This indenture made the last daye of November the xxiiith yere [of] the reign of our sovereigne lord Kyng Henry the viii bytwene Richard (blank) Clarke parson of penhurst in the Countye of Sussex on the oone partye and Wylliam Spycer of dalington in the saide Countye yeoman on the other partye. Wytnesseth that where the saide wylliam is fully myndyd and purposed to erect buyld and sett up a certein furnes to melte in Iron next unto a parcell of Land called Pannyngrege in the parish of Asshbornham in the said Countie Yt is theruppon condescended covenanted grannted and agreed betwene the said persons in maner and fourme following That ys to saye the said Richard hathe dimised grannted to ferme letten and by these presentes dimittith granntith and to ferme lettith unto the saide William Sixe Acres of Lande (with thappurtennants) next adioynyng and lying As the saide landes and woodes called pannyngrege aforesaide that it is to saye oone of the saide vi acres (more or lesse boundying up to the high wey South on the one ende and to a serten hege there now beyng on the Este parte)2 Wherupon it shall be lyefull to the saide William to erecte or make the wall and to sett the furnes aforesaide and otherwise to use for the necessary and myet Comodyties of the same furnes and the v acres residue of the saide vi acres for and concernyng conveyance of the water and streame miet and necessarye to dryve the whele of the saide furnes with To have and to holde the same vi acres of lande to the saide William Spicer to his executours and assignes from the feaste of Saint Michell Tharchangell next comyng after the date herof unto thende and terme of xxi yeres frome thense next comyng and fully to bee endyd yelding and paying threfore yerely duryng the said terme to the said Richard to his executors and successors xxs sterling at the feaste of thannunciacion of our lady and saint mighell the archangell by evyn porcions to be payd and if yt fortune the said rent to bee [behinde] unpaid in parte or in all after any terme of payment thereof in which it ought to bee paid by the space of xv days that than it shall bee lawful to the saide Richard and his successors yet the premysses to entre and distreyne and the distresses there so taken lawfully from thense to loade dryve and cary awaye and with theym to retain hold and kepe untyll the said yerely rent together with tharrerages therof be unto the said Richard and his successors fully satisfied contented and paide and the saide Richard for him and his successors covenantith and granntith to and with the saide William his executours and assignes by these presente that the same William his executours and assignes shall from tyme to tyme within thre yeres nexte ensueng after the same furnes shalbe soo erected and sett up (at and uppon suche reasonable price) and price (as the between the said parson and the saide William shalbe concluded agreed) fell cutte downe and carye awaye thorough and over the lande of the saide parsonage all the woodes and underwoodes nowe standing and growing in and uppon all the landes belonging to the saide parsonage except great tymber and suche woode as been growing aboute the saide parsonage and the Barme [ ] (the said William his executors and assignes paying for every lode of Cole iiid and for every lode of mynde the fyrst yere of the foreseid firme id and after the seid fyrst yere for every lode of mynde id ob and unto thend of the foreseid terme and fulfill and make pleyne the mynde pytts of the same) for the defence of theim or of either of theim or of either and also except sowell convenient and miet for thoccupieng of the parsonne ther And also that it shalbe lyefull to the saide wylliam his executors and assignes in all places myet and convenyent by the discrestion of the said wylliam his executors or assignes and upon price aforesaid bytwene the said parties concluded and had to dyg for oore or myne myet and necessarye for the said furnes So that the same wylliam his executors or assignes fyll up agen and make playne the place so dygged at his owne proper costs and charges before he shall breke up any other place Provided always that yf it shall fortune the same water myet for the said furnes not to surrownde or overflowe all the said v acres of lande soo letten by the same parson than yt shall bee liefull to the said parsone and his successors to occupye and manure to his owne propre use and profyt asmoche of the same v acres as shall not bee surrounded or overflowen So that he doo nowe acte upon the same whereby the water myet and necessary for the said furnes shalbe stopped or lett of his [Coste].