Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 July 2009
Rhaconotus mahensis, sp. n.
♀♂. Black ; scape and all legs red testaceous ; ovipositor bright red ; flagellum red-brown, possibly rather darker at apex ; wings hyaline, the setae with a distinctly fulvous tinge, and the stigma hyaline (at least not darkened).
♀♂. The integument is not coriaceous throughout, and is only sparsely clothed with setae (except on the flagellum and possibly the legs). Head smooth and highly shining, not coriaceous, impunctate, the vertex and occiput almost entirely devoid of setae ; antennae longer than head, thorax, and abdomen together ; flagellar joints in ♀ 29–33, in ♂ 26–28. Thorax : mesonotum dully shining, coriaceous ; the notauli well marked, joining slightly before reaching the posterior margin of the mesonotum ; propodeon with five longitudinal carinae, one in the middle and two on each side, these latter rather more closely placed to each other than to the median carina ; this median carina is discernible as such only in the basal half of the propodeon, thereafter becoming lost amongst the reticulate wrinkles with which the apical half of the propodeon abounds ; the lateral carinae, on the other hand, are discernible more or less throughout their length, particularly the inner pair which can generally be traced to the median apex of the propodeon where they join each other ; the integument of the basal half of the propodeon coriaceous on each side of the median carina as far as the first lateral carina, thereafter wrinkled as in the apical half.