Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 July 2012
Details of the anatomy of the heart and the great vessels are recorded in the following genera of prosimian Primates, Loris, Arctocebus, Perodicticus, Galago, Galagoides, Hapalemur, Lemur, Lepilemur and Propithecus, and comparison made with previously published data on Nycticebus. Special attention is drawn to the proportions, shape and mode of branching of the systemic aorta, which is of typical lemurine pattern in all but Loris and Propithecus. In the heart, attention is paid particularly to the valvular arrangements in the right atrium, where much variation has been found; to the number of pulmonary veins entering the left atrium, also a variable feature; to the internal and external morphology of the ventricles and the valvular arrangements therein. The presence of an os cordis is recorded for the first time in any Primate (viz. in Loris), and the occurrence is mentioned of “brown” (glandular) fat sub-epicardially in Loris. The significance is discussed of the principal anatomical features.