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Special Issue on HPLSE 2021
05 Mar 2021

The Conference Chairs are currently soliciting high-profile papers to organize a special issue for The 4th International Symposium on High Power Laser Science and Engineering (HPLSE 2021). We sincerely invite you to contribute a research article or a review. We hope that the special issue can be useful and meaningful resource to the community and that your paper will be an important part of the special issue. The papers will be fully peer reviewed and not a formal set of conference proceedings and therefore the scope for paper content is not limited to that presented at the conference. 

The special issue will be published in an open access journal High Power Laser Science and Engineering (HPL). Co-published by Chinese Laser Press at Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics (SIOM) and Cambridge University Press, HPL provides its readers with topics covering high energy density physics, high power laser, advanced laser technology, and high power laser related materials. It is freely available to all readers worldwide. 

The deadline for submission is July 31, 2021

You may submit your manuscript via online submission system at: Please select “Special Issue on HPLSE 2021” from the drop-down menu under “Special Issue” when submitting manuscript.

Conference Chairs:

Colin Danson, AWE/CIFS, Physics Department, Imperial College London, UK

Jianqiang Zhu, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS, China