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L&C Call for Papers - Emotions and Corpora
07 Nov 2022

Emotions and Corpora:
Behavioural evidence for conceptual structure 


This special issue will bring together studies that advance descriptive and explanatory research on the conceptualisation of emotions expressed by spoken and signed languages. In an interdisciplinary manner, drawing on recent methodological developments in social psychology and usage-based linguistics, the authors will examine how people from different languages and cultures understand their emotional experiences. 

The research does not prescribe any specific theory, but makes the assumption that behaviour, including language usage, represents a crucial source of data for any qualitative or quantitative account of conceptual structure. To these ends, the unifying methodological aspect of the special issue will consist of empirically driven research using existing or purpose-compiled corpora. 

Call for proposals

We first ask for abstracts summarising proposed articles. These proposals will be examined and their content judged with respect to thematic cohesion of the Language and Cognition special issue. 

The studies should represent original high-quality research. Although quantitative methods are not required, the special issue will focus on empirical results and expect the highest standards of methodological rigour. The term 'corpus' here is intended sensu lato, indicating any use of contextualised natural language production. 

Each abstract should clearly state the research questions and hypotheses, explain method and data, and present (expected) results and their implications. Both descriptive and explanatory research is welcome. 

  • 16 December 2022: Deadline for authors to send in their abstracts.
  • 06 January 2023: Authors of shortlisted abstracts will be notified.
  • 31 May 2023: Deadline for authors to submit their papers. 

Language and Cognition
have a policy of “continuous publication” of papers. This means that papers are published as they become ready and we expect that process to roll out over 2023. The special issue will be completed by the end of the year and dated 2024.


To send in your expression of interest, please send your abstract to and

  • Max. 500 words  (including references, tables, and figures, if applicable)
  • Anonymised
  • Divided into sections (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion)
  • In a modifiable text format (.rtf, .doc, .odt etc.).

Rights and fees

Please note that there are no fees for non-Open Access publication of manuscripts. For information on Open Access publication, please visit the L&C 'Fees and pricing' page. Authors that are based at institutions with a transitional agreement with CUP will be eligible to have their original research and/or review articles published as Open Access, with their fee being covered by their institution automatically. The checker tool to confirm eligibility can be found here.

Open data

The journal Language and Cognition has an open data policy. Assuming there is no ethical or propriety reason not to share the data examined in the study, the journal expects these data to be made publicly available. 

Further information can be found here. Please email us if you have further doubts or queries. 


Małgorzata Fabiszak -
Dylan Glynn -