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International Criminal Law: An Ideology Critique
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 July 2013
The article engages in an ideology critique of international criminal-law texts and discourse, drawing on a theoretical framework developed by critical legal studies scholars in order to interrogate, in a different jurisprudential context, the assumptions undergirding contemporary international criminal-law (ICL) scholarship. It argues that the triumphalism surrounding ICL and its adequacy to deal with conflict and violence ignores the factors and forces – including specific international legal interventions in countries’ political economies – that shape or even help establish the environment from which such conflict and violence emanate. In uncritically celebrating ICL and equating it with a pacific international rule of law, ICL scholarship risks shaping passive acquiescence in the status quo and discouraging more throughgoing efforts to address the systemic forces underlying instances of violence, including political–economic forces shaped by international legal institutions.
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- HAGUE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNALS: International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
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- Copyright © Foundation of the Leiden Journal of International Law 2013
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75 Akhavan, supra note 67, at 743–51; T. Meron, ‘Answering for War Crimes: Lessons from the Balkans’, (1997) 76 Foreign Affairs 2, at 6–8; Bassiouni, M. C., ‘Searching for Peace and Achieving Justice’, (1996) 50 LCP 9Google Scholar, at 18–19.
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79 Koskenniemi, supra note 61, at 2; M. Mandel, How America Gets Away with Murder: Illegal Wars, Collateral Damage and Crimes against Humanity (2004), 150; Akhavan, P., ‘Justice, Power, and the Realities of Interdependence: Lessons from the Milosevic and Hussein Trials’, (2005) 38 Cornell Intl LJ 973Google Scholar, at 982.
80 Scharf, supra note 78, at 916.
81 Rieff, D., ‘A New Age of Liberal Imperialism?’, (1999) 16 (2)World Pol J 1Google Scholar.
82 R. J. Smith, ‘Serb Leaders Hand over Milosevic for Trial by War Crimes Tribunal’, Washington Post, 29 June 2001.
83 ‘Bagging the Butcher’, Time, 9 April 2001.
84 Prosecutor v. Milošević, Transcript, Case No. IT-02-54-T, 12 February 2002; C. Del Ponte, Madame Prosecutor: Confrontations with Humanity's Worst Criminals & the Culture of Impunity (2009), 37.
85 See, e.g., P. Gowan, ‘The NATO Powers and the Balkan Tragedy’, (1999) I/234 New Left Rev 83, at 85; Chossudovsky, M., ‘Dismantling Former Yugoslavia, Recolonising Bosnia’, (1997) 7 Development in Practice 375CrossRefGoogle Scholar; S. Woodward, Balkan Tragedy: Chaos and Dissolution after the Cold War (1995); Phillips, P., ‘Why Were We Bombing Yugoslavia?’, (1999) 60 Studies in Political Economy 85CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Petras, J. and Vieux, S., ‘Bosnia and the Revival of US Hegemony’, (1996) I/218 New Left Rev 3Google Scholar; L. J. Cohen, Broken Bonds: Yugoslavia's Disintegration and Balkan Politics in Transition (1995). A useful synthesis of historical, political-economic, and legal work on the former Yugoslavia and its wars can be found in Orford, A., ‘Locating the International: Military and Monetary Interventions after the Cold War’, (1997) 38 Harv Intl LJ 443Google Scholar, at 451–9. This section draws heavily on this latter article in particular.
86 Phillips, supra note 85, at 89.
87 Woodward, supra note 85, at 51.
89 Chossudovsky, supra note 85, at 376.
90 Woodward, supra note 85, at 52.
91 Petras and Vieux, supra note 85, at 10.
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93 Orford, supra note 85, at 455.
94 Woodward, supra note 85, at 15. A similar point is made in Gowan, P., The Global Gamble: Washington's Faustian Bid for World Dominance (1999), 230Google Scholar.
95 Woodward, ibid., at 58.
96 Ibid., at 39–40 and 69–70.
97 Orford, supra note 85, at 455.
98 Ibid.
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100 Ibid.
101 Orford, supra note 85, at 456.
102 Ibid., at 456–7.
103 Ibid., at 457.
104 Woodward, supra note 85, at 17.
105 Orford, supra note 85, at 458.
106 Ibid., at 459.
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111 Krever, supra note 11, at 297.
112 Robinson, supra note 27, at 339; Milanovic, B., ‘The Two Faces of Globalization: Against Globalization as We Know It’, (2003) 31 World Dev 667CrossRefGoogle Scholar, at 679.
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114 Cramer and Weeks, supra note 92, at 44–5.
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116 Marks, S., ‘Apologising for Torture’, (2004) 73 Nord. J Intl L 365CrossRefGoogle Scholar, at 368.
117 Ibid., at 377.
118 Ibid., at 378.
119 Akhavan, supra note 66, at 10.
120 Drumbl, supra note 41.
121 M. Osiel, Making Sense of Mass Atrocity (2009) xi, 241, 243.
122 Fletcher, L. E. and Weinstein, H. M., ‘Violence and Social Repair: Rethinking the Contribution of Justice to Reconciliation’ (2002) 24 Hum Rts Q 573CrossRefGoogle Scholar, 618; Drumbl, supra note 41, at 25; Cohen, David, ‘Beyond Nuremberg: Individual Responsibility for War Crimes’, in Hesse, C. and Post, R. (eds.), Human Rights in Political Transitions: Gettysburg to Bosnia (1999)Google Scholar.
123 Drumbl, ibid., at 201.
124 Waters, T. W., ‘Killing Globally, Punishing Locally? The Still-Unmapped Ecology of Atrocity’, (2008) 55 Buff L Rev 1331Google Scholar, at 1334.
125 Drumbl, supra note 49, at 1309.
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129 Koskenniemi, supra note 61, at 26.
130 See Knox, R., ‘Strategy and Tactics’, (2010) 21 FYBIL 193Google Scholar.
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