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John Gero ImageJohn S. Gero - University of North Carolina, USA

John S Gero, PhD, is currently Research Professor in Computer Science and Architecture at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and is the former Professor of Design Science at the University of Sydney and a former Research Professor at the Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study and the Department of Computational Social Science at George Mason University. He holds degrees in engineering, science, and architecture. He has been a Visiting Professor of Architecture, Civil Engineering, Cognitive Psychology, Computer Science, Design and Computation, and Mechanical Engineering in the USA, UK, France, and Switzerland, including at MIT, UC-Berkeley, Columbia and Carnegie-Mellon Universities. He has co-authored/edited over 50 books and has published over 650 research papers. He is the chair of the Design Computing and Cognition conference series.

Associate Editors

Saeema ImageSaeema Ahmed-Kristensen - Royal College of Art & Imperial College London, UK

Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen, PhD, is a Professor and Head of Design Products at the Royal College of Art. She was formerly Deputy Head, and Professor (Design Engineering and Design Methodology) at the Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London. She conducted her PhD at the Mechanical Engineering Dept. at the University of Cambridge, where she was also an Engineering fellow of Edward Murray College. Her research interests focus on engineering design to develop tools and methods that improve design synthesis, creativity, support global product development and provide decision support throughout a product’s lifecycle. She has over 100 reviewed publications and works in close collaboration with industry, from aerospace, oil drilling equipment, medical devices, to consumer products such as headsets.

Albert Albers ImageAlbert Albers - Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Germany

Since 1996 Prof. Albers is head of the IPEK (the former Institute of mechanical design) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and established the research fields of drive systems, design-methods and -management as well as mechatronics. He divides product development into its systems, methods and processes. All three areas are worked on by his team in research and teaching in order to satisfy the complexity of today’s product development. Approxiamtely 50 scientists are currently researching at the IPEK with a range from fundamental research to applied science in cooperation with industry.

Petra ImagePetra Badke-Schaub - TU Delft, Netherlands

Dr. Petra Badke-Schaub (PhD 1992, Bamberg University, ‘Groups and complex problem solving’) is a professor for Design Theory and Methodology since 2004 at the TU Delft, NL, prior to which she held academic positions at the Institute of Theoretical Psychology at Bamberg University, and was a member of the Max-Planck-Project Group ‘Cognitive Anthropology’. As Head of the section Design Theory and Methodology, her group is doing design research and provides education on all aspects of the design process related to the designer. With her background as a psychologist, she integrates topics such as creativity, cognitive conflicts and reflection into a theoretical framework “Human Behavior in Design” which comprises analysis and explanation of design behavior in context.

Jean ImageJean-François Boujut - Grenoble Institute of Technology, France

Jean-François Boujut, PhD, is a Professor of Engineering Design at Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP). He is a member of the academic staff of the Industrial Engineering School of Grenoble INP and holds the responsibility of the innovation and creativity courses. He is a former student of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (France) and holds an Agrégation of Mechanical Engineering and a M.S. degree from University Paris 6. He earned his PhD in 1993 in Mechanical Engineering and his Habilitation in 2001 in the same discipline. He is a member of the advisory board of the Design Society.

Cagan ImageJonathan CaganCarnegie Mellon University, USA

Jonathan Cagan, PhD, PE, is the George Tallman and Florence Barrett Ladd Professor in Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, at Carnegie Mellon University, with appointments in the School of Design and Computer Science. He co-directs the Integrated Innovation Institute and Master of Integrated Innovation for Products and Services at CMU and serves as the Director of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for the College of Engineering. Prof. Cagan is an expert in product development and innovation methods for early stage product development. His research focuses on design cognition, computation, and practice. He is the author of over 200 peer-reviewed research publications, and the co-author of three books: Creating Breakthrough Products, Built to Love, and The Design of Things to Come. He is a Fellow of ASME.

