Opera S. Greg. Mag. tool. iii. fo. 636, ex cod. S. Theod. in Dom. ui. ante Nat. Dom.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 52 note e Pamel. 480; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 636. ex cod. S. Theod.

page 53 note f Pontif. Rom. fo. 237 b; Pamel. fo. 479; Lambec. fo. 3 1; Menard. fo. 198; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 636, ex Cod. S. Theod.; Missale Leofrici, fo. 153; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “incarnatione,” “fecit,” “venerit.”

page 53 note g Pontif. Rom. fo. 237 b, in S'c'da Dominica de Adventu; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 636, ex cod. S. Theod.

page 53 note h Pontif. Rom. fo. 237 b; Pamel. fo. 480; Menard. fo. 201, in Dominica I. ante Nat. Dom.; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 637, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Pioberti Archiep.

page 54 note i Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 637, post Dom. I. ante Nat. Dom. ex cod. S. Theod.

page 54 note k Saturday in Ember week, in the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth months of the year, was called Sabbatum, in xii. Lectionibus, from the twelve readers of the six lessons read in Greek and Latin on this day: Amal. Fortun. in Bibl. Patr. torn. xiv. p. 967. For the Ember days, as regulated by Gregory the Great, for the English Church, see the Dialogus Ecgberti Arehiepiscopi Eboracae, Wilkins's Concil. torn. i. p. 85; and Concil. Cloveshoviense, ibid. p. 95. The Ecclesiastical laws of Alfred prescribed,—” et quatuor dies Mercurii in quatuor septimanis jejunialibus, omnibus hominibus sunt remissi (exceptis servis et operariis) pro beneplacito cvjuslibet. Ibid. p. 194.

page 56 note l Muratori, fo. 362, ex cod. Othobon.; Pamel. fo. 481; Menard. fo. 4, in Vigilia Domini in nocte; Lambec. fo. 300; Suppl. Eened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 616, in cod. S. Theod.; Missale Leofrici, fo. 65 v. 8 kal, Jan. Vigil. Nativ. Christi de hora nona; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “effugiat.”

page 56 note m Pontif. Rom. fo. 238; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 626, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti Archiep. ad missam in nocte, ‘in mundo,’ “utinam.” See Prudenti Carm. Hymnus ad Gallicinium, with the note, edit. 1788, Romae.

page 57 note n Pontif. Rom. fo. 238, in aurora benedictio; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 626; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “ut,” “aeternae visionis luce perfrui mereantur.”

page 57 note o Pontif. Rom. ad majore' missas benedictio, fo. 238 b; Muratori, fo. 3 b, ex codice Othobon.; Lambec. fo. 300; Pamel. fo. 4S1; Menard. fo. 7; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 626, ex cod. S. Theod. Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “seculo omitted’ “indui uoluit pannis,” “indumentorum”; Missale Leofrici, fo. 68, Nativ. Christi. Theodosius the younger, in his laws de Spectaculis, promulgated in 425, forbade shews or games die Natali Domini; as well as on the Epiphany, and days of Easter and Penticost. In the Leonine Sacramentary, Christmas Day is celebrated on the 25th December, “VIII. Kalendas Januarii. Natale Domini.” The custom of saying three masses on this festival is mentioned by S. Gregory in Evang. Hotnil. Op. S. Greg, torn. i. fo. 1460.

page 57 note p Pontif. Rom. fo. 238 b; Muratori, fo. 363, ex codice Othobon.; Latnbec. fo. 300; Patnel. fo.4S2; Menard, fo. 9; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. lorn, 616, ex cod. S.Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.; Missale Leofrici, fo. 158. See Lucian De Inventione et Transl. S. Stephani, c. 8-9. This Saint's festival is not in the Leonine Sacramentary. In the Gelasian Sacramentary occurs In nat. Sancti Slephani, Martyr. VII. kal. Januarias.

page 57 note q Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 626, ex cod. S. Theod.

