Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 May 2012
The species of this genus already described from North America are as follows:
1. S. rudbeckiœ, Fitch.
2. “ambrosiœ, Thomas.
3. “rosœ, Reaum. A variety of this species I find here on cultivated roses and on the wild Cherokee rose. It differs very considerably from Prof Thomas' description, and may be known as S. floridœ.
I submit following description:
S. rosœ, var. floridœ, n. s.
Wingless female.—Length .07 inch. Elongate ovate; pale shining green; eyes red; beak very pale and short, not reaching to middle coxæ, widening before tip, tip black; antennæ 7-jointed, reaching to base of honey-tubes, annulated with brownish-red at joints; honey-tubes long, reaching beyond tip of abdomen, pale greenish, very slightly infuscated at tip; style short, conical, pale green; legs uniform pale green, feet very slightly infuscated.