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Appearing quarterly in print and online, the Journal of the American Philosophical Association will provide a platform for original work in all areas of philosophy. The Journal aims to publish compelling papers written in a way that can be appreciated by philosophers of every persuasion.

The journal is now open for submissions. For more information, click here.

Professor John Heil, whose appointment as Editor-in-Chief was announced late last year, will be supported by a small group of Associate Editors who will be responsible for soliciting and assessing submissions in their respective fields. A number of internationally distinguished advisory editors will provide additional guidance. The full team is listed here.

The Editor commented: 'We have assembled a philosophically impressive editorial team committed to the development of a journal publishing articles of the highest quality that reflect the diversity of philosophy today. Our aim, spelled out in our Editorial Statement, is to publish compelling papers written in a way that can be appreciated by philosophers of every persuasion.'

Click here for the full press release.

Members of the APA will benefit from free online access to the new journal. In addition, Cambridge will provide all members with complimentary print copies of the first volume.

For more information, visit the journal's homepage.

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Journal of the American Philosophical Association
  • ISSN: 2053-4477 (Print), 2053-4485 (Online)
  • Frequency: 4 issues per year

Appearing quarterly, the Journal of the American Philosophical Association provides a platform for original work in all areas of philosophy. The Journal aims to publish compelling papers written in a way that can be appreciated by philosophers of every persuasion and to review papers quickly and fairly, encouraging succinct, constructive reports. The Journal operates a triple anonymous review system. Papers are published online early via FirstView as soon as feasible after acceptance. Instructions for contributors, statistics on acceptance rate and time to first decision, and a statement on the Journal's open access policies can be found here. The Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).