page 58 note r Pontif. Rom. fo. 238 b; Muratori, fo. 363, ex cod. Othobon.; Lambee. fo. 301; Pamel. fo. 482; Menard, fo. 10; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 626, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.; Missale Leofiici, fo. 159. 6 Kal. Jan. This festival occurs both in the Leonine and Gclasian Sacramentaries: in the latter, In Natal. Sancti Johan. Evangel. VI. kal. Jannarias.

page 58 note rr This title occurs at the foot of fol. 20, and the next leaf with the benediction, which probably had a miniature of the Holy Innocents on the verso, is wanting.

page 58 note s Pontif. Rom. fo. 236 b: Muratori, fo. 364, ex cod. Othobon.; Lambee. fo. 301; Pamel. fo. 483; Menard, fo. 12; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. tom.iii. fo. 627, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “Herodes funestus,” “ut”j Missale Leofrici, 160 v. This festival occurs in the Leonine Sacramentary; and in the Gelasian, In Natal. Innocent. V. kal. Januar.

page 59 note t Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 6-16, ex cod. S. Theod.

page 59 note u Pontif. Rom. fo. 359; Muratori, fo. 364, ex codice Othobon.; Pamel. fo. 483; Menard, fo. 13, in octavis Domini; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 627, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “Septenarii,” “octava” Missale Leofrici, fo. 70.

page 59 note x Pontif. Rom. 238 b, “misit in terris;” Pamel. fo. 483; Menard, fo. 14; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 627, ex codice S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “in mundum ut cum.”

page 60 note y Theophaniæ, id est, Dei apparilio, vulgo Epiphania.

page 60 note z Pontif. Rom. fo. 239; Muratori, fo. 365, ex cod. Othobon.; Lambec. fo. 302; Pamel. fo. 454; Menard, fo. 16; Suppl. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 627, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. Benedictio in Theophania Xri, Missale Leofrici, fo. 71 v.

page 60 note a Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 627, in oct. Epiphaniæ. Compare the text with the form in the Missale Gothicum, Muratori, 541, in vigiliis Epiphaniæ.

page 61 note b Pontif. Rom. fo. 239; Patnel. fo. 4S4; Menard, fo. 17; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn, iii. fo. 627; in Dom. ii. post Nat. Domini, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 61 note c Pontif. Rom. 239; Pamel. 485; Menard, fo. 18; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo- 627, in Dom. iii. post Nat. Domini, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “scripturarum intelligentiam,” “in vina convertendo.”

page 61 note d Pontif. Rom. 239 b.; Pamel. 485; Menard, fo. 25; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torniii. fo. 628, in Dom. iiii. post Nat. Dom. ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 62 note e Pontif. Rom. 239 b.; Pamel. 485; Menard, fo. 26; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 628, in Dotn. V. post Nat. Dom. ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Robert, Archiep. “continua,” “propitiatus constituit.”

page 62 note f Pontif. Rom. 239 b. “semen bonum in sua ecclesia non desinit serere;” Pamel. 486; Menard, 27; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 628, ira Dom. VI. post Nat. Dom. ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 62 note g Pontif. Rom. 639 b.; Pamel. 486; Menard, 28; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 628, in Dom. VII. post Nat. Dom. ex ccd. S.Theod.; Bened, Roberti, Archiep. “contrarios,” “fluctibus,” “gubernat.”

page 63 note h Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “veniam” omitted. St. Sebastian suffered martyrdom under the Emperor Dioclesian. The Leonine Sacramemary, being defective for the months of January, February, and March, does not contain the festival of this Saint. It occurs in the Gelasian, “In Natal. SS. Martyrum Sebastiani, Maria, Malta, Audifax, & Abacuc. XIII. kal. Februar.

page 64 note i Bened. Roberti, Archiep. In the Pontif. Rom. the benedictions for feasts of Saints follow the moveable feasts; and the benediction for the feast of St. Agnes differs from our MS. It does not occur in the other works cited. Gelas. Saciam. In natal. S. Agnetis Virginis depassione sua, XII. kal. Fcbruarias. This Saint suffered according to some authorities under Valerius and Gallienus, according to others under the Emperor Dioclesian. See XIV. Hymnus, Passio S. Agnetis Virginis, Prudenti Carmin. p. 1213.

