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Call for papers: Scholars Workshop: Global Crisis and Global Constitutionalism

Possible topics include but are not limited to:

  • Contestation of global norms 
  • Global justice 
  • Transnational democracy 
  • Post-colonial critiques of global constitutionalism 
  • Non-western approaches to global constitutionalism 
  • The implications of the rise of populist and nationalist movements for global constitutionalism
  • Global constitutionalism and cultural diversity 
  • International courts and contemporary challenges to international courts 
  • The rule of law from a global perspective 
  • Contemporary challenges to democracy 
  • The legitimate role of the judiciary in the global order

In order to apply, please submit an English language paper abstract of up to 400 words and an academic biography of 150 words at

The deadline for submissions is 18th of March, 2022