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Temperature and Frequency Modified Fatigue Initiation Life of Solder Alloys Predicted by Endochronic Cyclic Damage-Coupled Viscoplasticity
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 16 June 2011
In this paper, an evolution equation of cyclically internal damage in the intrinsic damage time scale after the threshold cycles N0 was extended by employing its damage parameters proposed to be dependent of frequency (v) and temperature (T) under cyclic fatigue loading. The resulting damage-coupled endochronic viscoplasticity can drive v and T modified power form equations of cyclic damage and its fatigue initiation life = N1 + N0. Under fatigue tests with T effect and N0 = 0, the power form equation of N1(T)/
(Th), named as T-LCM (T modified Lee Coffin-Manson) equation for fatigue initiation life can bederived. The T modified factor
(Th) depends on the T dependent material elastic modulus, the cyclicstress-strain response and the damage parameters. Theoretical predictions in the life data ofSn/3.8Ag/0.7Cu solder alloy under cyclic strain test with Tϵ [298,393] K were very well.
Also under fatigue tests with v effect only, the power form equation of /v-LCM (v modified Lee-Coffin-Manson) equation for fatigue initiation life can be derived. The v modified parameter depends on the v dependent cyclic stress-strain response and the damage parameters. Theoreticalpredictions in the life data of 96.5Sn/3.5Ag solder alloy with surface cracking effect i.e. N0 ≠ 0 during cyclicstrain tests with v ϵ [0.001,1] Hz were quite well.
Obviously, the values of power exponents C in the T-LCM and the v-LCM equations can not be determinedsimply by the least square method as in the Coffin-Manson empirical formulae. Also, they must bejustified by constrains imposed in the material parameters defining in the cyclic stress-strain response andthe accumulation behavior of cyclic damage.
The resultant equations derived here and the Δ-LCM equation derived under Δ angle proportional cyclicstrain tests can be combined together to form a T-v-ΔLCM equation for fatigue life studies in the solderalloys using bulk specimens or BGA solider joint specimens.
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- Copyright © The Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, R.O.C. 2011
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