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DLX6-AS1: a putative lncRNA candidate in multiple human cancers
Date: 10 May 2022
Location: Online

Speaker: Paola Dama achieved her MS degree in Cellular Biology at University Federico II in Naples (IT). 

Background: As an undergraduate student at TIGEM, she published a study on the approach of gene therapy in the MSD, a rare metabolic genetic disease in a mouse model. 

She received her Ph.D. in Molecular Oncology at the University of Ferrara (IT) and at The Ohio State University in Columbus (OH, USA) under the supervision of Stefano Volinia and the mentoring of Carlo Croce, leading a study of miRNAs in pluripotent stem cells and metastasis in invasive breast cancer and gliomas.  

She conducted her first post-doctoral studies at the Comprehensive Cancer Center of The Ohio State University assessing the functional role of key drivers candidates of endometrial tumorigenesis. At the University of Chicago Medical Center in Chicago (IL, USA) she specialized in immunotherapy in Leukemias and Lymphomas, using effective methods to detect neoantigens from human tissues and describing the role of checkpoint inhibitors in leukemia patients treated with chemotherapy.  

She’s currently a research fellow at the School of Life Sciences at the University of Sussex in Brighton (UK). The aim of Paola’s research is to investigate the role of coding and non-coding alterations on cancer pathogenesis and progression with specific emphasis on the development of a new method to identify new miRNAs targets in Pancreatic cancer guided by Crispr/Cas9 and next-generation sequencing technologies. 

Since 2020 Paola collaborate with Mohsen Sheykhhasan of Hamadan University of Medical Sciences, Department of Medicine in Iran. They are co-authors of two reviews and others are in preparation.  

Click here to view Paola’s paper published in Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine.

Click here to watch the webinar.