page 64 note k The benediction for the feast of St.Vincent in the Roman Pontifical is different, and it does not occur in the other works. This Saint, whose festival is not named in the Gelasian Sacramentary, was put to death under the edicts of Dioclesian and Maximin. See V. Hymnus, Passio S. Vincentii Martyris, Prudenti Carm. p. 984.

page 64 note l Pontif. Rom. 24, “per gratiam suani;” Menard, 22; Supp. Ben.Op. S. Greg. Mag. tom. iii. 637. 637 ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. In Conversione Doctoris Gentiu S'c'i. “dignatus est” omitted. This festival does not occur in the Gelasian Sacramentary.

page 65 note m Item in natale ejusdem. De Natiuitate V. Kal. Fcbr. Sacram. Gelas. 639.

page 65 note n Bened. Roberli, Archiep. The festival of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin was celebrated in the time of St. Gregory of Nyssa, as is shewn by Menard, p. 41. See the notes of Baronius to his Martyrology in Martene de Antiq. Eccl. Ritib. lib. iv. cap. 15; and Benedict. XIV. de dominicis & festis D. N. Jesu Christi B. Mariæ Virginis, el quorumdam. Sanctorum, oper. torn. x. ed. Roman, lib. ii. cap. 2. In the Gelasian Sacramentary occurs Orat. in Purifications Sancta Maria; and in Bede's Martyrology, Hypopante Domini.

page 66 note o Pontif. Rom. 247: Laiubec. 302; Parael. 486; Muratori, ex cod. Othobon. 665; Menard. 24; Suppl. Ben. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. ill. fo. 628, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “mnnera castitatis”; Missale Leofrici, fo. 76 v.

page 66 note p Suppl. Ben. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 637; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. St. Agatha received the crown of maityrdom during the persecution of Decius in the year 251. In the Gelasian Sacranientary occurs, In natal' Sanctae Agathae, Non. Februar.

page 66 note q In the cod. S. Theodeiici, Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 640, occurs Benedictio in nat. SS. Remigij, Germani, Vedaste, & Bavonis. It is different from our benediction. See in Lambec. 403, Hymnus de Sancto Vedasto. This Saint, who was Bishop of Arras, died in 539. His name does not occur in the Gelasian Sacramentary. Butler, in his Lives of Saints, says that our ancestors had a particular devotion for St. Vedast, whom they called St. Foster.

page 67 note r Suppl. Ben. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 637; ex cod. S. Theod.: Bened. Roberti, Archiep. This festival is not found in the Gelasian Sacramentary; but it was kept in France in the sixth century, as appears from Canon 22 of the Council of Tours. See Menard. p. 46.

page 67 note s Bened. Roberti, Archiep. Gregory the Great, whose festival is kept on the twelfth of March, died in 604. See de obitu Papae Gregorii, Bed. lib. ii. p. 75. XVII. De festivitate colendo Sancti Gregorii et Augustini.—Septimo decimo Constitutum est praecepto ut dies natalitius beati Papae Gregorii, et dies quoque depositionis qui est 7 Kal. Junii Sancti Augustini Archiepiscopi atque Confessoris, qui genti Anglorum Missus a praefato Papa, et patre nostro Gregorio, scientiam fidei, baptismi sacramentum, et caelestis patriae notitiam primus attulit, ab omnibus, sicut decet, honorifice venerentur. Ita ut uterque dies ab ecclesiasticis et monasterialibus feriatus habeatur, nomen que ejusdem beati patris et doctoris nostri Augustini, in litaniae decantatione, post Sancti Gregorii invocationem semper dicatur. Concil. Clovesh. Wilkins, torn. i. fo. 97.

page 68 note t Suppl. Ben. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 639, in Natali S. Mariae; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. Lesley thinks that the Annunciation was not celebrated by a peculiar festival much before the beginning of the seventh century, ad Miss. Mozar. p. 83. In the Gelasian Sacramentary we have, “In adnunciatione Sanclce Maria: Matris Domini Noslri Jesu Christi, VIII. Kal. Aprilis.”

