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Virtual Collection: Sexual Assault and Law

Susan Sterett, Jeannine Bell, Margot Young

Co-Editors, Law and Society Review

With the recent focus, across social and traditional media, on high profile cases of sexual assault and harassment, it is timely to pull together a collection of past articles from the Law and Society Review that add to this conversation. Articles in this virtual issue date from the last thirty years. They illuminate a range of issues, for example: legal officials’ decisions about charging; challenges around conceptualizing sexual assault and its perpetrators; how juries are affected by evidence in sexual assault; and how women experience the criminal justice system.

Read a full introduction here.

Articles from JSTOR

The Rationality of Sexual Offending: Testing a Deterrence/Rational Choice Conception of Sexual Assault
Ronet Bachman, Raymond Paternoster and Sally Ward
Volume 26, Issue 2

Language, Law, and Society: Applied Implications of the Kennedy Smith Rape Trial
Gregory M. Matoesian
Volume 29, Issue 4

The Impacts of Evidence and Extralegal Factors in Jurors' Decisions
Authors: Barbara F. Reskin and Christy A. Visher
Volume 20, Issue 3

Articles Of General Interest