Marco C ImageMarco Cantamessa - Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Marco Cantamessa is a Professor at the Department of Management and Production Engineering of Politecnico di Torino, where he teaches Management of Innovation and Product Development. He has had a number of lecturing appointments at other European universities and business schools such as EPFL, SIMT, and ESCP. He has authored or co-authored more than one hundred scientific papers, of which several have appeared in international refereed journals. He is a founding member of The Design Society, where he currently serves on the Advisory Board and is a member of INFORMS, PDMA, and SMS. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Engineering Design and has served on the Scientific Boards of a number of international conferences. Since 2008 he is President and CEO of I3P, one of the leading European university incubators. Since 2014 he is President of PNI Cube, the Italian association of university incubators.

Gaetano Cascini ImageGaetano Cascini - Polytechnic of Milan, Italy 

Gaetano Cascini holds a Ph.D. in Machine Design and is Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. His research interests cover Design Methods and Tools with a focus on the concept generation stages both for product and process innovation. He is a member of the Advisory Board of the Design Society and co-chair of its Design Creativity SIG. He has coordinated several research projects, among these the European Project Marie Curie-IAPP FORMAT (FORecast and Roadmapping for MAnufacturing Technologies). He is the coordinator of the European projects: SPARK: Spatial Augmented Reality as a Key for co-creativity (Horizon 2020 – ICT) and OIPEC: Open innovation Platform for university-Enterprise Collaboration: new product, business and human capital development (Erasmus+ – Capacity Building in Higher Education).

Amaresh ImageAmaresh ChakrabartiIndian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India

Amaresh Chakrabarti is a Professor of Engineering Design at Centre for Product Design and Manufacturing, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. He holds a BE in Mechanical Engineering (Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur),a ME in Mechanical Design (IISc), and a PhD in Engineering Design (University of Cambridge, UK). He co-authored DRM, a methodology used widely as a framework for doing engineering design research. He founded IDeASLab – the first laboratory in India for research into design. He is Programme chair for ICoRD – the first international design research conference series in India. He is Honorary Fellow, Institution of Engineering Designers, UK, and recipient of Jawaharlal Nehru Cambridge Pre-doctoral Fellowship (1987) and UK MG MIAA Commendation Award (1994). Seven of his papers won top paper awards in international conferences.

Lin-Lin ImageLin-Lin Chen - National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan & Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

Lin-Lin Chen is a professor in the Department of Industrial and Commercial Design at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) and Chair of Design and Realization of Intelligent Systems at the faculty of Industrial Design at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) in the Netherlands. She received a BS degree from National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan and a PhD from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. She was Dean of the College of Design at NTUST from 2004 to 2010, President of the Chinese Institute of Design from 2007 to 2008, and convener for the arts (and design) area committee of Taiwan’s National Science Council from 2009 to 2011. Her research focuses on product aesthetics, design innovation, interactive interface design, and geometric algorithms.

Wei Chen ImageWei Chen - Northwestern University, USA

Wei Chen, PhD, is the Wilson-Cook Professor in Engineering Design at Northwestern University, USA. She is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Chair of the research faculty council of the Segal Design Institution. Dr. Chen received her PhD in mechanical engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology (1995), her MS from University of Houston (1992), and BS from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China (1988). She is a Fellow of ASME and an Associate Fellow of AIAA. She co-authored the book “Decision-Based Design: Integrating Consumer Preferences into Engineering Design”, Springer 2013. She is a review editor of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization. Dr. Chen was the recipient of NSF Faculty Early Career Award, ASME Pi Tau Sigma Gold Medal achievement award, and SAE Ralph R. Teetor Educational award.

John Clarkson ImageJohn Clarkson - University of Cambridge, UK

John Clarkson is Professor of Engineering Design and Director of the Engineering Design Centre at the University of Cambridge. He holds a degree in electrical engineering and PhD in electrical machines from the University of Cambridge and an honorary doctorate from KU Leuven. As well as publishing over 600 papers, he has written and edited a number of books on medical equipment design, inclusive design, and process management. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Institution of Engineering and Technology and the Institution of Engineering Designers, and an international member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.