page 69 note u St. Ambrose, Archbishop of Milan, died in 397.

page 70 note v Menard, 32. Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 628, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “stadium.” “hujus vitae,” “operibis,” “a perventione” omitted.

page 70 note x Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 628, ex cod. S. Theod.

page 70 note y Menard, 33; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 628, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “Omnipotens magna mysteria,” “montes,” “munificentiam tribuat.”

page 71 note z Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 628.

page 71 note a Menard, 34; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 629, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “potentiam,” “inluminator abstergat et lucis suaj radiis mentes vestras benignus inlustret.”

page 71 note b Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 629, ex cod. S. Theod.

page 71 note c Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn iii. fo. 629.

page 71 note d Pontif. Kom. 240; Lambec. 304, in initio Quadragessimæ; Pamel.487; Muratori ex codice Othobon, 366; Menard, fo. 37; Beued. Roberti, Archiep. in initio Quadrag's “vos dispensation transigere,” “Spiritalem,” “ceterum,” “gloriae;” Missale Leofrici, fo. 83 v.

page 71 note e Bened. Roberti, Archiep. in ieiuniis quatuor tempor. “misericors,” “ieiunantium que preces exaudire dignare dolentes,” “benedictionis.”

page 72 note f Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. tom. iii. fo. 629; Benedictio infra hebdomad', ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. Benedictio ad missam in capite ieiunii, “omnem hanc familiam tua.”

page 72 note g Bened. Roberti, Archiep. de ieiunio, “lamentationem abstinentiae v'rae.” The benediction for the third Sunday in that MS. and in the Missale Leofrici begins “Om'p's D's ieiuniorum v'rorum victimas clementer accipiat,” &c.

page 73 note h Muratori, ex cod. Othobon. 366, in domiuica prima in Quadragesima; Menard, fo. 42, in Dom. II. in Quadragesima; Bened. Roherti, Archiep. Dominica secunda in XL. “suu supplicantibus,” “purificatae.”

page 73 note i Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 629. infra Hebdomad, post Dom. II. in Quadr. ex cod. S. Theod. The form for this fourth Sunday in the Benedictional of Archbishop Robert, and the Missale Leofrici, begins, D's qui vos ad presentium quadragesiinalium dierum, &c.

page 73 note k Suppl. Ben. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 629, ex cod. S. Theod. infra Hebdomad. The form for this Sunday in the Benedictional of Archbishop Robert, and the Missale Leofrici, begins, Accendat in vobis D'n's D's vim sui amoris, &c.

page 74 note l Pontif. Rom. 241; Lambec. 305; Pamel. 489; Muratori, ex cod. Othobon. 368; Menard, fo. 39; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “observatione”; Missale Leofrici, fol. 102.

page 74 note m Larabec. 305; Muratori, ex cod. Othobon. 365; Patnel. 489; Menard, fo. 64, in feria iiii post pabnas; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “ipse,” “valeatis.”

page 75 note n Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 630, ex cod. S. Theod. in atrium apertione. post Dom. IF. in quadrag.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. sabbato in ieiuniis in quatuor temp. “ieiuniis hodie sacris,” “inluminatio,” from “in perpetuuns” down to “sis illis” omitted, “tuis” omitted, “moysem subsidio,” “exteiminio.”

page 75 note o Pontif. Rom. 241; Lambec. 306; Pamel. 459; Muratori, ex cod. Othobon. 368; Menard' 66; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. The benediction follows the consecratio crismatis et olei, “a sordibus”; Missale Leofrici, 105 v.

page 76 note p Fontif. Rom. 24; Lambec. 306; Pamel. 490; Muratori, ex Cod. Othobon. 369; Menard, fo. 75; Missale Leofrici, fol. 115.

page 77 note q Benetl. Roberti Archiep.

page 77 note r Pontif. Rom. 241 b.; Lambec. 300; Muratori, ex cod. Othobon. 369; Pamel. 490; Menard, 75; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 630, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.; Missale Leofrici, fo. 116, In Dominica sancta ad mutut.

