Published online by Cambridge University Press: 22 January 2009
Nicholas Crispe (1598–1666) played a very important part in the developing of English trading contacts with West Africa in the seventeenth century. He obtained a commanding position within the African company in 1628 and did much to secure the company's reconstitution on a sounder basis in 1631. From 1631 until 1644 Crispe was the driving force behind the trade and, in particular, directed and largely financed the successful English entry into the gold trade of the Gold Coast, where permanent English factories with resident traders were established for the first time and a fort was started at Kormantin. After the Restoration he tried to regain his former position, but was unsuccessful, though his membership of the Company of Adventurers did give him some influence on the trade. Other members of the family were also involved in the African trade, sometimes in a significant way, over the same period.
1 Dictionary of National Biography (D.N.B.); Biographia Britannica; Characters of Eminent Citizens, quoted in the above.
2 Calendar of State Papers (C.S.P.), (Colonial), 1574–1660, 07 1625.Google Scholar
3 Scott, W. R., The Constitution and Finance of English, Scottish and Irish Joint-Stock Companies to 1720, 11 (Peter Smith, New York, 1951; originally published 1910-1912), 11Google ScholarCarr, C. T., Select Charters of Trading Companies, 1530–1707 (Quaritch, London, 1913), 99.Google ScholarCambridge History of the British Empire (hereafter C.H.B.E.), 438.Google Scholar
4 Blake, J. W., ‘The farm of the Guinea trade in 1631,’ in Cronne, H. A. and others, Essays in British and Irish History (London, 1949), 92.Google Scholar
5 C.S.P. (Col.), 1574–1660, 25 05 1650, p. 339. State papers (S.P.), (Col.), xi, 15.Google ScholarBlake, , op. cit. 101.Google Scholar
6 Zook, G. F., The Company of Royal Adventurers (reprinted from The Journal of Negro History, iv, (2) (04 1919), 6.Google ScholarC.S.P. (Col.), 1574–1660, under 1621. S.P. (Dom.), James I, cxxiv, 115, and C.S.P. (Dom.), 1619–23, p. 330,Google Scholar quoted in Scott, op. cit. 12. Blake, , op. cit. 94, 103.Google Scholar
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8 Ibid. 93–4. House of Commons Journals, 1 (1624), 710.
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12 Ibid. 93–6.
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16 S.P., Chas. I, 154, p. 42. C.S.P. (Dom.), 1629–3,, p. 131.Google Scholar
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18 See note 16 above.
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21 Blake, , op. cit. 99, 103.Google Scholar
22 Ibid. 98, 102.
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27 Furley Papers (hereafter F.P.) in the Balme Library, University of Ghana; Blue Notebooks, 1624–38 book, pp. 111–15 1635–55 book, Swedish replies to English complaints. (See note, p. 77, on the Furley Papers.) Blake, , op. cit. 88.Google Scholar
28 Biographia Britannica.
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42 Ibid. letter of Feb. 1634.
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46 Zook, op. cit. Crispe refs.
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48 SirNicholas, Crispe, Petition to the House of Commons, British Museum reference 1669 F. 26 (27).Google Scholar
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54 Ibid. letter of 17 Dec. 1640.
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56 The Case of Sir John and Mr Charles Crisp, grandsons [sic] of Sir Nicholas Crisp. In Relation to the Forts and Castles of Africa. British Museum reference 8223 e 4. House of Commons Journals, XI, 542; xii, 166; xvi, 180.Google ScholarCrisp, E., Collections Relating to the Family of Crispe, 1 (London, 1882), 32; the will of Sir Nicholas. See note 48 above.Google Scholar
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61 Characters of Eminent Citizens, op. cit.
62 See note 48 above.
63 D.N.B.; Characters of Eminent Citizens, op. cit.
64 Zook, op. cit. ch. 1.
65 House of Commons Journals, xvi 180.Google Scholar
66 D.N.B.
68 S.P., Chas. I, DXL., 368. Carr, op. cit. xlv.Google Scholar
69 Sainsbury, E. B., A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company (Oxford, 1922), 1644–49 volume. References to the Crispes.Google Scholar