Alex Duffy ImageAlex DuffyUniversity of Strathclyde, UK

Alex Duffy is a Professor of Systems Design and currently Head of Department of Design Manufacture and Engineering Management at the University of Strathclyde. Before University he was an apprentice with the UK’s Ministry of Defence (Naval) and worked there for six years on various practical, technical, and managerial projects. He obtained his BSc in Naval Architecture and PhD in Knowledge-Based Computer Aided Ship Design at Strathclyde. He is the editor of the Journal of Engineering Design and is a Chartered Engineer, Chartered Information IT Professional, Fellow of the Institution of Engineering Designers, Fellow of the British Computer Society, and Honorary Fellow of the Design Society.

Claudia Eckert ImageClaudia Eckert Open University, UK

Claudia Eckert has been Professor of Design at the Open University since 2013. She returned to the OU in 2008 as a senior lecturer rafter nearly 10 years in the Engineering Design Centre at the University of Cambridge, where she was a senior research associate and associate director, leading the design process improvement group, which developed tools and methods to support the development of complex engineering products working with companies manufacturing helicopters, jet engines, cars and diesel engines.

Fred Feinberg ImageFred Feinberg - University of Michigan, USA

Fred M. Feinberg is Handleman Professor and Department Chair of Marketing at the Ross School of Business, and Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan. He earned SB degrees in Mathematics and Philosophy and a doctorate in Quantitative Marketing, all from MIT, and was previously on the faculties of Duke University and the University of Toronto. His work focuses on using statistical models to explain complex decision patterns, particularly involving issues in Product Design Optimization, using methods from discrete choice, behavioural decision theory, Bayesian econometrics, and dynamic programming. He is Departmental Editor at Production and Operations Management and former Co-Editor of Marketing Science. With Tom Kinnear and Jim Taylor, he is the author of Modern Marketing Research: Concepts, Methods, and Cases. He currently serves as President of the INFORMS Society of Marketing Science.

Sean Hanna ImageSean HannaUniversity College London, UK

Sean Hanna, EngD, is Reader in Space and Adaptive Architectures at University College London, Director of the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment’s MSc/MRes programs in Adaptive Architecture and Computation, and Academic Director of UCL’s Doctoral Training Centre in Virtual Environments, Imaging and Visualisation. He is a member of the UCL Space Group, noted as one of the UK’s highest performing research groups in the field of architecture and the built environment in the last two consecutive UK Research Assessment Exercises. His research is primarily in developing computational methods for dealing with complexity in design and the built environment, including the comparative modelling of space, the use of machine learning and optimization techniques for the design and fabrication of structures, and he maintains close design industry collaboration with world leading architects and engineers, artists and technology producers.

Yan Jin ImageYan JinUniversity of Southern California, USA

Yan Jin, PhD, is Professor of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Southern California. Prior to joining the USC faculty, he worked as a post-doc and then a senior research scientist at Stanford University. He received his Ph.D. degree in Naval Architecture from the University of Tokyo. He is a Fellow of ASME, and a recipient of NSF CAREER Award, TRW Excellence in Teaching Award, and Xerox Best Paper Award (International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology). He served as Vice Chair of Design Theory and Methodology Technical Committee, Chair of International Conference of Design Theory and Methodology, and Honors & Awards Chair of Design Engineering Division of ASME. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and Manufacturing (AIEDAM).

Terry Knight ImageTerry Knight -  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Terry Knight is a Professor of Design and Computation in the Department of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She holds a BFA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, and an MA and PhD in Architecture from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her book, Transformations in Design, is a well-known introduction to the field of shape grammars. She has served on the editorial boards of Languages of Design, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, and ArchiDoct, and has published extensively in these and other design research journals.

Jianxi Luo ImageJianxi Luo - Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore

Prof. Jianxi Luo is Director of Data-Driven Innovation Lab ( and Director of SUTD Technology Entrepreneurship Program at Singapore University of Technology & Design (SUTD). He holds a PhD in Engineering Systems and MS in Technology Policy from MIT, and MS and BE in Mechanical Engineering from Tsinghua University. He was a chair of INFORMS Technology Innovation Management & Entrepreneurship Section. His research fuses design science, network science and data science to advance artificial intelligence for design and innovation. He has received various best paper awards or honors from Int’l Conference on Design Theory & Methodology, Int’l Conference on Engineering Design, Int’l Conference on Complex Systems, INFORMS, etc.