page 78 note s Pamel. 492; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “invasione tua possessio.”

page 78 note t Pontif. Rom.241 b; Pamel. 491; Menard, 77; Feria II. in Aibis; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 630, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “solvat,” “quo.”

page 78 note u Pamel. 492; Menard, 78; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. torn. iii. fo. 630, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “initia.”

page 79 note x Pamel. 492; Menard, 78; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. torn. iii. in Missa Ratoldi, fo. 246, ex cod. S. Theod. fo. 630; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 79 note y Pamel. 492; Menard, 79; Suppl. Bened. Op. S.Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 631, ex cod. S. Tbeod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 79 note z Pamel. 493; Menard, 80; Suppl. Ben. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 631, ex cod. S. Theod.: Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “vos,” “inferna.”

page 80 note a Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 80 note b Pontif. Rom. 242; Latnbec. 306; Muratori, ex cod. Othobon. 370; Pamel. 490; Menard, 52; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 631, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. Missale Leofiici, fol. 120 v.

page 80 note c Pontif. Rom. 242; Lamb. 307, de Resurrectione; Muratori, ex cod. Othobon. 370; Pamel. 491; Menard, 89; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 631, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “veratiter”; Missale Leofrici, fo. 123.

page 81 note d Lambec. 307; Muratori, ex cod. Othobon. 370; Menard, 90, in Dominic, ii. post octavas Paschæ; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 631; Bened. Robert, Archiep. in Dom. ii. post octab. Paschce, “decus redeptionis;” Missale Leofrici, fol. 123.

page 81 note e Pontif. Rom. 241 b, in feria iii. Pasce; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. in Dom. iii. post octab. Pasch. “corde leneat” omitted, “qui sanguine fuso prophetico nova mente.”

page 81 note f Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 631. ex cod. S. Theod.

page 82 note g Pontif. Rora. 241 b. in feria quarto, in albis; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 631.

page 82 note h The Leonine Sacramentary begins with the festival of these Saints, which is kept in the Gregorian Sacramentary on the 14th of April. They suffered martyrdom in the year 229.

page 83 note i Lambec. 309 in festivitate Sanctce Crucis; Muratori, ex cod. Othoboniano 373; Pamel. 493 de Sancta Cruce; Menard, 87, die inventio' Sanctce Crucis; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “capere valeatis.” Missale Leofrici, 170. 5 non. Mail inventio' Crucis. There is no mention of this festival in the Greek menology. It is found in the Gelasian Sacramentary, and also in the Gregorian Sacramentaries of Menard and others.

page 83 note k Pontif. Rom. 242-6, in feria ii. in Rogationibus; Lambec. 307, de ieiunio; Muratori, ex cod. Othobon. 371, de ieiunio; Menard, 92; Suppl. Bened.Op. S.Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo.631, in ieiunio, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. The benediction in tertia feria in that MS. begins “Benedic Q's D'ne universam farailiam tuam,” &c. Missale Leofrici, fo. 126.

The Rogation Days preceding the festival of the Ascension, were called in Laetanea Majore, from the long Litany of the saints used by the Church at this time. XVI. De diebus litaniarum— Sexto decimo condixerunt capitulo; ut litaniae, id est, rogationes a clere omnique populo his diebus cum magna reverentia agantur; id est die septimo Kalendarum Maiarum, juxta ritum Romanae ecclesiae: quae et litania major apud earn vocatur. Et item quoque secundum morem priorum nostrorum, tres dies ante Ascensionem Domini in caelos, cum jejunio usque ad horam nonam, et missarum celebratione venerentur; non admixtis vanitatibus, uti mos est plurimis, rel negligentjbus, vel impends, id est, ludis et equorum cursibus, et epulis majoribus; sed majis cum tinaore et tremore, signo passionis Christi, nostraeque aeternae redemptionis, et reliquiis sanctorum ejus coram portatis, omnis populus genu flectendo divinam pro delictis humiliter exoret indulgentiatm Concil. Cloveshoviense Anno 747 Wilkins, torn. i. p. 97.

