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The Henrietta Larson Article Award

Congratulations to all those selected by the Business History Review Editorial Advisory Board as winners of the Henrietta Larson Article Award:

"Related Investing: Family Networks, Gender, and Shareholding in Antebellum New England Corporation" B. Zorina Khan (Volume 96, Issue 3)

"Enron and the California Energy Crisis: The Role of Networks in Enabling Organizational Corruption" Adam Nix, Stephanie Decker and Carola Wolf (Volume 95, Issue 4)

"The True Revolution of 1968: Mineral Water Trade and the Early Proliferation of Plastic, 1960s–1970s" Nicolas Marty (Volume 94, Issue 3)

"Hidden Externalities: The Globalization of Hazardous Waste" Simone M. Müller (Volume 94, Issue 3)

"A Fine Failure: Relationship Lending, Moses Taylor, and the Joliet Iron & Steel Company, 1869–1888" Mary O'Suvllivan (Volume 88, Issue 4)

"Patent Alchemy: The Market for Technology in US HistoryNaomi R. Lamoreaux, Kenneth L. Sokoloff, Dhanoos Sutthiphisal (Volume 87, Issue 1)

"Business History: A Cultural and Narrative Approach" Per H. Hansen (Volume 86, issue 4)

"The Institutional Foundations of Personal Finance: Innovation in U.S. Savings Banks, 1880s–1920s" R. Daniel Wadhwani (Volume 85, Issue 3)

"Innovative Business Models and Varieties of Capitalism: Financialization of the U.S. Corporation" Willaim Lazonick (Volume 84, Issue 4)

"Private Cops on the Fraud Beat: The Limits of American Business Self-Regulation, 1895-1932" Edward J. Balleisen (Volume 84, Issue 4)

"Inventing the U.S. Stove Industry, c.1815–1875: Making and Selling the First Universal Consumer Durable" Howell J. Harris (Volume 82, Issue 4)

"Entrepreneurship and the Development of Global Brands" Teresa da Silva Lopes, Mark Casson (Volume 81, Issue 4)