70 D.N.B.
71 Carr, , op. cit. xlv, quoting S.P. (Dom.), Chas. I, DXL, 368.Google Scholar
72 F.P., 1639–45 book, letter of 25 07 1643.Google Scholar
73 F.P., 1639–45 book, letter of 3 12. 1644.Google Scholar
74 Ibid. 205–1 and entry in journal for 15 Dec. 1645.
75 Carr, op. cit. xlv, quoting S.P. (Dom.), Chas. I, DXL 376. D.N.B.Google Scholar
76 Treasury documents in the P.R.O., T. 70/169, Thomas Crispe's deposition of 1655.
77 See note 48 above.
78 C.S.P. (Col.), 1574–1660, 25 05 1650, p. 339.Google Scholar
79 F.P., 1639–45 book, letters of 1 01., 27 05 and as 12. 1645; 1646–47 book, letter of 18 03. 1647. See note 52 above.Google Scholar
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81 Blake, , op. cit. 87.Google Scholar
82 C.H.B.E.438–9, quoting P.R.O., Interregnurn Entry Book, 1651, 1, 65.Google Scholar
83 E. Crisp, op. cit. vols. 1 and 2.
84 See note 80 (Cape Coast) above.
85 F.P., 1648–52 book, pp. 106ff.;Google Scholar 1653–55 book, Swedish reply to the 5th English complaint. C.S.P. (Col.), 1661–68, par. 467.Google Scholar
86 F.P., 1653–55 book, Swedish reply to 6th, 7th and 8th English complaints. T. 70/169, T. Crispe's depositions of 1655, 1664 and 1685.
87 See note 86 above. F.P., 1653–55 book, sworn statements of 11. 1655.Google Scholar
88 F.P., 1648–52 book, pp. 93–4, Treaty between Carloff and Bodema, King of Effutu.Google Scholar
89 Ibid. entry for 19 Nov. 1652 in Dammaert's Journal. S.P., Chas. II, 84, 178.
90 Zook, op. cit. 7, quoting Dammaert's Journal (1652–56, General State Archives, The Hague; incomplete copy in F.P., 1648–52 and 1653–55 books).
91 T. 70/169, Crispe's, T. depositions of 1655, 1664 and 1685.Google Scholar
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93 C.S.P. (Dom.), 1652–53, 4 03. 1653, p. 198.Google Scholar
94 See note 91 above.
95 Crisp, E., op. cit. I, 41.Google Scholar
96 C.S.P. (Col.), 1574–1660, 10 12. 1649, 12 04. 1650 and 25 05 1650.Google Scholar
97 See note 82 above.
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99 Donnan, E., Documents Illustrative of the History of the Slave Trade to Amerua, 1 (Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1930), 82.Google Scholar
100 C.H.B.E. 439.Google Scholar
101 F.P., 2653–55 book, entry for 27 07 1655 in Dammaert's Journal.Google Scholar
102 D.N.B.
103 Donnan, , op. cit. I, 170.Google Scholar
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105 D.N.B.
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107 Carr, , op. cit. 172.Google ScholarZook, , op. cit. 36–8.Google ScholarDonnan, , op. cit. 80 ff., 164–70.Google Scholar
108 Sainsbury, , op. cit. 1660–63 volume, 16 10. 1662.Google Scholar
109 Zook, op. cit. Crispe ref.
110 See note 56 (‘The Case of…’).
111 Zook, op. cit. Crispe ref.
112 Ibid.
113 Carr, , op. cit. 177.Google Scholar
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115 T. 70/75, 03. 1664.Google Scholar
116 T. 70/75, 15 08. 1664.Google Scholar
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118 See note I above.
119 D.N.B.; Crisp, E., op. cit. vols. I and 2, passim.Google Scholar
120 See note 56, E. Crisp ref.
121 See note 117 above.
122 T. 70/75, 27 Apr. 1665.
123 T. 70/75, Jan. 1667, Jan. 1668, Jan. 1668, Dec. 1671.
124 T. 70/75, Mar. 1666, Jan. 1668, Jan. 1671
125 T. 70/75, 4 Sept. 1671.
126 Carr, , op. cit. 188.Google Scholar
127 T. 70/75, Oct. 1672.
128 Davies, K. G., The Royal African Company (Longmans, 1957), 380.Google Scholar
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130 T. 70/1442, Nov. 1694.
131 T. 70/1446, June 1721, July 1722. T. 70/7, letters of 28 Oct. 1721 and 31 Aug. 1722.
132 T. 70/96, under 29 Jan. 1745.
133 T. 70/144, minutes of 13 Oct. 1756.