page 84 note l Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 631, ex cod. S. Theod. Bened. Roberti, Arohiep. in quarto, feria, “tibi” omitted, “perturbatione,” “ei,” “tempore,” “consistat secura,” “perveniat libera,” “huic miserere plebi.”

page 84 note m Pontif. Rom. 242, in Dominica tertia post octavas Pasce; Menard, in Dom' primapost ascensionem Domini; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 632, ex cod. S. Theod.

page 85 note n Pontif. Rom. 243; Lambee. 308; Muratori, ex cod. Othobon. 371; Pamel. 493; Menard, 95; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 632 ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “visus est,” Missale Leofrici, fo. 128. This festival occurs in the Leonine Sacramentary.

page 85 note o Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 632; ex cod. S. Theod. In the Benedictional of Archbishop Robert, the torm for this day begins: “Benedictionum suarum super vos D'n's imbrem infundat,”

page 86 note p Pontif. Rom 243; Lambec. 308; Muratori, 371, ex cod. Othobon.; Pamel. 494; Menard, fo. 98; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.; Missale Leofrici, fo. 131. In Sabbato ante Pentecoste.

page 86 note q Pontif. Rom. 243; Lambec. 308; Muratori, 372, ex cod. Othob.; Pamel. 494; Menard, 9 9; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 63'2; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.; Missale Leofrici, fo. 132.

page 87 note r Pontif. Rom. 243 b. in feria tertia Penthecostes; Menard, 102, Sabbato in xii led. mense iv; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 632, ut in Menard; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “Ben'd. per totam septemand” “vobis,” “omnipotens” omitted, “inlustratione.”

page 87 note s Pontif. Rom. 243, in die Sancta Trinitatis; Menard, 104; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 632, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “vos, numquam.”

page 87 note t Pontif. Rom. 243 b. in octavis Penthe, “tuum dedisti spiritus ecclesiae tuae Catholicse;” Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 632, ex cod. S. Theod.

page 88 note u Menard, 176, Hebdomeda 1. post Pentecosten; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 88 note v See p. 69.

page 88 note x Menard, 176, in Hebdomeda III. post Penlecosten; Supp. Bened. Op. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 634, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 89 note y Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 633, ex cod. S. Theod. in Dom. V. post Pentecosten.

page 89 note z Pamel. 501, in Dom. II. post Pentecosten; Menard, in Hebdomada V. post Pentecosten 178; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 633, ex. cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 90 note a Menard 179, in Hebdomada VI. post Pentecosten; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 91 note b Pamel. 592, in Dom. III. post Pentecost.; Menard, in Hebdomada VII. post Pentecost. 180: Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 633, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. lloberti, Aichiep.

page 91 note c Menard, in Heb. VIII, post Pentecosten, 161; Bened. Roberti, Arcbiep. “gratiam” omitted.

page 92 note d Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 633, ex cod. S. Theod.

page 92 note e Parnel. 503, in Dom. IIII. post Pentecost.; Menard, in Heb. IX. post Pentecosten; Suppl. Bened. Op. S Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 633, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 92 note f Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 625, ex cod. S. Theod. in Dome'c' XXV. post Pentecosten.

page 93 note g Pontif. Rom. 244, in Dominica Vll. post Pentecosten; Menard, in Hebdomuda X. post Pentecosten, 182; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 93 note h See Benedictio in Vigilia Ascensionis D'ni.

page 94 note i Pamel. 592, in Dom. V. post Pentecosten; Menard. in Hebdomada XI. post Pentecosten, 153; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 633, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 94 note k Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 635, in Dom. XXV. post Pentecosten.

page 94 note l Menard, in Heb. XII. post Pentecostal; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 95 note m Pamel. 502, in Dominica VI. post Pentec.; Menard, in Hebdomada XIII. post Penbecosten; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn, 634, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 96 note n Menard, in Hebdomada XIV. post Pentecosten; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 96 note o Pamel. 502, in Dom. VII. post Pentecosten; Menard, in Hebdomada XV. post Pentecosten; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 634, ex cod. S. Theod.; Benedict. Roberti, Archiep.

