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Social Linguistics in the Ussr1

Published online by Cambridge University Press:  18 December 2008

L. P. Krysin


The present review surveys the current state of sociolinguistic studies in the USSR, though due reference is made to papers on the sociology of language published as early as the 1920s.

The following trends of Soviet sociolinguistics are distinguished and discussed: (1) general theory and methodology; (2) socially motivated changes in modern Russian during the post-Revolutionary period; (3) development and mutual impact of different languages spoken in the USSR; (4) standard language as opposed to dialects; (5) non-standard language subsystems (group and professional slang, popular, non-prestige and colloquial speech, etc.); (6) language standardization and codification; (7) a study of pronouncing, morphological, and lexical variants; (8) problerns of language policy; (9) sociolinguistic aspect of functional stylistics; (10) sociolinguistic aspect of inter-personal communication; (11) mass interviewing of speakers and methods of the interview.

The review is supplied with a bibliography index.

Review Article
Copyright © Cambridge University Press 1977

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