The reasons for the visit to Russia, Eastern Europe, and China last summer of a DRV (Democratic Republic of [North] Vietnam) mission led by Prime Minister Pham Van Dong and Chairman of the National Planning Board Le Thanh Nghi gave rise to some speculation in the West. The inclusion of Le Thanh Nghi suggested that it was connected with economic aid to the DRV, more particularly with aid for the carrying out of the extremely ambitious five-year plan, which was first announced during the third Congress of the Lao Dong (Communist) Party in September, 1960.
1 There is no contribution from Eastern Germany. The experience of East German technicians and advisers in the DRV has been so traumatic that it has led to the virtual writing off of North Vietnam by Eastern Germany as a hopeless case. It appears that Eastern Germany will undertake projects in the DRV only on a strictly business basis and insists that detailed contracts be drawn up in advance. The unconcealed contempt of the East Germans for the (in)capacity of the North Vietnamese has led to a number of clashes between these two Communist states.
2 Communists would appear to detect a close similarity between conditions in Bulgaria and North Vietnam. Trade between the two countries is encouraged even when it can have no economic justification.