page 97 note p Menard, in Hebdom. XVI. post Pentecosten, 187; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 97 note q Pamel. 503, in Dom. VIII. post Pentecosten; Menard, in Heb. XVII. post Pentecosten; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 634, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 98 note r Menard, in Heb. XVIII. post Pentecosten; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 99 note s Menard, in Hebdom. XIX. post Penlecosten; Benedict. Robert!, Archiep.

page 99 note t Menard, in Heb. XX. post Pentecosten; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.; “Quo illius adiutorio fulti sic ei serviatis in terris ut ei coniungi valeatts in caelis,” which agrees with Menard.

page 100 note u Menard, in Hebdom. XXI. post Pentecoslen, 190; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 101 note x Menard, in Hebdomada XXII. post Pentecosten, 190; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 101 note y Menard, in Hebdom. XXIII. post Pentecosten, 192; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 102 note z Menard in Hebdom. XXllll. post Penteeosten; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. in Dom. I. post odavas Pentecostes; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. The MS. last referred to has twenty-four Sundays after Pentecost. The form for Dom. xxiiii begins “Concedat vobis Dii's premium sincerissirnse caritatis, &c.

page 102 note a St. Ætheldrytha, daughter of Anna King of the East Angles, began the Monastery of Ely in 673. Saxon Chron. See her life in Bede Hist. Eccles. lib. iv. c. xix. and c. xx.

page 103 note b Pontif. Rom. 245 b; Muratori 372 ex codice Othobon.; Lambec. 308; PameL 504; Menard, 110; Bened. Roberti, Archiep,; Misssale Leofrici, fo. 176. This festival occurs in the Leonine Sacramentary, viii kalendas Julli.

page 103 note c Bened. Roberti, Archiep. in vigilia S'ci lohunnis, “maximum.”

page 104 note d Pontif. Rom. 245 b; Mujatori 873, ex cod. Othobon.; Lambec. 309; Pamel. 504; Menard, 114; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 638, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.; Missale Leofrici, fo. 178.

page 104 note e Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 638, ex cod. Theod.; Missale Gothicum. Muratori, 623, “in” omitted, “gemellum,” “caveantur,” “placitus,” “praéviantur,” “illic,” “per gladiuni in congresso, per Dominum nostrum.” Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “Caveantur,” “concede huic familiae tuae felicia dona suis indefessis petitionibus optimere” R. atque eum de supernis sedibus placatus inspice.”

page 104 note f S. Swithun, Bp. of Winchester, died in 862, and his relics were translated to the Cathedral Church by St. Æthelwold. Sim. Dunelm. 159.

page 105 note g Bened. Roberti, Archiep. in translatione S'c'i Ben̅e. St. Benedict, Abbot, Patriarch of the Western Monks, died about the year 543.

page 105 note h Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “Laurentii Levite,” “feliciter.” In the Leonine Sacramentary, iv idus Axigusti Natale Sancti Laurentii. See Pruden. Carm. Hymn. p. 888.

page 106 note i Muratori, 373 ex cod. Othobon. in festivitate Sanctce Mariæ; Lambec. in nativitate Sancla Maries; Menard, 124; Supp). Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 638, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “suscepisse vos fideliter creditis,” “spiritalium;” Missale Leofrici, fo. 186 v. The festival of the Assumption, or Dormitio of the Blessed Virgin as it is sometimes styled, was observed in the Spanish and GalHcan Churches in the seventh century, and in the Roman Church in the following century, if not earlier. The age of this festival is uncertain.

page 107 note k Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 638; in Bened. Roberti, Archiep. the form is different, and begins, “Benedicat vos decus Apostolorum,” &c.

page 107 note l Pontif. Rom. 250, in decollatione S'cti lohannis Baptista; Muratori, 374, ex cod. Othobon.; Lambec. 310, de Martyrio; Pamel. 505; Menard, 127 Decollatio Sancti Johannis Baptistæ; Bened. Roberti, Arehiep. “quae Xp's est;” Missale Leofrici, fo. 189.

page 108 note m This benediction for the festival of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin is imperfect at the beginning. It differs from the form in the Benedictional of Archbishop Robert.