Anja Maier ImageAnja Maier Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Anja M Maier, PhD, is Professor at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), where she is also Head of the Engineering Systems Division, Department of Management Engineering. Her research focuses on engineering systems design, with a particular emphasis on complexity and human behaviour. This includes design communication, network-based modelling and analysis in design, and design cognition. Prof. Maier serves on the Advisory Board of The Design Society, is a member of the International Council on Systems Engineering, a Fellow of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, and is a member of the National Academy of Science and Engineering, Germany. She works in close collaboration with industry and public organisations, predominantly in cleantech and healthcare, and has worked as a technical consultant in the manufacturing and software industries.

Seda ImageSeda McKilligan - Iowa State University, USA

Dr. McKilligan is the Associate Dean for Academic Programs in the College of Design and a Professor of Industrial Design at Iowa State University. She is also a faculty member in the Human Computer Interaction Graduate Program. Dr. McKilligan teaches design studios and lecture courses on developing creativity and design thinking skills. Her current research focuses on identifying impacts of different factors on ideation of designers and engineers, developing instructional materials for design problem and solution spaces, and exploring foundations of innovation. She often conducts workshops on design thinking for a diverse range of groups including student and professional engineers and faculty members at different institutions.

Yukari Nagai ImageYukari Nagai - Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

Yukari Nagai is the Dean Professor at the School of Knowledge Science, Professor of the Research Center for Innovative Lifestyle, and Director of the Design Creativity Research Unit at the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST). She earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Chiba University and obtained her PhD in Computing Sciences from the University of Technology, Sydney. Her research interests are the “human aspect of creativity,” which includes cognition and morality, and the “social aspect of creativity,” which includes innovation, culture, and ethics. She believes that discussing the meanings of design will help clarify both aspects. Understanding people’s motivations in working with arts is a key model for her deep insights into design creativity. Currently, she is a Leader of the Special Interest Group of Design Creativity at The Design Society, an Advisory Board Member of the Design Society, and a Fellow of Design Research Society.

Yoram ImageYoram Reich - Tel Aviv University, Israel

Yoram Reich is a Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv University. He oversees the design and CAD track in undergraduate studies; he is an elected member of Tel Aviv University Senate and Board of Governors and a member of the Academic Board of Holon Institute of Technology. He practiced engineering design for more than 7 years; he worked as a researcher or visiting professor at Carnegie Mellon University, Duke University, and Stanford University. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Research in Engineering Design and an editorial board member of 7 other journals, a founder and past co-chair of the Design Theory special interest group of the Design Society, and an elected member of its Advisory Board. He is also a Fellow of the Design Research Society. Prof. Reich co-founded and is the Chairman of the Israel Institute for Empowering Ingenuity.

Stephan Rudolph ImageStephan Rudolph - University of Stuttgart, Germany

Dr. Stephan Rudolph is Head of the Design Theory and Similarity Mechanics Group at the Institute of Aircraft Engineering at the University of Stuttgart. The design theory research is focused on formal methods in engineering design synthesis, preferably using graph-based design languages, automatic model generation and design evaluation methods. In design language research the questions of uniqueness, consistency, validation and verification of design languages are theoretically investigated, the practical focus is on graph-based design languages development for automatic product design of satellites, aircraft etc. and digital factory planning and simulation and architecture (BIM). The research in similarity mechanics is focused on applications in engineering and artificial intelligence.

Kirsti ImageKristi Schmidt Bauerly - Apple Inc, California, USA

Kristi E. S. Bauerly, PhD, is a human factors engineer on Apple Inc.’s Industrial Design team in Cupertino, California. She holds a B.S.E. degree in industrial engineering with a focus in human factors from The University of Iowa and M.S.I.E. and PhD degrees in industrial and operations engineering specializing in ergonomics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Since 2006, she has worked with the industrial design team at Apple to optimize hardware user experience.

