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Special Collections

Data-Centric Engineering (DCE) welcomes proposals for special collections of papers on a topic relevant to the DCE scope, including those that originate from a conference, a workshop, or are not linked to any particular event.


We ask anyone interested in proposing a special collection to first provide a short one or two page document for editorial review that includes:

The Guest Editor(s) who will coordinate the submission of the papers and be the main point of contact for DCE.

An outline of the proposed collection that contains:

  • How the collection fits within the scope of DCE
  • The common theme(s) that make this a coherent set of papers
  • What these papers do to advance existing knowledge
  • A list of the titles, authors and short abstracts

A timetable section should state when we can expect to receive the papers. Coordinated submission of the papers is preferred.

This proposal should be sent to

Review process

The Guest Editor(s) will coordinate the submission of the papers, which should follow the standard DCE author instructions (LaTeX and Word templates are available).

Submitted articles will go through the standard DCE single-blind review process. The papers will not be treated as a block: they will be accepted or rejected on their own merits. Authors will be provided with feedback about their papers on an individual basis, but DCE team will keep in contact with the Guest Editor(s) about the status of the collection as a whole. The final decision to accept or reject articles rests with the DCE Editor-in-Chief.

If published, the special collection will receive its own dedicated page on the DCE website. This will acknowledge the efforts of the Guest Editor(s) responsible for the collection and any sponsoring institutions involved. The Guest Editor(s) will also be asked to write an editorial to introduce the collection.