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Review process

This journal uses a single-anonymous model of peer review. The author does not know the identity of the reviewers, but the reviewers know the identity of the author. 


Introductory resources for peer reviewers can be found on Cambridge Core here.


Guidance on ethical peer review can be found on Cambridge Core here.

All papers judged to be appropriate for further review will be assessed by two or more reviewersThe Editor-in-Chief’s decision to accept, reject or request revision of the paper for publication will be final. The abstract and author details will be seen by prospective reviewers of the manuscript. Authors should suggest the names and contact information of experts qualified to review the work, but the Editor-in-Chief is not obliged to follow these suggestions. Papers must bear the authors’ names, titles (e.g., Dr, Professor, etc.), affiliation(s), and address(es). This information will be seen by reviewers. Reviewers’ names will not be supplied to authors unless a reviewer asks to be so identified. Authors will be provided with a copyright transfer form to sign after acceptance of the manuscript, consenting to publication of the paper in International Psychogeriatrics.