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Future Earth and Global Sustainability Webinar - Charting the course for the next decade of Sustainability Research and Innovation.
Date: 01 Oct 2024
Location: Zoom - Webinar (13:00-14:00 BST)

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Join us for an interactive webinar discussing the latest findings from the Future Earth research community, as featured in a special issue of Global Sustainability. This webinar will cover the pressing scientific questions emerging from Future Earth's Global Research Networks and other organizations addressing global environmental challenges. 

Key topics include: 

  • Turning climate science into climate action 

  • The future of knowledge co-production in the Anthropocene 

  • Research governance on the frontiers of the Sustainable Development Goals 

  • Transdisciplinary collaboration in planetary health 

Explore how decades of research are accelerating transformations to global sustainability through innovative research and policy integration. 


Paul Shrivastava - Speaker
Paul Shrivastava, Professor of Management & Organizations at the Pennsylvania State University.
 served for five years as the university’s Chief Sustainability Officer and Director of the Sustainability Institute. In December 2023 he was elected CoPresident of the Club of Rome. Previously he served as the founding Executive Director of Future Earth. He has published 19 books and over 150 articles in refereed scholarly, and professional journals and books.  He has served on numerous advisory boards and editorial boards of leading management journals. His work focuses on development and implementation of transdisciplinary sustainability systems. 
Frances Harris
Frances Harris, Reader in Education and the Environment, University of Hertfordshire.
Frances has been involved in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research concerning food production, natural resource management, rural livelihoods and environmental education in the UK, Africa and Asia. A series of research projects funded by the UK’s DEFRA, ESRC-RELU, ESRC Nexus network and Global Challenges Research Fund have examined the development and functioning of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research teams as they negotiate research, analyse data and collaborate to disseminate research results. Frances is a member of the steering committee of Future Earth’s Health Knowledge Action Network.

Thomas Hickmann
Thomas Hickmann, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, Lund University.
Thomas is concerned with the study of political responses to global environmental changes and related transboundary sustainability challenges. He is especially intrigued by the question of how societies can adequately deal with global common goods and which institutions need to be in place to overcome collective action problems. Thomas has a proven track record of peer-reviewed articles in prestigious academic journals including Ambio, Nature Sustainability and International Studies Review. His most recent book published with Cambridge University Press brought together 61 experts from all over the world to assess the political impact of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Jane Wardani
Jane Wardani, Director of Organisational Development, Live & Learn Environmental Education.
Jane is a Doctoral candidate at Monash Sustainable Development Institute whose research explores transdisciplinarity and collaborative approaches for planetary health at the environment-health-development nexus. Through her PhD research, she proposes a practice framework for transdisciplinary collaboration in planetary health in low- and middle-income and power-diverse contexts. Her research and current work applies a collaborative environmental governance lens to shed light on the importance of local knowledge and diversity and inclusion in building climate resilience in such contexts.


Giles B. Sioen

Giles B. Sioen, Future Earth Global Secretariat & The University of Tokyo, Japan.
Giles’ activities transcend traditional scientific boundaries, employing a transdisciplinary systems science approach that centers on urban planning and public health scenarios. Giles coordinates Future Earth's Global Research Networks, spearheading the development of processes that foster collaboration across diverse disciplines, and actively contributing to efforts to increase the relevance of science for transformations. Beyond his core focus, he is passionate about sustainability science concepts and holistic approaches to solve global challenges. Giles served as guest editor for the special issue “Charting the Course for the Next Decade of Sustainability Research and Innovation”.  

Judit Ungvari
Judit Ungvari, Future Earth Global Secretariat & George Mason University, USA.
Judit is an ecologist by training with expertise in avian biology in tropical habitats, but has been working on the interface of science and policy for several years in support of transdisciplinary global change research. As co-lead of Research Innovation at Future Earth, she now works primarily on activities of the Global Research Networks and other research initiatives. Her interests include sustainability science, science diplomacy, supporting open science and research efforts, and communicating science to the public. Judit served as guest editor for the special issue “Charting the Course for the Next Decade of Sustainability Research and Innovation”.