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Advances in Animal Free Models and Data Analysis for Drug Development
07 Aug 2024 to 31 Jan 2025

The ever changing landscape of animal-free research is increasingly gaining momentum and relevance by the recent announcement of the FDA that some animal tests before human drug trials may no longer be required. In light of these developments this special edition invites submissions covering reviews on advances of animal-free models and data analysis for drug development focussing on human diseases and regeneration. This includes in vitro/ex vivo modelling, bioprinting, the use of 3D structures such as spheroids, organoids or cellular scaffolds, software development, mathematical modelling and computational approaches that support animal-free, alternative drug development.  We invite submission to this Special collection on Animal-free models and data analysis via the Editorial Manager. You may want to discuss the suitability of your proposed reviews with one of our Special collection Editors (see below).

Special Collection Editors

Anke Brüning-Richardson (

Sabine Knipp (

Submission Deadline: 31st January 2025