In the original article, Table 1 contained some errors to the data. The corrected version of Table 1 is shown below:
Table 1. Total casein and caseins' fraction content in DM in comparison with pony horse, cattle, buffalo, goat, yak and camel milk

a Present work.
b Miranda et al. (2004).
c Cosenza et al. (2011).
d Bai et al. (2013).
e Kappeler et al. (1998).
Furthermore, on page 3 of the original article:
‘Although with different values, the trend of the casein fraction content in donkey (β > αs1 > αs2 > κ) is similar to that observed for camel (Kappeler et al., 1998), but different from those observed for horse, yak and goat (β > αs1 > κ > αs2 (Miranda et al., 2004; Bevilacqua et al., 2006; Bai et al., 2013), cattle (β = αs1 > αs2 > κ) (Miranda et al., 2004) and buffalo (β > αs2 > αs1 > κ) (Cosenza et al., 2011).’
Should read:
‘Although with different values, the trend of the casein fraction content in donkey (β > αs1 > αs2 > κ) is similar to that observed for camel (Kappeler et al., 1998) and buffalo (Cosenza et al., 2011), but different from those observed for horse, yak and goat (β > αs1 > κ > αs2) (Miranda et al., 2004; Bevilacqua et al., 2006; Bai et al., 2013) and cattle (β = αs1 > αs2 > κ) (Miranda et al., 2004)’
The authors apologise for these errors.