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British Journal of Nutrition Paper of the Year 2019

I am delighted to announce that Professor Chisato Nagata and colleagues are the winners of the inaugural British Journal of Nutrition Paper of the Year competition for their paper entitled “Intake of starch and sugars and total and cause-specific mortality in a Japanese community: the Takayama Study” (British Journal of Nutrition (2019), 122, 820–828). 

The winning paper was selected by an external panel of experts from a short-list drawn up by the BJN Deputy Editors. Using data from a long-term prospective study, Professor Nagata’s paper describes a careful analysis of the relationships between types of dietary carbohydrate and mortality risk in a cohort of the general public in Japan. Importantly, they show that higher intakes of starch and low intake of sugars – including glucose, fructose and sucrose – may favour longevity in Japanese men.

You can access the shortlisted and winning papers below for free.  

Congratulations to Professor Nagata and colleagues!

 John Mathers, Editor-in-Chief, British Journal of Nutrition