Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Goedken, Cassie Cunningham
Guihan, Marylou
Brown, Charnetta R.
Ramanathan, Swetha
Vivo, Amanda
Suda, Katie J.
Fitzpatrick, Margaret A.
Poggensee, Linda
Perencevich, Eli N.
Rubin, Michael
Reisinger, Heather Schacht
Evans, Martin
Evans, Charlesnika T.
Evaluation of carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) guideline implementation in the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers using the consolidated framework for implementation research.
Implementation Science Communications,
Vol. 2,
Issue. 1,
Fitzpatrick, Margaret A.
Suda, Katie J.
Ramanathan, Swetha
Wilson, Geneva
Poggensee, Linda
Evans, Martin
Jones, Makoto M.
Pfeiffer, Christopher D.
Klutts, J. Stacey
Perencevich, Eli
Rubin, Michael
Evans, Charlesnika T.
Increased carbapenemase testing following implementation of national
VA guidelines for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales (CRE).
Antimicrobial Stewardship and Healthcare Epidemiology,
Vol. 2,
Issue. 1,
Ramanathan, Swetha
Suda, Katie J.
Fitzpatrick, Margaret A.
Guihan, Marylou
Goedken, Cassie Cunningham
Safdar, Nasia
Evans, Martin
Jones, Makoto
Pfeiffer, Christopher D.
Perencevich, Eli N.
Rubin, Michael
Evans, Charlesnika T.
A survey of infection control strategies for carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Department of Veterans’ Affairs facilities.
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology,
Vol. 43,
Issue. 7,
Timbrook, Tristan T
Olin, Katherine E
Spaulding, Usha
Galvin, Ben W
Cox, Charles B
Epidemiology of Antimicrobial Resistance Among Blood and Respiratory Specimens in the United States Using Genotypic Analysis From a Cloud-Based Population Surveillance Network.
Open Forum Infectious Diseases,
Vol. 9,
Issue. 7,
Claeys, Kimberly C.
Weston, Lauren E.
Pineles, Lisa
Morgan, Daniel J.
Krein, Sarah L.
Implementing diagnostic stewardship to improve diagnosis of urinary tract infections across three medical centers: A qualitative assessment.
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology,
Vol. 44,
Issue. 12,