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Plasticulture: Challenges and Opportunities

Date: Held on 19th April 2024 2:00 PM (UK time) / 9:00 AM (EST)


This inaugural webinar event for Cambridge Prisms: Plastics will explore the use of plastics in agriculture; agriplastics, and the broader use of plastics in various aspects of agriculture, including crop production, soil management, irrigation, and protection of crops; plasticulture.

Our Panel of leading experts with diverse experience and perspectives will explore the complexities of plastic in agriculture. More specifically, this event will examine its trade-offs, advantages, global impact, policy implications, and new sustainable alternatives.

Plasticulture has revolutionised agriculture and its practices, whilst raising critical questions about environmental sustainability, social equity, and long-term viability.

Can new technologies and new materials offer solutions for this industry that meet all stakeholders needs while promoting human health and ensuring equitable access to sustainable livelihoods?


Chair: Steve Fletcher - The University of Portsmouth, UK

Panel: Samuel Cusworth - Lancaster University, UK ; Monica Ferreira Da Costa - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil ; Luca Nizzetto - Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Norway ; Bernard Le Moine - APE Europe, France

Recording: The recording of the event can be viewed here.