page 108 note n Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 639, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. The forms for this festival given in the Roman Pontifical and in Muratori have some resemblance to that in the text. The feast of the exaltation of the Cross originated with Constantine the Great, as appears from the Greek Menology in Canisius.

page 109 note o The Benediction for Dominica post ascensionem in the Benedictional of Archbishop Robert bears some resemblance to this form.

page 109 note p Bened. Roberti, Archiep. In the Leonine Sacramentary occurs Pridie kalendas Octobris, Natale Basilica Angeli in Solaria.

page 109 note q Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “D's,” “eorum.”

page 110 note r Suppl. Ben. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 640, ex cod. S, Theod. In Bened. Roberti, Archiep. the form is different, and begins “Benedicat vos Omnipotens Dominus per omnium sanctorum gloriosissimam intercessionem, &c. This festival was instituted by Gregory III. who succeeded to the pontifical chair in 731.

page 110 note s The substance of this Benediction will be found in Pamele, 505, in Commemoralione omnium sanctorum. Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “observationem,” “venienti.”

page 111 note t Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “Beatum Martinum presulem tuum” “prestasti,” “amplectitur pro laude,” “hie populus.” St. Martin, Bishop of Tours, died, according to the best authorities, in 397. His feast was kept in the Gallican Church during the following century. It does not occur in the Gelasian Sacramentary.

page 111 note x In Bened. Roberti, Archiep. the form is different, and begins “Ora'p's D's vestrorum cordium archana purificet, &c. The festival of St. Cecily occurs in the Leonine Sacramentary. in Natale Sanctae Caeciliae.

page 112 note y In Bened. Roberti, Archiep. the form is different, and begins “Om'p's D's devotionem v'ram placatus semper accipiat, &e. In the Leonine Sacramentary occurs, IX. kalendas Decembris Nutate Sanctorum Clementis & Felicitatis. St. Clement, according to Eusebius, died in the year 100.

page 112 note z Bened. Roberti, Archiep. In the Leonine Sacramentary occurs, Pridie kalendas Decembris Natale Sancti Andreae Aostoli.

page 113 note a Missale Gothicum; Muratori, 560.

page 113 note b Pontif. Rom. 251; Muratori, 376, ex cod. Othobon.; Lambec. 312; Pamel. 506; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.

page 114 note c Pontif. Rom. 251 b; Muratori, 375, ex cod. Othobon.; Lambec. 312; Patnel. 50; Menard, 162; Bened. Roberti, Archiep.; Missale Leofrici, fo. 205.

page 114 note d Pontif. Rom. 251 b; Muratori, 375, ex cod. Oihobon.; Lambec. 312; Pamel. 50?; Menard, 165; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “sunt sortiti;” Missale Leofrici, fo. 206.

page 115 note e Pontif. Rom. 251 b; Muratori, 376, ex cod. Othobon. in Natale vnius Confessoris; Lambec. 313; Pamel. 507; Menard, 166, in Nat. unius Confessoris; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 641, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “Copiosam benedictionem; Missale Leofrici, fo. 207.

page 115 note f Pontif. Rom. 251 b; Muratori, 376, ex cod. Othobon.; Lambec. 313; Pamel. 507; Menard, 169; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. “imitamini,” “horum interventu;” Missale Leofrici, fo. 205.

page 116 note g Pontif. Rom. 251 b, in festivitate unius virginis; Muratori, 376, ex cod. Othobon.; Lambec. 313; Pamel. 50S; Menard, 172, in Nat. Virginum; Missale Leofrici, fo. 209.

page 116 note h Pontif. Rom. 252; Muratori, 376, ex cod. Othobon.; Lambec. 314; Pamel. 508; Menard, 172; Bened. Robert i, Archiep.

page 116 note i Pamel. 514; Menard, 158; Suppl. Bened. Op. S. Greg. Mag. torn. iii. fo. 641, ex cod. S. Theod.; Bened. Roberti, Archiep. in ord. ded. eccl.; occurrit inter prcef. et post Comm.