Colleen ImageColleen Seifert - University of Michigan, USA

Colleen M. Seifert, PhD, is an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. She received a BA degree in psychology from Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota, and MS, MPhil, and PhD degrees in psychology from Yale University. She completed the interdisciplinary Cognitive Science graduate program at Yale, combining psychology and computer science. She has co-authored the textbook Learn Psychology (2013). She is a Fellow of the American Psychological Society, and past president and executive officer of the international Cognitive Science Society. She was the recipient of an American Society for Engineering Education Postdoctoral Fellowship, a Spencer Foundation Fellowship from the National Academy of Education, and a University of Michigan Faculty Recognition Award. She is currently the chair of the interdisciplinary Design Science graduate program at the University of Michigan.

Steven Smith ImageSteven Smith - Texas A&M University, USA

Steven M. Smith is a Professor of Psychology at Texas A&M University, and is one of the founding members of the Creative Cognition group there. Dr. Smith's interdisciplinary work, which bridges his research on creative cognition with creative engineering design, business, patent law, and computer science, has dealt with creative conceptual design in engineering, and with information discovery in computer science, and has been supported by the National Science Foundation. He has given invited addresses on creative cognition research around the world, including England, France, Spain, Colombia, Japan, and China. His experimental work on context-dependent memory influenced memory enhancement techniques that are used forensically to enhance eyewitness memory, and he has served as an expert on eyewitness memory in numerous legal cases.

Sandro ImageSandro Wartzack - University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

Professor Sandro Wartzack is Chair of Engineering Design (KTmfk) at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), one of the leading research institutes with about 30 scientists in the field of engineering design and product development in Germany. The focus of research and academic teaching is on design methodology, virtual product development and machine elements.

Kristin Wood ImageKristin Wood - Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore

Dr. Kristin L. Wood completed his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in the Division of Engineering and Applied Science at the California Institute of Technology, where he was an AT&T Bell Laboratories Ph.D. Scholar. After UT Austin, Dr. Wood was the Associate Provost for Graduate Studies, a Professor of Engineering and Product Development, founding EPD Head of Pillar, and Co-Director of the SUTD-MIT International Design Center at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Dr. Wood has published more than 500 refereed articles and books, has received more than 100 national and international awards in design, research, and education, consulted with more than 100 companies and government organizations on Design Innovation and Design Thinking, and is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

Maria Yang ImageMaria YangMassachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Maria Yang is Professor of Mechanical Engineering at MIT, and is founder and director of the Ideation Lab ( Her research centers on the understanding the impacts of preliminary, ambiguous phases of the design process of both products and complex engineered systems. She is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering and has received the National Science Foundation CAREER award and the American Society of Engineering Education Merryfield Design Award. She earned her SB from MIT, her MS and PhD from Stanford University, all in Mechanical Engineering. Yang previously served as Director of Design at Reactivity, a Silicon Valley startup now a part of Cisco Systems.

Bernard Yannou ImageBernard Yannou - Ecole Centrale Paris, France

Bernard Yannou, PhD, is a Professor of Design and Industrial Engineering in Ecole Centrale Paris (ECP). Deputy-director of Industrial Engineering Lab., he is in charge of the IE M. S. and the last-year Innovative System Design & Development curriculum. He holds a M. S. in mechanical engineering from Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan (ENSC), a M. S. of computer Science from Paris-6 University and a PhD from ENSC. He conducted research for a number of industrial companies: Dassault Systemes, Renault, Schlumberger, Johnson Controls, Airbus, Eurocopter, Safran, Bouygues Construction, Schneider Electric. He coordinated eight textbooks in French language on design and innovation of industrial products. He is member of the Advisory Board of the Design Society, member of the ASME and Associate Editor of the Journal of Mechanical Design. Areas of interest: design automation, innovation engineering, eco-design.